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  • Apr 14, 2024, 03:09 PM
    The NY Slimes needs a history lesson

    A few weeks ago, Mike Pence did what no other vice president in the modern era has done: He refused to endorse the re-election of the president under whom he served.
    Time to do some fact checking

    Let's put aside that most times when Presidents run for reelection they keep their VEEP . So there would be no reason to oppose their running mate.

    But there have been times when a VEEP refused to endorse their former President , The dispute could only be what constitutes "modern era.

    Grover Cleveland won 2 non-consecutive terms as Trump is attempting. But his VEEP Thomas Hendricks died of a heart attack during the first term. Under the rules at the time there was no replacement picked. That was 1885

    Jump to the 20th century . Was that modern times ?

    Teddy Roosevelt's Veep Charles Warren Fairbanks refused to support TR when he ran under the Bull Moose label

    FDRs Veep John Nance Garner refused to support FDR in 1941 (modern era ??? ) . He opposed some of the New Deal and well FDR was going for term 4 Garner had already thrown his hat in the ring before FDR announced a bid for a 4th term. So Garner did not drop out and support him.

    Fairbanks and Garner had policy differences with the President . Pence mostly supports and defends Trump's policies . His is a vendetta about 1/6 and a difference in Trump's personality and style .
  • Apr 25, 2024, 05:20 AM

    Grover Cleveland won 2 non-consecutive terms as Trump is attempting.
    This is in fact the 2nd time that there is a rematch between 2 men who has been President (both had one term before their faceoff )

    The election was 1892. Benjamin Harrison had defeated Grover Cleveland 4 years before ;thanks in large part to the deep state of their times ....Tammany Hall.

    Unlike the election of 1884, the machinations of the Tammany Hall political machine in New York City served to deny Cleveland, a reform-minded chief executive, the crucial electoral votes of his own home state.
    Grover Cleveland loses to Benjamin Harrison, Nov. 6, 1888 - POLITICO

    Cleveland the Dem was like Trump;the outsider reformer who emerged as a candidate out of NY . The Repubs had dominated national politics since the Civil War.

    And Cleveland survived sexual scandal to win his first term .(He had a child out of wedlock) That did not matter to the electorate because the Repubs had become the party of corruption. (the Dems were not much better ) America wanted a reformer ;and Cleveland fit the bill.

    Harrison had won in a nailbiter contest .But Cleveland rocked to the top of his party. The nomination was his almost before the process began. He won on the first ballot.

    Harrison's term was messy. The country went from relative prosperity under Cleveland to messy high inflation.

    Harrison created the conditions for a devastating financial crisis and a deep recession.

    Benjamin Harrison, Ideas, and the Seeds of Economic Crisis: 1889-1893 | American Government and Politics | APSA Preprints | Cambridge Open Engage (

    Cleveland ran on a policy of low inflation, the gold standard, and monetary discipline .

    To complete the comparison ;there was a populist 3rd party challenger . James Weaver won 5 states and 9% of the popular vote. There was even an independent candidate like Cornel West. John Bidwell ran for prohibition in 1892 . West just says we need better policies .But he is a commie.

    If past performance indicates future outcomes ;then Cleveland had a stronger victory than he had for his first term. 20 states to 23 state ..... 219 electoral votes to 277.

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