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  • Jun 27, 2008, 09:39 PM
    Why do I get erections so easly
    Hi I am 15 and I have a girlfriend. I am getting annoyed with my erections. I get erections when I am just making out with her and not doing anything else and I don't want to be aroused. And also sometimes even if we arnt kissing if we get really close I get a erection and I want to be able to just lie with her without getting a erection popin up:mad: . Please tell me what to do. Any ways to help it stop
  • Jun 28, 2008, 12:16 AM
    I feel a little uncomfortable, saying this to a 15 yr old boy, but I commend you for asking the question.

    Try masturbating several times, before you meet up with her, or if you are with her and you feel like you are going to get an erection, politely excuse yourself from the room, and go into the bathroom.

    It's normal at your age, but it is good that you are asking questions, and you are respecting your girlfriend. I hope you aren't planning on going any further with her, at age 15. Believe it or not, girls will respect boys that have self control, and care enough to stop before it goes too far.
  • Jun 28, 2008, 12:28 AM
    Honestly, this is completely normal to get erections often. It is normal and it might be annoying but at the same time but it sounds like you care a lot and do not want things to get to far which is good. Is there anyway to stop it. Probably not, since your attracted to your girlfriend.
  • Jun 28, 2008, 12:54 AM
    As a girl, I was always amazed with erections. It meant that I turned him on! Boys are frequently embarrassed by the unwanted or unexpected erection. Girls either don't notice or know that it means that she is sexy. (Well, maybe that's just me.)

    Girls may be concerned that because it's hard, he'll take advantage. Can you talk to your girlfriend about your unruly member? If the two of you can discuss it and get comfortable with a natural occurrence then it won't be such an issue.
  • Jun 28, 2008, 01:02 AM
    I remember I used to get erections during my sophomore year of high school... around 1040am... in spanish class. For NO reason. My teacher LOVED it when kids would come up to the board to write stuff in spanish too... so you can imagine how rough that was.

    When you start getting an erection, I suggest you excuse yourself to the bathroom and "fix" yourself... either do what starby says or just adjust yourself so that it's not noticeable. The more you think about it, the longer it'll stay, so get your mind off it.
  • Jun 28, 2008, 01:49 AM
    Took me 7 years, but now I can say "hi" properly.
  • Jun 28, 2008, 07:43 AM
    I always try to think about something else and even if I am not thinking about it from the start I can't stop it from coming up
  • Jun 28, 2008, 08:01 AM
    I feel you, as you get a bit older, you'll get a better control of your body. In the meantime, do what you can to minimize letting people know, and you'll be OK.
  • Jun 28, 2008, 08:16 AM
    Wear whitey tightys instead of boxers, loose pants and longer shirts... may help disguise it.
  • Jun 28, 2008, 10:54 AM
    It is all part of being 15, and all the above answers is where it is at
  • Jun 28, 2008, 11:02 AM
    It does sound normal. It does happen and girls do learn about these things. As posted, wear a tighter underwear, position your penis upward. This minimizes what shows through your pants. Often, excessive masturbation can cause you to become less sensitive to stimulation. Later, it may become more difficult to achieve an orgasm by usual sex. At 15, accept that your body has changed some and that is perfectly normal.
  • Jun 28, 2008, 03:44 PM

    Originally Posted by T77Tiger
    Hi i am 15 and i have a girlfriend. I am getting annoyed with my erections. I get erections when i am just making out with her and not doing anything else and i don't want to be aroused. And also sometimes even if we arnt kissing if we get really close i get a erection and i want to be able to just lie with her without getting a erection popin up:mad: . Please tell me what to do. Any ways to help it stop

    OOh dude I know how you feeel, I guess it's a part of growing up and you know its okay. If you do find yourself getting one, say the pledge of allegiance it allways helps me.
  • Aug 5, 2008, 07:33 AM
    I cannot believe to read this kind of advices to a 15 years old teenager.
    He is having erections with his g/f and the suggestion is to try to try to masturbate because the woman will respect him more if he controls himself.

    Are you kidding?

    First, do you feel bad about this it is absolutely normal. Especially if you like your g.f this is exactly what you have to do. Masturbating is not respecting her or yourself or the relationship... "Go and fix yourself"... what kind of irresponsible advices are these...

    I suggest to get more education about sex, understand what it means, talk to your g.f and maybe to your father or mother...

    When you feel confident about your sexuality then you can have sexual relationship with your g.f. It is not a matter of age, but a matter how you think of it, and certainly feeling guilty for having erections is an indication not that you have to wait until 18 to have sex, but to understand what is about...

    And of course, if it happens to have sex with your g.f there is no problem, as long as both understand what you do, practice safe sex and you are committed not to get married, but to respect each other.
  • Aug 5, 2008, 06:17 PM

    Originally Posted by drehedis
    I cannot believe to read this kind of advices to a 15 years old teenager.
    He is having erections with his g/f and the suggestion is to try to try to masturbate because the woman will respect him more if he controls himself.

    Are you kidding?

    First, do you feel bad about this it is absolutely normal. Especially if you like your g.f this is exactly what you have to do. Masturbating is not respecting her or your self or the relationship... "Go and fix yourself"... what kind of irresponsible advices are these...

    I suggest to get more education about sex, understand what it means, talk to your g.f and maybe to your father or mother...

