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  • Jun 9, 2010, 08:19 AM
    I am a hindhu girl can I marry a christian boy without getting converted?
    I am a hindhu girl can I marry a christian boy without getting converted?
  • Jun 9, 2010, 08:23 AM

    This is just me, but I think you can marry whoever you want. All that matters is that you two love each other.

    Religion always makes things messy in my opinion, however you WILL go through a big mess if both families disagree about the relationship, in which most cases they do.

    How about if you or your husband have a child, what religion will the child be brought up to?

    If it were me I'd just dump the whole religion thing, get married and be happy with my husband.

    In short, can you marry him? Yes! Will it be easy? No.
  • Jun 9, 2010, 07:29 PM

    Sure. You can have a civil service, or you can work with the church.

    "Christian" is a pretty broad term as Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutheran's, Baptists, Prostants, etc. are all Christians and each faith may have their own marriage requirements. I believe Catholics are among the more restrictive and they do permit interfaith marriages and it is not uncommon for the ceremony to represent both faiths.

    Some faiths require you meet their general marriage requirements - for example Catholics publish bans, which means they publish the intent to marry for a period in the church bulletin, which is required. They also require pre cana, which is pre-marital counseling to ensure that you and your fiancé discuss key marriage issues like children, finances, managing extended family and things like that, which isn't a bad idea at all - it really is helpful as preparation not just for a big fancy wedding but for the marriage that follows. I can't speak to what other Christian faiths require.
  • Jul 11, 2010, 04:46 AM
    I am a christian, and I feel two different things on this subject.
    I have no issue with religious differences-but I don't think that the two of you should be together if your relationship with God (the same God) is terribly different.

    Also, some things to think about: children, families, society, church?
    If you and this guy do get married how will you handle the above issues?

    Can you get married without being converted? Yes.
    Should you commit yourself to someone with completely different views on God?. I don't think so.

    But, it's not my marriage.

    Good luck to you, I hope you are happy no matter what you choose.
  • Jul 30, 2010, 07:30 AM

    As an ordained minister who officiates weddings all the time, I'd just like to add my two cents.

    "dontknownuthin" answered your question very well, although it's not just Catholics that publish bans. A lot of different denominations do that.
    Depending where you are from, "publishing the bans" can replace a marriage licence.

    You asked whether a Church requires someone to be converted. The short answer is no, although there are a few Christian denominations that frown against marrying out side the faith. But most are OK with it.
    However, every denomination -- whether they're strict or not -- wants to see that the couple has worked out how they will handle this issue. You will need to figure out how to teach religion to your children, which holidays you celebrate, what you will say to your extended family, and so on.
    These are questions that must be answered before you get married because I know from experience that if you haven't worked them out, it can lead to divorce.

    Before a minister officiates a marriage ceremony, s/he wants to know if you can say your vows with integrity, and in this particular case, knowing you have thorouhly discussed the faith issue will mean you can say the vows with integrity.
  • Sep 3, 2010, 09:29 AM
    The trauma of conversion affects... your identity is inclusive of the religion in which you are brought up.. (if u believe in religion only). Conversion can complicate lot of things in their later married life... why take additional burden and conflicts by converting when u can live freely married in a country like India respecting each others convictions and beliefs. Remember it is always the third party who fishes in troubled waters... when you convert you lose the respect of both families because you will be considered as meek, cowardly and easily vulnerable by those who convert you.
  • Sep 29, 2010, 02:17 PM
    I am Hindu girl getting married to Christian boy... Firstly you don't know meaning of word god if you are Hindu you should know its all same hindu, musli, christian or sikh whtever it is... I got no problem changing my religion as we both respect each others relation on Sunday first we go to church then to temple... if you love him you should have that much of understanding which I hope is must...

    Regarding kids... when your parents gave you so much liberty to do inter caste marriage then why can't u give liberty to your children to select there own faith... I will teach them both religion. I believe in all religion as I believe in "God". Its just man made boundaries don't forget that... none of religion says I am superior they all believe in humanity and love... n if you love hardly matter is your christian or hindu... :)

  • Aug 4, 2012, 10:14 PM
    aishu bachan
    but I have a doubt,we can teach both religious values to our kids,but they should have a specific religion right,at the time of admissions
  • Mar 15, 2013, 05:18 AM
    Don't get under pressure of big words, yes you can get married without conversion. Get a civil marriage and these days it's not that big issue. You children will decide what they want to follow, it depends what you want. You know it's complicated here, if you are from open category then your children will not get any reservations as per constitution. But some christines get reservation as they got converted from backward class. It's a deep issue, know your facts and you will have solutions.

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