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  • Aug 17, 2021, 03:31 PM
    It's time to change the narrative
    With the Taliban success in Afghanistan jihadism has received a boost and Muslim terrorist groups around the world have received a boost. Biden thinks Al Qaeda was defeated in Afghanistan. This is far from the truth. The Bin Laden group was defeated in Afghanistan, but that was a Saudi led group, not a home grown Afghani movement. So the war on terror initiated by George Bush has been lost after twenty years and trillions of dollars and who benefited from this war? The liberated Afghan population, the liberated Iraqi population, no, just the over bloated US military industrial complex, so now they hungrily eye Taiwan for their continuation of profit, and this is feeding into the Chinese military which expands to meet the threat it sees
  • Aug 17, 2021, 03:38 PM

    no, just the over bloated US military industrial complex, so now they hungrily eye Taiwan for their continuation of profit, and this is feeding into the Chinese military which expands to meet the threat it sees
    There is no way Taiwan can prove to be a significant military market. They do, at least, endeavor to defend themselves as opposed to some other countries. Give em credit for that.
  • Aug 17, 2021, 03:50 PM
    I given them credit that they have lasted this long with US support but they are a relic of the cold war and a constant reminder of the great divide between communism and capitalism even though they have been a base for capitalist infiltration of China. China has benefited enormously from their presence and entrepreneurship, but it hasn't brought them closer.

    IF the US had occupied Taiwan as a Japanese possession in WWII and not allowed it to become a nationalist Chinese base we would be eying a different geopolitical situation right now. Once again failed US objectives dumped us right in it
  • Aug 17, 2021, 04:02 PM
    What ? Are you skipping your meds again ?


    So the war on terror initiated by George Bush
    you mean the war initiated by OBLs jihadists .


    so now they hungrily eye Taiwan [FONT=Arial, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][/FONT]
    Your narrative is warped beyond credible reason .We have no eye on Taiwan. We will defend them against aggression by China,


    and this is feeding into the Chinese military which expands to meet the threat it sees
    incredible ,you must be living in Bizarro World of Htrae where everything is backward (DC comics reference) . If and when China invades Taiwan ,they will be the aggressors . The Chinese military expands because Xi and the regime have territorial expansion as their prime doctrine and territorial ambitions on just about every neighbor .In fact ,Xi's 2050 doctrine about global dominance is as explicit as Mein Kampf Even Russia has to be wary of their alliance of convenience . The Chinese will not hesitate to carve out swaths of land in the resource rich Eastern Asia Russia .
  • Aug 17, 2021, 04:17 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    What ? Are you skipping your meds again ?

    No feeling a little off maybe it's covid


    you mean the war initiated by OBLs jihadists

    revisionist american history


    Your narrative is warped beyond credible reason .We have no eye on Taiwan. We will defend them against aggression by China,
    I sure know which buttons to push


    incredible ,you must be living in Bizarro World of Htrae where everything is backward (DC comics reference) . If and when China invades Taiwan ,they will be the aggressors . The Chinese military expands because Xi and the regime have territorial expansion as their prime doctrine and territorial ambitions on just about every neighbor .In fact ,Xi's 2050 doctrine about global dominance is as explicit as Mein Kampf, Even Russia has to be wary of their alliance of convenience . The Chinese will not hesitate to carve out swaths of land in the resource rich Eastern Asia Russia .
    Now you have correctly identified the american psyche. We do not live in a comic book world, you do. A world full of fictional superheros. I don't doubt China's long term goals but their aggression is as you say much more of threat to Russia than it is to us. they seek to hurt us economically but they have done more damage to their own economy than they have to ours
  • Aug 17, 2021, 04:22 PM
    I would reference Aussie mythology . But the only one I can find is about dingos . There used to be one about a spirit of rebellion . But alas that has gone .
  • Aug 17, 2021, 04:30 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I would reference Aussie mythology . But the only one I can find is about dingos . There used to be one about a spirit of rebellion . But alas that has gone .

    Dingos are not mythical beasts, bunyips are, modify your search to aboriginal mythology and enter the world giant spirit beings who shaped the world

    The spirit of rebellion is still here, eureka and all that but we gave up open rebellion in the days of Ned Kelly [something akin to Jessie James]
  • Aug 17, 2021, 04:39 PM
    The Dingo Took My Baby! - YouTube
  • Aug 17, 2021, 04:46 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post

    the dingo did take the baby and have attacked other children since in other places. Great harm was done to the Chamberlains because of the protectionist attitudes of the national parks and territory police. Open your search to include Frazer island. the Dingo is an opportunity predator and cannot be fully domesticated even my own grandchildren have had a run-in with a domesticated dingo
  • Aug 17, 2021, 04:48 PM
    It’s very simple Aussie logic. The United States attacked the United States which gave us an excuse to start, along with most of the rest of the world, the war on terror. Above all else it has to be, for clete, the fault of the United States. Aussie logic.
  • Aug 17, 2021, 06:48 PM

    The United States attacked the United States
    Yes 150 years ago, there is no logic in that statement in the present context. Aussie logic says we will do what we can and prepare for the threats we identify, not the ones you identify as a threat to you and your domination of the world. There are many theories about who attacked the towers, chief among them your own agencies
  • Aug 17, 2021, 07:31 PM
    It is now official. Your sense of history is…warped to say the least.
  • Aug 17, 2021, 10:44 PM
    No yours is warped, by an education system that recognises no place in the world for anyone else

    Remember this well, it is both a blessing and a curse to live in interesting times
  • Aug 18, 2021, 04:07 AM

    by an education system that recognises no place in the world for anyone else
    You have no idea what our schools teach. You are, as is oftentimes the case, just blowing smoke. Learn a little. Anyone who has really bought into the conspiracy theories about 9/11 in the way you have has no place to speak of anyone else's education. You no doubt also believe we really didn't put men on the moon either. Your bitterness has taken you to some strange places.
  • Aug 18, 2021, 06:05 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    You have no idea what our schools teach. You are, as is oftentimes the case, just blowing smoke. Learn a little. Anyone who has really bought into the conspiracy theories about 9/11 in the way you have has no place to speak of anyone else's education. You no doubt also believe we really didn't put men on the moon either. Your bitterness has taken you to some strange places.

    OH I believe you put something on the moon, a flag waves there, and I believe you put something on Mars, perhaps a flag waves there too, either that or we are watching the reruns of a poor movie. However, what you do in space and what you do on Earth are two different things. The Moon was a PR exercise, a demonstration of how great you are, still waiting for a repeat performance.

    Your country was once thought of as brave, but opinions have changed because of your recent actions
  • Aug 18, 2021, 07:13 AM
    Are you still trying to decide about the truth of those reports about little green men from Mars camped out at the White House? Hey, maybe THEY were the ones who flew the planes into the Twin Towers!
  • Aug 18, 2021, 08:04 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Are you still trying to decide about the truth of those reports about little green men from Mars camped out at the White House? Hey, maybe THEY were the ones who flew the planes into the Twin Towers!

    Anything, as they say, is possible in the land of make believe
  • Aug 18, 2021, 08:16 AM
    You are certainly living, breathing, walking proof of that.
  • Aug 18, 2021, 03:21 PM

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