    When you feel confident about your sexuality then you can have sexual relationship with your g.f. It is not a matter of age, but a matter how you think of it, and certainly feeling guilty for having erections is an indication not that you have to wait until 18 to have sex, but to understand what is about...

    And of course, if it happens to have sex with your g.f there is no problem, as long as both understand what you do, practice safe sex and you are committed not to get married, but to respect each other.

    So let me understand what you are trying to convey. This is an underage child that is trying his best to respect the girl he is with. Are you condoning underage sex? Is masturbation wrong in order to relieve himself, so he doesn't jump into a sitution he may not be prepared for? And that would not be respecting her HOW??

    And what exactly are you trying to say, when you said "as long as you both understand what you do, practise safe sex and you are "committed NOT to get married.".......Whaaatttt???

    And yes my dear, it IS a matter of age AND maturity!! You need to be at a certain level of maturity, to make decisions that could quite possibly be life altering.

    If I understand what you were trying to say, you were giving a "green light" for any boy, at any age, to go ahead and have sex, as long as they "thought" they had all of the correct information. WOW!

    A 15 year old boy should know respect and limitations, and should be taught how to control himself, in order to learn respect for any girl he is with.

    Are YOU kidding? How many 15 yr old boys have you met? Again, I just have to say WOW! Some good advice has been given, and that is what the OP was asking for, but seriously! You may have to learn a little bit more about sexuality and respect yourself.
  • Aug 5, 2008, 06:24 PM

    Originally Posted by drehedis
    I cannot believe to read this kind of advices to a 15 years old teenager.
    He is having erections with his g/f and the suggestion is to try to try to masturbate because the woman will respect him more if he controls himself.

    Are you kidding?

    First, do you feel bad about this it is absolutely normal. Especially if you like your g.f this is exactly what you have to do. Masturbating is not respecting her or your self or the relationship... "Go and fix yourself"... what kind of irresponsible advices are these...

    I suggest to get more education about sex, understand what it means, talk to your g.f and maybe to your father or mother...

    When you feel confident about your sexuality then you can have sexual relationship with your g.f. It is not a matter of age, but a matter how you think of it, and certainly feeling guilty for having erections is an indication not that you have to wait until 18 to have sex, but to understand what is about...

    And of course, if it happens to have sex with your g.f there is no problem, as long as both understand what you do, practice safe sex and you are committed not to get married, but to respect each other.

    I am sorry but what total... OK, instead of normal feelings and learning to control yourself, you want them to have sex, no matter if it is even illegal due to their ages. Talk about what has to be a underage teen that has no idea.
  • Aug 6, 2008, 05:49 AM
    I am just saying that if you have a 15 years old boy which feels guilty about his impulses it is possible to end up a dysfunctional adult.
    I am not suggesting for the boy to have sex with the girl, if you read more carefully I am suggesting to him to become confident with his sexuality and not feel guilty about what he is feeling.

    If it happens to have sex, which is the case of many people, then he should not feel again that he has broken some kind of law of feel that he has not respected the girl that he is with.

    You see the fear in a young person about his sexuality, and instead of telling him to take is easy, you ask from him to wait to become 18, perhaps also take the permission from an advisor on how to feel and act.

    In the meanwhile, the girls of 18 at his age, will secretly laugh at him and tell him that he is not self confident and all the other things that we listen about young people today.

    It is not clear from my note, but, I am saying something to the boy, which both of you cannot understand.
    Just the thoughts of guilt, make the boy not mature to have sex, not because he will not be able to perform, but because the experience will not benefit him and the woman that he will be with. This is why I am encouraging him to talk to his parents first.

    As long as the age concerns, I have seen 60 years old people which are still immature regarding sex.
  • Oct 23, 2008, 09:27 PM
    Its because you're a guy bud lol try tuckin it in your waste band, should help in hiding it from her. Not fool proof though as its still there and able to be felt. Just more concealed
  • Oct 23, 2008, 09:34 PM

    You shouldn't feel guilty, it's a natural thing- and it happens to MANY guys at your age. I wouldn't worry about it. If she notices you could just say 'can't help it! I'm just very attracted to you'- she should understand. And honestly, at least you aren't pressuring her to have sex because of your feelings- I can respect that!
  • Nov 8, 2008, 06:09 AM

    My candid opinion is that erection isn't a problem, it is perfectly a normal part of growing up and at age 15 common, you are growing up, maybe the answer wld be not to have had a girlfriend at all at that age... you know, but I remember that in my growing up when I did not even have any girl friends, merely holding a girls hand could create troubles for me much more having a girl bump into my arm or shoulder with her breasts was just immediately sweeping me off balance and erection was inevitable, so I guess its not about having a girlfriend or not, but I really think that it will help you a lot discontinue from any trouble starting positions while with you girlfriend, like stopping any body contact at the time of noticed erection and when you feel right afterward you may engage contacts again, if I ask you to go to the bathroom, then I ask myself since this is like a constant occurrence, ''how many times wld you have to visit the bathroom in a short period of time'', don't forget you said you get erected when you are making out, its not just happening from nowhere, and I bet she wld respect you more for your abstaining acts because she can understand without being told.
  • Nov 28, 2008, 02:05 AM

    Tuck it under the belt or up by the bellybutton I find that works a dream lol

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