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  • Aug 14, 2012, 04:06 PM
    Site for teaching IT beginners
    Hey all,

    I just got a job working at a managed services IT company, I'm mostly answering phones and creating tickets, and doing occasional troubleshooting on things that I know. I'm trying to find a resource I can use to "study up" for more practical problems and frequent issues that come up while working tech support. I'm lucky that I got into this job, but I feel behind the power curve and I want to try and stack the deck in my favor where learning is concerned as much as possible. Thanks guys!
  • Aug 15, 2012, 12:49 AM
    Find a mentor in your company more effective
  • Aug 15, 2012, 01:09 AM
    This is well worth a look, free as well: Microsoft Virtual Academy
  • Aug 15, 2012, 12:35 PM
    Online training sites like: are normally worth a look. Having a look on sites like this one & trying to answer a few questions is also a good way to learn! Most of the people answering questions on here have learn simply by trying to help others & learning from trying to solve their problems.

    Finally, why not ask you boss if he has recommendations. You've got the job so they obviously value your current skill set, so there's no need to worry about it. No boss would mind their employee coming up to them and saying "I want to be better at my job". You never know - they might pay for some training.

    *Edit* Please ignore anything in my signature below. It's been years since I last answered a question (sorry guys!) and it's a little out of date to say the least :)

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