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  • Feb 20, 2005, 09:23 PM
    Reciepe for dessert called Something Different
    Years ago there was a pkg mix called Something Different that you used an electric hand held mixer and then put the mix into an ice cube tray (the old ones that are metal with a handle to release the cubes) put it in the freezer for 3 hrs. and had what was similar to chocolate mousse. Anyone have a way to make this from scratch?
  • Feb 21, 2005, 03:16 PM
    Try this link. There are a couple of recipies there.
  • Jun 18, 2005, 11:20 PM

    Originally Posted by walt17
    Try this link. There are a couple of recipies there.

    Went to the site and found some recipes but nothing like the desert one I've looked for. Thx for the info.
  • Aug 9, 2014, 02:55 PM
    I know the post's question is from 9 yrs ago, but I just saw it. I'm responding because I found a way to make a dessert very similar to "Something Different" a long time ago. I loved Something Different & couldn't live without it. So, here is my homemade version of Something Different, & hopefully someone will enjoy it. Take a container of Cool Whip & add enough Nestle's Quick (you know, the powdered stuff), to make it taste like chocolate Cool Whip. If it's a small Cool Whip container, about 3 Tablespoons should do it. I always add the Quick to taste, the way I like it to taste. Stir the Nestle's Quick into the Cool Whip until it is well blended. Now, empty the chocolate Cool Whip into a lg mixing bowl. You are going to need chocolate ice cream too, the same amount as the Cool Whip, so measure the chocolate ice cream by filling the Cool Whip container with the ice cream. Now, empty the chocolate ice cream into the chocolate Cool Whip & mix the Cool Whip & Choc. Ice cream until well blended. You will also need Graham Cracker Crumbs, enough to make a top and bottom crust for your dessert. So, crush a bunch of graham crackers, perhaps 1/2 a box, and mix it with a tablespoon or 2 of butter, just so it sticks together. I don't use the ice cube trays for my dessert. I just use a plastic tupperware that is rectangular & about 2-3 inches deep. Press 1/2 the graham crackers with butter to the bottom of the tupperware. Now add your mixture of Cool Whip, Nestle's Quick & Chocolate ice cream. Save the other 1/2 of your graham cracker crumbs for later, after you freeze your dessert. Freeze your homemade version of "Something Different" for several hours. When it is sufficiently frozen, press the remaining Graham cracker crumbs on top with a fork. Cut into serving size pieces; Serve & Enjoy. I love it & think it is just as good as "Something Different".

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