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  • Mar 30, 2013, 08:46 PM
    Feminine hygiene
    Should I be concerned if I have a odor and clear like discharge
  • Mar 30, 2013, 09:24 PM
    Clear discharge is not problematic but odor means something is not right. If you just shower regularly there should not be an odor.

    You could be developing a yeast infection.

    I would not recommend douching because if you do have an infection, it can make it worse by forcing the infection up into your body. Perhaps try over the counter medication for a yeast infection and see if it resolves the problem. Otherwise, just see your doctor.

    Probiotics can be helpful for preventing yeast infections by maintaining healthy "good" bacteria levels in your body. It is particularly beneficial to prevent yeast infections and stomach upset when you take antibiotics to use probiotics too - you can take probiotic pills or just eat yogurt with active cultures daily.
  • Mar 30, 2013, 10:25 PM
    Do not take over the counter yeast infection medication, unless you know for sure that you have a yeast infection.

    You stated that you have clear discharge (that's normal) and an odor (what sort of odor?). Unless it's a foul odor, vaginal discharge can have a scent, which is also normal. A foul odor on the other hand, is not normal, and indicates that something is wrong. Do you have vaginal itching?

    If you're worried about this than see your doctor, as we can't diagnose online, and I would advise that you don't self diagnose either. See your doctor if you're concerned.

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