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  • Feb 18, 2010, 05:51 PM
    Will I be denied employment due to a disorderly conduct charge
    I just had an offer for a job and I have t go through a background check. I was arrested for disorderly conduct two years ago when I was in college. It was from the university police department. I told them upfront when they asked after they offered the position. Im just wondering if this will remove my offer?
  • Feb 18, 2010, 06:00 PM

    It mostly depends on what your applying to get. But the disorderly was a misdemeanor correct? It may not even show up. Also you were in college. What did you plead ?
  • Feb 18, 2010, 06:04 PM

    Honestly I had a lawyer and we signed papers and the judge said if I came back in 6 months it would be off my record. But I didn't come back because I honestly didn't think it mattered I was young and stupid. But it is with a staffing firm.
  • Feb 18, 2010, 06:06 PM
    Im sure the papers were pleading guilty. I wonder if I can hire another lawyer and I could get it erased.
  • Feb 18, 2010, 06:17 PM

    First things first. You need to see what the courts have handed down in your case. Im not so sure you plead guilty if you had a lawyer. Why would you? You more then likely pleaded no contest. That has a different category added to it. Its not really guilty or innocence. But the fact you didn't follow up could mean you have a bench warrant out for your arrest too. So best to find out what the rest of the story is before you make any more statements about it.
  • Feb 18, 2010, 07:48 PM

    First , at least here in GA, college police are real police officers and in fact their arrests go to state court, not city court like city police.

    But the arrest means nothing, it is the conviction, or you pleading guility by paying a fine or something.

    So what happened, did you pay a fine, or what.

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