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  • Sep 25, 2018, 05:22 PM
    Leave or stay
    I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years. After 7 months we moved in together and had our first big fight, he kicked me and my daughter out. We found a place of our own. After a few weeks passed by, my boyfriend and I decided to try and make things work, but still have our separate places. My lease is going to be up in January. We decided that once my lease is up I will move back in with my daughter (she's 17) and continue our lives as they were before I moved out. We had fight yesterday about some females sending him messages on Facebook and I saw them and asked why they were messaging him and who are they? He blew up at me and told me that he is allowed to have female friends and I don't need to know what the messages are about and the he is allowed to chat with them if he wants to. Well that fight led him to make a decision that my daughter and I are not allowed to moved back to the house in January. I feel like the relationship is at a dead end and can't go any further. If we can\t live together we don't need to be together. Especially since we work opposite shifts and only see each other for 48 hours on the weekends.

    Is this even worth continuing? I love him, but he has told me that our relationship ending wouldn't be the end of the world and life will go on.
  • Sep 25, 2018, 06:23 PM
    He is right about the world won't end if the relationship does, but for the sake of your daughter keep your own living places separate. I don't know if you two will ever get to the place that you can constructively solve your issues but for sure you are no where close and as you see love just isn't enough. You have seen enough the last two years to know that.

    Sorry I couldn't find a more positive response for your situation but maybe you can find a better more deserving love in your future once you realize he ain't it.

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