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  • Oct 13, 2005, 10:10 AM
    Are You Pregnant Or Think You Are? Have Questions? Post New Questions Here..
    Hi and welcome to the forum. If you think you might be pregnant, or are pregnant, post your questions here, as the other thread is getting so large that it's hard to keep them organized. Also, if you are a teen and have questions and/or fears, let us know and we'll help as best as we can, or find better help for you.:)
  • Oct 14, 2005, 12:25 PM
    Could I be pregnant?
    OK so here my situation. I got my period on September 23rd. On September 26th my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex because it was the second to last day of my period and my flow was fairly light. I have been on birth control for about two years now, however, during this previous pack (the one I took before my period on the 23rd), I missed two pills. I didn't think anything about getting pregnant until recently when I started feeling nauseous and just not myself. I'm always tired and I'm experiencing weird indigestion problems. Then last week I started spotting but it only lasted about 2-3 days and this is odd for me because I never get breakthrough bleeding in between my periods even when I miss pills. Then finally today, when I went to the bathroom this morning I wiped and noticed a brown discharge. Im not due for my period until the end of next week. When can I take a HPT? And what do you think my chances of being pregnant are? Thanks (o n by the way I am 18 and in college)
  • Oct 14, 2005, 01:38 PM
    Technically you can take it now, but I would wait because it's not really due until the end of next week. You can go out this weekend and get the store brand double pack this way you can take one now and then another one in two weeks. The pill is not EVER 100% effective, nothing other than abstinence is.
  • Oct 14, 2005, 02:42 PM
    Hi. Welcome to the forum.
    First, when in doubt - Always see your doctor.

    Second, you might be pregnant and a little light spotting is normal for most of us. Take a EPT or HPT, even though they might be negative does not mean your not. To be certain, have a doctor check you out thuroughly!

    Check out the following sites, they will help you through this a little more to reassure you. **This one is free to join and has it's own forum. Also covers other questions you might have, such as symptoms, stages, diet, exercise, medication and clinical procedures. etc.

    And just in case you are, you really should think about the responsibilities for the rest of your life and see a Family Planning Clinic for other options, such as adoption. What has the potential father have to say about your delema?
    You really should also think about future protection, not just the pill, as it will not protect you from other potential dangers that I'm sure I don't need to mention. If the young men in your life will not respect your wishes, then drop them like hot potatoes because they will probably not make responsible fathers either. Please don't think this too judgemental, I am just trying to help and let you know that you can count on us to advise you any time you need us. Good luck to you dear, and I hope everything will turn out well, now and in the future. Keep us posted.
  • Oct 14, 2005, 02:48 PM

    Originally Posted by momincali
    Technically you can take it now, but I would wait because it's not really due until the end of next week. You can go out this weekend and get the store brand double pack this way you can take one now and then another one in two weeks. The pill is not EVER 100% effective, nothing other than abstinence is.

    Another ATTABOY! dear. But the kids of today are just like we were, we have to all learn through experience. The only thing that bothers me is that parents don't educate early enough and boys are too 'proud' and claim that it just does not feel 'right' with a condom, which is B.S. I just hope there are enough guys out there who learned respect for women while growing up. Thanks you for your support in this thread. You're super.
  • Oct 14, 2005, 06:12 PM
    Thanks for all the feedback, and that whole double pack of tests is a really good idea lol. I haven't told my boyfriend yet about this because he is in college as well but in Louisiana and he's playing division 1 football. He's got a lot on his mind already between school and football and I don't want to worry him if its just a scare. If the test happens to come back + then I will worry about telling him. I really appreciate getting an older woman's advice, I wouldn't dare turn to my mom at a time like this until I knew something for sure. Thanks again!
  • Oct 14, 2005, 06:17 PM
    I think you should tell him about this. It is both of your responsibility not just yours. If you are worried about it he has a right to know. Who cares if he has a lot on his mind... so do you... you both did this and I would want the baby's father supporting me on this.
  • Oct 14, 2005, 06:36 PM
    I completely understand what your saying clukkes. But I have this feeling inside me that the test is going to come out - and I don't want to cause a big thing. I may be being immature in the way I'm handling this situation... I just feel bad.
  • Oct 14, 2005, 06:40 PM
    I know this is a hard situation but you need support. Do what you got to do. I would tell my boyfriend. It's not healthy for you.
  • Oct 14, 2005, 06:55 PM
    Thanks for the advice clukkes, chery, and momincali... im planning on taking a test next early next week. I will let you guys know what comes out of it. :o )
  • Oct 14, 2005, 07:03 PM
    Good Luck. And remember things happen fro a reason
  • Oct 14, 2005, 07:35 PM
    Miami - I agree, no need to raise an eyebrow just yet. However, I do think that even if the test comes out negative, this is a pretty important subject that you two need to address. You need to discuss what you two would do if you should turn up pregnant some day. If you're both in school, I hardly think this is the time for a family. Like Chery said, you have alternatives like adoption, which is of course the 2nd best solution for all involved, the 1st being don't get pregnant. At the risk of sounding like an old prude, I will tell you what I have told my own daughter (who is only 15). The sex may be great, but is it worth the risk of becoming pregnant and the heartbreak and hell that come with it? The condom can have a pin sized hole, your pill can fail, you can inadvertently become a little less careful, anything can happen. What would you advise your own daughter to do?? Even the sparrows plan and prepare their own little nest before making their babies, we could learn from these littlest of creatures. :)
  • Oct 14, 2005, 08:29 PM

    Originally Posted by clukkes
    I know this is a hard situation but you need support. Do what you gotta do. I would tell my boyfriend. It's not healthy for you.

