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  • Jan 30, 2010, 03:03 AM
    Have you made a difference?
    As we get older we sometimes begin to doubt our ability to
    "make a difference" in the world. It is at these times that our
    Hopes are boosted by the remarkable achievements of
    "seniors" who have found the courage to take on
    Challenges that would make many of us wither.
    If so, please let us have your experience.
  • Jan 30, 2010, 04:20 AM
    I worked in nursing home and hospitals for 15 years,after a while I became like a robot,just doing my job and not thinking about the elderly men and women who were in my care.

    After some soul searching,I decided to take a different approach to my job,and took some time to talk to these people,every one of them made an impact on me,I loved their humour and their stories.

    I left that kind of work as I could not tolerate some of the attutides towards the elderly in the carers profession,when I switched back on to the human element I became to emotionally involved.
  • Feb 2, 2010, 12:06 AM
    Hi, ROLCAM!

    Are is what you posted your thoughts, or the thoughts of someone else, please?

  • Aug 1, 2010, 07:29 AM
    I would say I have I overcome a very abusive and unhappy childhood, although I did do one thing right, I saved my sisters life when she was aged 2 years she had walked out in front of a car and was sat on the bumper, as it started to drive away, I ran out and screamed to alert driver to her being there.

    However my young adult life didn't get off to a very good start, by my getting involved with someone who turned extremely violent and abusive, I stayed in that marriage for 7 years, it ended after he tried to kill me, literally. Im a survivor though.

    I have 3 amazing Sons, when I look at them I know anything else I may have done wrongly but being their Mother is one of the most amazing achievements Ill ever make. Ive now married a most amazing man in turn I know how it feels to be Loved Unconditionally, and to Love Unconditionally, Ive been fortunate in many areas and as a resuilt Ive been able to help and support others, many of them at times, because its what I wanted to do.

    If I give I give, its given unconditionally. Ive never held a grudge and can also forgive and forget, I love life and Ive also known some truly amazing people as both friends or aquaintances, Ive had 3 girlfriends since the age of 7, I also had a best friend, for over 30 years.

    I believe Ive made the best of my life taken the rough with the smooth, faced diversity and adversity, on many levels, dealt with it and gone beyond it, and overcome its effects. I always aim to help not hinder,I try not to tar people with the same brush, and like to judge a person on his her merits, for who and what they are.

    Im not perfect, but I recognise that and mostly do what I can to deal with that aspect of my personality. Ive never been physically violent to another person, child or animal, nor would I want to. I think Ive made a difference, we all do Im sure...
  • Aug 1, 2010, 10:48 AM

    Not too many people have the chance to make a difference in the world.
    A noble thought but too far reaching for the average person.

    What I have tried to do is install values in my children and grandchildren that will benefit them and those they interact with in their daily lives.
    Hoping they do the same and it keeps going.

    What I do is try to never miss a chance to help anybody I can in any way possible.
    I don't care about being rewarded or even thanked, the way it makes me feel is reward enough.

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