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  • Oct 18, 2005, 02:43 PM
    Pet Store Puppy and House Training Problems
    My husband and I purchased Baxter a 5.5 month old Boston terrier about 3.5 months ago from a pet store. The first two weeks he had such severe pnuemonia he was at the vets on and off. Once he got over that we decided to crate train him since this was suppose to be the best method out there. We got a proper size cage for him at full size and then partitioned it in half for his puppy size. The first few weeks he would pee and poop in the cage and play in it. We were told that puppy mill/pet store puppies don't respect the "no eliminating in your den mentality." When we are home and I don't work during the day he will go to the door when he has to go, but if you don't catch him in the split second he is standing there there will be a surprise on the floor in front of the door. I know you are suppose to do constant supervision, but that can be very difficult after a few months. Baxter's current problem is that he will not "hold it" I can leave for 10 minutes or 5 hours and he will either pee or poop in the cage. He doesn't have an attitude... he just goes when he has to instead of trying to hold it. For longer periods when I am gone I reluctantly leave a frozen water rabbit feeder on the side of the cage, but I know that leads to having to go even more. By longer periods I could mean only 3 hours. So I searched the internet high and low and am now just desperate. Every website says don't buy a puppy mill puppy or dogs won't go in their cage if they can help it. It's a little late for the lecture and I am afraid that trying a different method like paper training will confuse him now. Where do we go from here? Will he just get it one day or am I looking at a lifetime of a dog eliminating on his terms? Please help... the housetraining books and in home trainers that don't help are getting very expensive.
  • Oct 18, 2005, 04:49 PM
    I think you want to stick with the crate, better eliminate in it than anywhere in the house. Then try to learn his routine and timing. Learn the signs of when he will need to go soon. It needs to go out the first thing in the morning, after eating, drinking, and sleeping. If it quits playing, and starts running around sniffing, it is looking for a place to go. When you take it out, take it to the spot and give it the command in a firm, but friendly voice. Keep repeating the command and let the puppy sniff around. If it does anything,
    Praise it. Really let it know what a good dog it is and how much you love it,
    And maybe a treat. If it doesn't go, try walking around or playing with it. The exercise stimulates elimination. Lots of accidents outside and praise for them along with a fresher house, may slowly convince him it is better to wait and go outside.

    I have done some research on the net, and I am appalled at many sites leave out either the command or the praise.

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