    Clukkes is right, you need to tell him as soon as you find out, because if you plan on carrying the baby to full term, he will notice soon enough and might be upset if you don't tell him first. Who knows, he might even be happy about it and support you by making future plans together. If he gets upset about the idea then he's the wrong one for you, the sooner the better so that you can make plans for YOUR future, not worry about his. And at this point, why are you worried about upsetting him? You are the one that is going through this alone right now, not him. It took two of you to create this potential delema, so it will take two of you to straighten it out and make plans if the test is positive. Again, good luck to you dear and keep us posted.
  • Oct 15, 2005, 04:56 AM
    Why tell your boyfriend that you just "think" you might be pregnant? There is no reason at all to upset him, turn his whole world upside down, for awhile.
    Wait until you know, positively, one way or the other.
    If you are not pregnant, then tell him you thought you were, but you are not.
    Maybe that will throw a "scare" into him, as well as you. As stated by someone else, there is NO 100% effective condoms, pills, anything else, against not becoming pregnant,, except, just don't do it!
    If you are pregnant, the news to him will be enough to change his "whole world". whether good or bad.
    As another said, first thing to do is to see a doctor, get some Professional advice and tests.
    I also am an older person, at 63 yrs old, retired, married 28 yrs, still happily married!
    "Planned" pregnancies are the best kind. Stop taking chances...
    Best of luck,
  • Oct 15, 2005, 07:07 AM
    Thanks for all the feedback.
  • Oct 15, 2005, 10:16 AM
    No problem Maria, that's what we are here for, even it we don't always tell you what your want to hear, we are being as fair as we can, and give you further food for thought in the future. So, take care and be safe from now on. Good Luck.
  • Jun 29, 2009, 06:23 PM

    Ive been dating the same man for 1 year now. We have been having unprotected sex this whole time, the last time being June 6th. I had unprotected sex with another man on the 10th of June. The first day of my last period was on the 26th of May, but it was very light and lasted about 4 days. I tested positive yesterday the 28th of June and the results came within seconds. Could I be pregnant from the other man? Is it even possible to test positive that soon?
  • Sep 29, 2009, 11:48 PM
    buggy 4life

    Originally Posted by Chery View Post
    Hi and welcome to the forum. If you think you might be pregnant, or are pregnant, post your questions here, as the other thread is getting so large that it's hard to keep them organized. Also, if you are a teen and have questions and/or fears, let us know and we'll help as best as we can, or find better help for you.:)

    I'm so glad I came across this thread. I've had so many questions that I don't even know what to do...
    Well, first off I'm 17. Yes I know tha consiquences of having sex and tha procotions of sex leading to baby's and that children are a life long responsibility..
    OK, sept 6, 2009 my ex boyfriend and I had unprotected sex. We used tha pull out method (yes I am informed that this can also lead to pregnancy because of pre-ejaculation) I also know that this is not a form of birth control and that it is NOT a smart idea. We lasted at least an hour... and when he pulled out he released "himself" close to my vagina but not on it.. when I went to tha bathroom I noticed that I had started bleeding... I was not due for my period until sept 9th.. and tha bleeding was heavier than usual... is there a posibilty I could have goten pregnant? I have taken two hpt's and they both came back negative. I have been getting really dizzy, I've been really tired latly, I've had to pee like continuasly, I've been feeling like I'm going to throw up but then I never end up throwing up, and today I noticed that my breast seem to be getting larger and my nipples to be getting tender there are a lot of dark blue veins also leading to my nipple... I can't take a shower with out almost crying because tha water pressure hurts so bad. This would be tha 3rd week since everything happened.. I'm due for my next period 10-8 or 9- 2009, so I don't exactly know if I've missed my period or not.. I'm going to take another hpt on 10-12-09 and see what the results are.. but if you can tell me anything until then, please.. I need some help I don't exactly know what's going on.. and I haven't told my mom or my ex- boyfriend about anything I'm feeling or going through... thank you for taking tha time to read this and to resond. Have a veary blessed day.

    p.s. I don't know exactly the day I ovulated and I don't know if I did or not.. but could it be posible to still get pregnant if I didn't?
  • May 27, 2010, 07:12 PM
    OK well I was on the shot but I was spotting ever since I been on it then I was taking antibotic and I had unprotected sex and now I have bad cramps and I'm sleepy a lot and I be waking up I my sleep to eat like 3 4 in the morning
  • Nov 16, 2011, 03:25 AM
    OK so my girlfriend thinks she's pregnant and thinks that she hasn't had her period in 2 months

    What I was wondering is "does abortion effect her in any way? like will she still be able to have babies later on in life and phisically will she be ok? and down there and all will she be ok?"

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