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  • Apr 24, 2009, 09:06 AM
    I'm writing a book
    I want to write a book about what the world would be like if the continents reformed to one single continent. I have more than one question,
    First, Is there a way it could happen suddenly?
    Second, Could a bomb set off an earthquake?/ Is there anything that can set off an earthquake?
    Third, Would lifeforms on earth be the same species?, or would it effect the order of evolution in some why?
    I have a lot more questions but the first two are my main concern for the book. If you can help me I would greatly appreciate it. I want to make this book as realistic as possible.
    Thank you,
  • Apr 24, 2009, 09:15 AM

    I don't know about hypothetical situations, but I'd start by researching Pangea.

    Pangaea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Pangea Continent Map - Continental Drift - Supercontinent
  • Apr 24, 2009, 05:42 PM

    Suddenly? No. Suggest you read up on plate tectonics: it is NOT one of your faster processes. If there was ever an event so powerful as to make it somehow happen "suddenly" (which I can't image anyway) I kind of doubt there would be anybody left to appreciate it... and darn little other life... if any.

    I believe a suitably large explosion might set off an earthquake if placed in a location where conditions for an earthquake pre existed... e.g. on a fault that was already about to go. Maybe with an A- or H-bomb. I doubt it otherwise. Any Geologists about to take a shot?

    By the way, this is more a Geology question than a Geography question, methinks.
  • May 2, 2009, 03:36 PM
    Well, I've done a bit of work with nuclear weapon effects. It is believed that a properly placed nuclear explosion could cause an earthquake. Could it cause a "controlled" earthquake to achieve a desired result in continental movement? Well, I don't think we have a clue how to do that now. Maybe, we'll be that smart (or that stupid) in the future, but that time is a long way off if it ever happens.

    So, I'd say your book would be of the Science Fiction variety. It that realm, you could generate a story based on someone far in the future determining key points on the earth to explode nuclear weapons to move the continents together. It would take a lot of explosions over a fairly long time, but Science Fiction (well maybe it'd really be Science Fantasy) lets you escape from reality.

    I guess the book could deal with the human, social and political issues of the diverse populations of the world being able to interact with each other without the seas to act as natural boundaries.

    I don't think I'd buy the book - but, I could probably be convince to act as a reviewer of the manuscript.

    Hope these thoughts help a little.

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