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  • Oct 16, 2019, 12:07 PM
    Beto o'rourke wants to legalize opioids
    Beto O'Rourke went FULL RETARD in last night's Democratic Debate: Beto says he is in full support of legalizing Opioids! Last debate, he said he wanted to confiscate everyone's AR-15 (Manchin of West Virginia told him that he would not take his and Manchin is a a Demo) and now Beto wants everyone to walk around or drive around high on opioids.....I know most of you on here say Trump is looney but Beto is certifiable crazy and one big weirdo....He should have stuck to Punk Rock or Heavy Metal then he could have done all the drugs he wanted to do and nobody would have noticed or cared.
  • Oct 16, 2019, 01:01 PM
    I thought he said decriminalize?
  • Oct 16, 2019, 01:33 PM
    Decriminalization is just as insane as legalizing opioids.
  • Oct 16, 2019, 01:53 PM
    what is insane about allowing people to do what they need to do, you allow people to carry weapons and use them let them treat the accompanying headache
  • Oct 16, 2019, 03:33 PM
    Headache? Is that all you know about the opioid epidemic? Are you not familiar with all of the babies born addicted? People found dead in their cars in parking lots? Children neglected or abused because their parents are strung out? Police officers require drug to carry Narcan to keep an addict alive but not allowed to carry an EpiPen to save the life of someone in anaphylactic shock?
  • Oct 16, 2019, 03:55 PM
    Here’s that headache for ya Paraclete. The video is a little old, so the numbers have increased. This is my life. Delivering these babies and detoxing the for at least six months, then send them off to foster care. Long term effects of babies born with this addiction are not very well known yet.
  • Oct 17, 2019, 07:01 AM
    That's a horrible thing for an innocent child to go through, and I would hope child and mother get the help they need and addicts need help for sure to kick that addiction which could take years, but not all need to go to jail for a mental heath problem. Nor the average person need to be jailed for personal use. Opioids especially require a blood test to confirm use so it's not like a cop can do that on the spot. I got no problem with bad behavior being punished for any reason, but jail time for drug use is kind of messed up. I see it as no different than alcohol myself, just a matter of preference how you get your buzz on, but not all users are addicts, or criminals so jail is inappropriate.
  • Oct 17, 2019, 07:24 AM
    Talaniman: My problems arise with how drugs destroy people and that comes in two forms, one of which you alluded to and another one which you did not:

    1) The capacity of a person to hold a gun to their head and blow their brains out is suicide and, likewise, so is putting a needle into your arm or taking big doses of "other" opioids: Eventually, it will destroy your life because you become a slave to it and nothing else in life matters.....that's all on the user, as you say.

    2) The capacity of a person to gain monetary rewards for others misery is an inherent part of the drug "pusher"/dealer: These individuals are CRIMINALS, there can be no other name for their lower tiers (i.e. local "street level" dealers) they are often violent to those who can't or don't pay for their product, resulting in deaths, and at their higher tiers (the Drug Kingpins), they are super violent as they fight amongst themselves for "territory".....these are the real bastards that need to go to hell with the speed of light.

    I don't have a problem with others choosing to kill themselves after they have been told the consequences: Question: You know that stuff will kill you, right? Answer: Yes, but I am going to do it anyway! That goes for smoking, drinking, or doping. What I do not like one darned little bit is OUR GOVERNMENT (YES, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE "BOSSES" OF THE GOVERNMENT) getting into the "regulation" of these substances (like they have with alcohol and tobacco and soon will be with marijuana) wo that they can rake in more MONEY FOR THEMSELVES! I am really, really getting tired of being told that something is a "sin" or is criminal or is "bad for you" until the GOVERNMENT regulates it and sticks a TAX ON IT and SUDDENLY ITS ALL GOOD! That is total B.S.!!! They have done that with gambling and it totally bites my derrier!
  • Oct 17, 2019, 07:29 AM
    Opioids do not need a blood test to confirm. Urine works as well. That’s what we use in the hospital. As for cops, they are able to obtain blood or urine samples on arrest. As for the jails, it’s just as easy, or easier, to obtain drugs and alcohol. Rehabilitation centers are an option, but addiction is tough. If an addict is not ready to quit and get sober, they aren’t going to. No matter the consequences.
  • Oct 17, 2019, 08:47 AM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Talaniman: My problems arise with how drugs destroy people and that comes in two forms, one of which you alluded to and another one which you did not:

    1) The capacity of a person to hold a gun to their head and blow their brains out is suicide and, likewise, so is putting a needle into your arm or taking big doses of "other" opioids: Eventually, it will destroy your life because you become a slave to it and nothing else in life matters.....that's all on the user, as you say.

