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  • Apr 6, 2008, 07:36 PM
    Tiny Itchy Bumps
    I have looked all over the internet and I cannot find anything that looks or sounds like what I have. I had some small bumps, no colour, looked the same as the rest of my skin, on the side of my finger, they didn't itch or really bug me, other than just seeing them there. They went away and came back a few times. They have now gone away again, but, now I have the same type of bumps on my elbow, but these ones itch... started as just a couple bumps, now there are like 13 in a cluster. They only turn red when I scratch them. They are really itchy mostly in the evenings. They don't itch me after I shower, or at all in the mornings or afternoons. I read about scabies, but it doesn't seem like that is what it is... I started taking a new medication in the middle of December, and these bumps came up in the beginning of January. I am not sure if they are caused from my medications, I read all of the side effects and this isn't on the list. The medication is a mood stabilizer, I am not sure if it matters. These little bumps are driving me crazy, I just really want to know what they are!

    I am not using anything different or eating anything different, the only thing I am doing differently is taking these pills. Anything I am touching has not changed in the past year.
    I wouldn't say they are really spreading, since I have had these since January on my finger, which have went away and come back, and they have been on my elbow for the past month, and haven't appeared anywhere else on my body. I am a clean freak, I clean my apartment everyday. I clean my sheets and pillow cases more than once a week, I have blankets covering my couch which I wash very often too. They don't look like bug bites in any way. They are just tiny little bumps, like the size of the tip of a pencil. I thought they were hives at first, but hives look like welts, and these do not look like welts.
    Also, I stopped taking these pills for about a week or so, not to see about these bumps, because I didn't connect the 2 until last week, I was just forgetting to take them... It was after I started to take them again that I noticed the bumps show up on my elbow. I can't imagine any bug biting me in the same spot like that, that would be very coincidental. I do try my best not to sctratch at them. Also, my mom has been around me a lot, and I touch a lot of the same things she touches, and she doesn't have any of them. I am a very stressed out person, but I always have been, anything I go to my doctor for, I always end up hearing 'its from stress'. I just want a real answer or reason, not everything is related to stress.
  • Apr 6, 2008, 08:58 PM
    You could be allergic to the mood stabilizer. It's more likely that you are reacting to something that you touch in your environment. Fingers and elbows, what do you touch a lot with those? Have you changed hand or laundry soap? A soap that is not used in the shower.

    Clean your desk including keyboard, mouse, pens and pencils, the chair. Wash your keys and any bag you carry then rinse them well. Think about any food changes that you have made since January too.

    A dermatologist may be able to help.
  • Apr 7, 2008, 12:44 AM
    First, stop itching those spots. Since you aren't sure of the origin of the bumps, you don't want to be spreading any potential skin infections to other parts of your body.
    Since the bumps are skin colored and not red (a sign of inflammation/infection) I would want to first say perhaps they are bug bites. Does it look anything similar to a mosquito bite - uniform, raised, flesh-colored?
    I agree with simonaugie, clean your work are and also clean your sheets and pillowcases.
    Talk to the doctor that prescribed you the medication also, and explain your symptoms.
  • Apr 22, 2008, 01:22 AM
    I have a few friends that have psoriasis. One of them has it on her elbow, and that sounds like what she has. Another friend has it on his scalp, and he says it itches some times. Psoriasis flares up when you start doing something different such as taking the new medication. The guy's psoriasis flared up when he got a staph infection and was in the hospital on all the meds and his immune system started reacting.

    So maybe you should call your doctor and ask, or go to and look up your symptoms, just to give you an idea.
  • Apr 22, 2008, 02:19 AM
    I agree with most of what has been suggested above. The only thing I haven't seen is do you wear rings of any kind on that finger? If you do, it's possible you are allergic to the metal and that's causing your rash.

    Otherwise, definitely see a dermatologist. They should be able to help you find the cause and give you a good solution. :)
  • Apr 22, 2008, 06:53 AM
    Well, I haven't talked to my dad in a long time, but I saw him the other day, and he told me he has the same thing on the back of his neck. He thought it was psoriasys (how ever you spell it). So if that is what it is, I likely have the same thing as my father. I was starting to think it was exzema (how ever you spell it) before I talked to him. I know someone who has psoriasys, and mine looks nothing like his does, but he has also had it for a lot longer, and was a lot worse looking. I am going to go and see my doctor about it, I've noticed it doesn't itch me that much, the itch comes and goes. I really hope its not psoriasys.
  • Apr 28, 2008, 04:44 AM
    Psoriasis is a progressive kind of thing, after a while the patches get thicker. If you have the same thing as your friend then his looks worse because he has had it longer than you. But if you do have this then there are treatments to reduce the problem.

