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  • Jan 7, 2018, 10:27 AM
    Chirping noise from electrical outlet?
    Hello, I have the same problem with the chirping noise. When we plug into an outlet and the chirping noise starts. It last for about 2 minutes. It's seems like it's coming from an outlet about 15' feet away from the outlet being used. Can this be electrical. It only makes the chirping noise when I'm using the outlet in the room. We haven't had any electrical work done. Thanks for any input.
  • Jan 7, 2018, 02:02 PM
    If you hear a clicking or buzzing sound from a receptacle outlet, then more than likely the connection of the wires to the receptacle have come loose. The clicking sound or buzzing sound is electrical arching (sparking). This is a fire waiting to happen.

    Shut the breaker off for that circuit. Remove the receptacle faceplate and the receptacle and make sure the screws holding the wires to the receptacle are tight. If they are not, tighten them. If the wires go into holes in the back of the receptacle, take the wires out and tighten them down under the screws. Turn the breaker back on and listen for the sound. If it is gone, turn the breaker off and reinstall the receptacle and faceplate. Then turn the breaker back on.

  • Jan 8, 2018, 05:06 AM
    ....if the chirping does not go away, replace the receptacles with new ones. If you still
    have chirping after new devices have been installed, look and listen again as the problem may be somewhere else...
  • Jan 8, 2018, 02:55 PM
    I have never heard a "chirping" outlet. Ceiling fans, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide, all new smoke detectosr have a 10 year chirp. I'd look there first. Back to back outlets can transfer sound through the outlet box. I once had a chirp that drove me crazy. However, after careful checking, found out it was the battery alert for a CO detector.

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