    2) The capacity of a person to gain monetary rewards for others misery is an inherent part of the drug "pusher"/dealer: These individuals are CRIMINALS, there can be no other name for their lower tiers (i.e. local "street level" dealers) they are often violent to those who can't or don't pay for their product, resulting in deaths, and at their higher tiers (the Drug Kingpins), they are super violent as they fight amongst themselves for "territory".....these are the real bastards that need to go to hell with the speed of light.

    I don't have a problem with others choosing to kill themselves after they have been told the consequences: Question: You know that stuff will kill you, right? Answer: Yes, but I am going to do it anyway! That goes for smoking, drinking, or doping. What I do not like one darned little bit is OUR GOVERNMENT (YES, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE "BOSSES" OF THE GOVERNMENT) getting into the "regulation" of these substances (like they have with alcohol and tobacco and soon will be with marijuana) wo that they can rake in more MONEY FOR THEMSELVES! I am really, really getting tired of being told that something is a "sin" or is criminal or is "bad for you" until the GOVERNMENT regulates it and sticks a TAX ON IT and SUDDENLY ITS ALL GOOD! That is total B.S.!!! They have done that with gambling and it totally bites my derrier!

    Prohibition as an example, the mob made money off it, until they repealed and taxed it now anybody can make a buck. Like all those sins as you say. For sure we don't need criminals making profits on stuff we do, not like doctors, the new dope dealers.


    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Opioids do not need a blood test to confirm. Urine works as well. That’s what we use in the hospital. As for cops, they are able to obtain blood or urine samples on arrest. As for the jails, it’s just as easy, or easier, to obtain drugs and alcohol. Rehabilitation centers are an option, but addiction is tough. If an addict is not ready to quit and get sober, they aren’t going to. No matter the consequences.

    As many drops as I've done how could I have forgotten! DUH! I stand corrected and forgive my aging brain it just ain't what it use to be. Too many drugs in my youth?

  • Oct 18, 2019, 03:51 AM
    Talaniman: Man, you are so right about "the new dope dealers" being doctors! They are out of control...….I was a "hyperactive" kid coming up in an age where they had just "coined" that term.....the doctors told my Mother that she needed to take the sugar away from me...and she did....and I calmed down.....well, there might have been a few butt whippings in the mix to help "drive" the intent across, but I CALMED DOWN.

    A few years ago, my neighbors boy was labeled as "hyperactive" in school.....the next thing you know, the DOCTORS had prescribed some powerful "dope" to him and that vibrant, full or life kid was walking around like a zombie! I talked to the Father, and maybe I overstepped my bounds a bit, but I told him I would take the drugs away from the kid and tell the Doctor to stick his drugs where the sun didn't shine!....and then "consult" the boy and tell him he had to calm down....take the sweets away, too.
  • Oct 22, 2019, 02:23 PM
    What gets me is the dope commmercials clearly marketed to consumers to tell your doctor about. Then those doctors have the free samples to push to you, and get paid by Big Pharma to push their products. It's a billion dollar industry, and your insurance company helps support it.
  • Oct 22, 2019, 02:39 PM
    Talaniman: You make a great point: Its all entirely disgusting with the DOCTOR-PHARMA synchronization. Very similar to the STATE TROOPER-INSURANCE COMPANY SYSTEM: You get a ticket for pay the ticket like a good little boy or girl.....but the Trooper, whose salary YOU PAY, has also reported you to your insurance agency, so your Auto insurance bill goes up! NOW THATS WHAT I CALL SERVICE! Good job, State Trooper!

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