    I hope everything works out, and you find a good answer!
  • May 6, 2008, 06:57 PM
    Well I was reading up on psoriasis, and it definitely sounds like the beginning stages of it.. Also, I was reading that medications can cause flareups.. This just appeared on me when I started taking my new medication.. Other triggers for it include stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which I have, as I am bipolar... So from what I have researched, I will likely have many flareups.. :(
  • May 28, 2009, 06:27 AM

    I have the same thing!
  • May 28, 2009, 06:39 AM

    I have the same thing! About 2 months ago these little tiny bumps appeared in the palms of my hands and along the outskirts of my thumbs. They itched a little, then turned to dry skin, and disappeared! They have come and gone since then appearing on the sides of my fingers, but nowhere else on my body. This past week in a half, they have appeared more than usual. I saw a dermatologist about a month ago, but she was clueless! They itch a little only when they first appear. I have not done, eaten, or used anything different. I'm just so confused and curious as to what these could be. I take a multivitamin, which is nothing new. I also once in a while take an herbal supplement, which I have taken this past week. I feel like something is triggering these tiny cluster of bumps to appear, but I don't really know. I do know that they are not contagious, and I know that this is not psoriasis.
  • May 31, 2009, 02:45 AM
    Jaime... I'd like to know if you've figured out what your bumps are yet?
  • Jun 22, 2009, 11:50 AM
    I think I have the same thing and I think that this is what it is:

    Pompholyx is a common type of eczema affecting the hands (cheiropompholyx), and sometimes the feet (pedopompholyx). It is also known as dyshidrotic eczema or vesicular eczema of the hands and/or feet.
    Clinical features

    The first (acute) stage shows tiny blisters (vesicles) deep in the skin of the palms, fingers, instep or toes. The blisters are often intenesly itchy or have a burning feeling. The condition may be mild with only a little peeling, or very severe with big blisters and cracks which prevent work.

    The later and more chronic stage shows more peeling, cracking, or crusting. Then the skin heals up, or the blistering may start again. One site may be blistering, while another is dry and cracked.

    Severe pompholyx around the nail folds may cause nail dystrophy, resulting in irregular ridges and chronic paronychia (nail fold swelling).

    Here is the source with some pictures:

    Pompholyx (dyshidrotic eczema, vesicular hand eczema). DermNet NZ
  • Aug 3, 2009, 09:09 PM
  • Aug 3, 2009, 09:10 PM

    There arewef
  • Sep 3, 2009, 06:53 PM
    I have these same bunps, but on my elbows and some spots on my forearms. The bumps, like yours, only turn red when I scratch them. They are dry and tiny, but very annoying. Mine also itch during the evening MUCH MORE than during the day. In the afternoons, I don't even notice them, but as I type this, at ten o'clock at night, I feel like I'd need to staple my hands together to keep from scratching them. My bumps also reappear during random moments. I have been researching this for a while, but nobody has a plausible answer. All of the other rashes are too severe, large, or red to be what I have.
  • Sep 3, 2009, 07:04 PM

    Oh my... I think I've found the answer...
    Scabies!! NOOOOOO!!
  • Sep 7, 2009, 07:08 PM
    I the same thing! I have them right now as I type this. The show up on my knuckles, elbows and every once in a while my knees. They don't bother me until I run across them some how. Then they get more noticeable and start to itch. If you leave them alone the will dry up and go away. But I have been wondering forever what causes them.
  • Oct 8, 2009, 11:17 AM
    I totally have the same thing jalyne! And my friend had them first, and we thought maybe she had bed bugs or that her dog got fleas or something, but nobody else in the house was getting them. And then two weeks I started getting them. First on my upper arm, then they started to appear everywhere. They're very tiny and not super noticeable unless you itch them, but they itch soooo much especially at night, and itch cream doesn't seem to help. And it seems like the more I itch them in one spot, the more appear in one spot. Its horrible, and I just want to know what it is.
  • Apr 29, 2010, 10:02 AM

    I suffer with bipolar and I haven't taken medication for a few months but I get flare ups like your talking about. I was in and out of the doctors and being treated like a pin cushion. The final results for that I was slightly belemic?? Bell lee mick lol.? I used creams and steroids for the condition and even got treated for scabies but nothing worked. Thankfully my gp gave me iron tablets and it cleared up. Now every time it flares up I eat loads of high iron foods and it clears up. Hope this helps.
  • Nov 20, 2010, 03:00 PM
    I have small bumps that will come and go for no apparent reason. They will appear anywhere- hands, arms, legs (though not usually face or stomach or back). They are flesh colored and usually no bigger than a normal sized zit- but again look only like raised skin. My parents called them eczema but I've looked online and the internet makes it seem like a horrible skin condition with puss and everything! Which is nothing like what I have. It's been there for most of my life and I think it shows up usually when I stress out... I also can't find any information about it.

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