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  • Jul 8, 2014, 09:45 AM
    Someone is spying on me HELP
    A person I know once installed a spying device on my phone which allows him to see all my messages phone calls photos etc... To prevent that I decided to use another device and I find out that the person is still spying on me. The person can access stuff I am sending/recieving (for example on whatsapp) even after I reset the device. I would like to know how he can do that and how to prevent that. PLEASE help. Thank you.
  • Jul 8, 2014, 09:56 AM
    Stop letting that person have access to your stuff? Personally I'd stop associating with "someone I know" if they did that to me.
  • Jul 8, 2014, 10:16 AM
    I am not associating with the person, I don't know how they are accessing my private conversations calls etc and I don't know hot to stop it, its like they have a spying device
  • Jul 8, 2014, 10:23 AM
    How do you know for a fact they are then exactly? You have to have access to place a device on your phone. That device won't be invisible.

    What motivation would they have? This is actually quite important to consider.
  • Jul 8, 2014, 10:33 AM
    One of my family member is tracking me I do not know how but to know when and who I'm talking to and I would like to stop it
  • Jul 8, 2014, 10:37 AM
    How old are you? And what country?
  • Jul 8, 2014, 10:42 AM
    I am 16 in the middle east
  • Jul 8, 2014, 10:48 AM
    I can understand why they are doing it then (it's very common in that part of the world) (some concept of family honor and keeping you virtuous)... and I'm going to guess (because I can't tell from the username) that you are female... and this person this other person is a guy. And Arrainged marriages are common and something you will be expected to accept. (a concept I don't agree with personally as we don't do this where I am from)

    I know how they are doing it, its actually a function built into almost all phones these days, a GPS... and no you can't really do anythig to stop it, because you can't disable it or turn it off without the right information your parents would have as they are actually paying for the service and its their phone technically. Its a technology that has actually saved many lives.

    It would be very different if you was an adult and the person doing it wasn't a family member.
  • Jul 8, 2014, 10:56 AM
    No you misunderstood, my father is spying on me I don't know how because we are in differen countries and he wants to know exactly what I'm doing. I want to stop it but I don't know what he is doing exactly
  • Jul 8, 2014, 11:00 AM
    Did you read what I wrote... particularly the second paragraph.
  • Jul 8, 2014, 11:10 AM
    Are you a female?
  • Jul 8, 2014, 12:13 PM
    Throw out the phone and get a new one.
  • Jul 8, 2014, 12:18 PM
    At 16 I doubt she's got the money to pay for another on her own.
  • Jul 8, 2014, 12:20 PM
    Does your father pay for phone account?
  • Jul 8, 2014, 12:33 PM
    I am a female I did use another device and threw my phone but he still managed to spy I don't know how... please tell me more about the device you talked about previously
  • Jul 8, 2014, 12:36 PM

    Originally Posted by larazz View Post
    No you misunderstood, my father is spying on me I don't know how because we are in differen countries and he wants to know exactly what I'm doing. I want to stop it but I don't know what he is doing exactly

    Do you live with your mother or other guardian(s)? Does she/they know your father is keeping track of what you are doing? Is she/they helping him keep track of what you are doing?

    This comes under parental rules and supervision. You are a minor and subject to your parents' rules even if one parent doesn't live in the same country as you do.

    Are you doing anything your parents/guardians should be worried about?
  • Jul 8, 2014, 12:40 PM
    Its not a device... all or nearly all smart phones have a gps built into them that people who are paying for the service activate.. or the police activate. Actually activate is a bad explanation.. its always active.. thre is software that will report it directly... or the cell phone service provider will know where it is automatically. THe right people can get reports as to where it is and where its been.

    You are a minor... and their child... there really is no right to privacy. And records of the calls you make and the calls you receive are kept no matter WHO your Cell phone provider is.

    Your parents actually are entitled to know where you go and who you talk to....its part of being a parent and protecting their child from anyone and anything they see as a threat or danger. And there are many more every day...not fewer.
  • Jul 8, 2014, 12:46 PM
    Yes I am under guardian supervision and they are noy helping with it . What I don't understand is even if they don't know which device I'm using they can spy? How
  • Jul 8, 2014, 01:08 PM
    I think you are being paranoid. There is no way for them to use a device they are not aware of to determine where you go or who you correspond with.
  • Jul 8, 2014, 03:07 PM
    I agree with Scott on the part of the spying on you with a phone they don't even have the number to, if their name is on the contract... they could do it... but on someone else's phone... on a phone they know nothing about... they won't be able to do it. ( I failed to adress that part earlier)

    Its not as easy as some TV shows might make it appear.

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