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  • Sep 5, 2007, 04:49 PM
    Boyfriends ex girlfriend problems
    My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. He is 3 and a half years older than me. We were each others first real relationship. But I am so insecure already and about 5 and years ago my boyfriend dated a girl he worked with. I worked with her to just not at the same time as him. She is 1 inch taller than him and she is 1 month younger. So they are close to the same age. I am however still a "minor" not by much though... and she isn't. She is skinny and I have some meat on my bones. And she went to college and now she just started at a hospital being a Respiratory Therapist and I clean houses with my mom. And when my boyfriend dated her they were both 15 and now he is 20 and they were together for 2 weeks and never talked on the phone and only saw each other a few times. All they did together was hold hands and kiss like twice. But it just eats me up inside. Leanna (my boyfriends ex) comes over to visit my mom and she knows I don't like her and she tries to rub it in that she's better than me. And I always take it out on my boyfriend and I know its stupid because it was a long time ago and he claims he don't remember and he never liked her. But I am so so so freakin jealous of her. She is so much better than me and I feel like that's what my boyfriend deserves not me. And I just don't know what to do I am ruining our relationship because of something so stupid. But I don't know how to quit being jealous of her and face up to the fact that I am not her and my boyfriend loves me not her. I know I need to get over it I keep telling myself that but it doesn't work. Please... any advice is appreciated
  • Sep 6, 2007, 11:13 AM
    If she keeps keeps rubing in your face that she's better then you, then ask her to stop if not talk to your mom. Yeah your boy friend might of liked her but that's in the past live in the present, your boy friend loves you and is with you now, just ingorn that girl who is bothering you. You know I think she's just doing this because she might be jeoules because you have your boy friend and she doesn't, ever think of that ?
  • Sep 6, 2007, 11:54 AM

    STOP... You know she isn't better then you, she doesn't have him you do. SO Stop letting her play with your head. You're the only one that can stop her and the only way to do that is for you to stand tall and let the world know you like who you are and then she will not have any reason to play her game anymore. Once she can't get to you her game is over.


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