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  • Jan 16, 2022, 07:55 AM
    The World of Anti-Vaxxers
    Cirsten Weldon died of Covid. She was dead set against the vaccination and suffered greatly because of it. A conspiracy borne out of QAnon has its members increasingly viewing vaccination as part of a diabolical plot by the “deep state” to enslave humanity.

    Christmas before last, a pharmacist attempted to destroy more than 500 doses of Moderna vaccine, because QAnon had told him the drug would “alter the recipient’s DNA.”

    Veronica Wolski an outspoken anti-vaxxer whose life was governed by QAnon fantasy, died of Covid after cult members spent weeks trying to bully the hospital into giving her the unproven drug ivermectin.

    Another who wrote on Instagram, “The smartest virus ever… It doesn’t affect those who don’t believe in it,” died only a few weeks later.

    Doug Kuzma, another QAnon full-blown anti-vaxxer died from complications due to COVID-19.

    Radio hosts, Bob Enyart, Phil Valentine, Marc Bernier and Farrel, including conspiracy theorist Robert David Steele who boasted of being the first person to call the pandemic a hoax, GOP leader Pressley Stutts, and anti-vaxxer activist Caleb Wallace, all used their platforms to promote bulls**t about the virus, masks and the vaccines, and all were seriously kicked into the next universe shortly after. They’re all dead.

    And now, Weldon, who said that Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, “needs to be hung from a rope”, is also dead.

    As a last tribute to her, some of Weldon's QAnon members threatened a violent retaliation against the hospital staff who treated her. One idiot, Scott McKay, who is known as “Patriot Streetfighter” online, said the medical staff should be sentenced to death by military tribunal, lest they be killed in the street by vigilantes. “If it’s not done in a military tribunal then it’s going to be done in the street eventually and not to my wishes,” McKay wrote. “That’s my greatest fear. But if it’s necessary, it’s going to be necessary.”

    And frankly, by their own beliefs, they’re cleaning up this dangerous cult of desperately confused adults themselves. These people who are refusing to take the medication in favour of fantasy, well, that has just become my favorite form of natural selection. Let it be.

    Various sources.
  • Jan 16, 2022, 10:29 AM
    Let them establish their own treatment centers.

    And, btw, I bet every single one, when a baby, was vaxxed (MMR, chickenpops as we called it, DTaP, polio, et al.).
  • Jan 16, 2022, 12:02 PM
    Still believing all this one trick pony stuff ? What we know is that it doesn't prevent getting covid and it doesn't prevent transmitting it . On top of that ;unless you subject to being a pin cushion forever than whatever protections it has lasts only a few months . Meanwhile the long term effects of the vax is unknown because they only went through precursory trials before being released under emergency authorization.

    The government is so hung up on the vax being the only alternative that they neglected rapid testing and have pretty much ignored therapeutic solutions .


    And, btw, I bet every single one, when a baby, was vaxxed (MMR, chickenpops as we called it, DTaP, polio, et al.).
    because there was eradication. No such thing with the covid vax . The covid vax eradicates nada
  • Jan 16, 2022, 12:28 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    What we know is that it doesn't prevent getting covid

    Of course, it prevents covid. Where in the world are you getting your information from? It's about 95% effective.

    Please explain why 99% of hospitalizations and deaths are among the UNvaccinated.

    Do you really hate the government so much even when it is clearly saving lives on a grand scale?
  • Jan 16, 2022, 01:18 PM
    Isn't claiming 95% effectiveness an open admission that it does not always work? At any rate, it is not as effective against the Omicron variant. According to the Mayo Clinic, "It’s expected that people who are fully vaccinated likely can get breakthrough infections and spread the virus to others. However, the COVID-19 vaccines are expected to be effective at preventing severe illness. This variant also reduces the effectiveness of some monoclonal antibody treatments."
  • Jan 16, 2022, 01:29 PM
    ummm breakthrough cases have been well documented . The best you can say is that there is less chance of severe infection with the vaccine . I'm not even sure that is true with Omicron.

    The hospitalization comment is a dodge that Peppermint Patty Psaki used when called out about the vaxed still getting covid (Psaki was triple vaxed and still got it )
    It comes down to the demonization of the unVaxed that Clueless Joe ('pandemic of the unvaccinated )' and this posting suggests . Joe needs a scapegoat for his failure to "kill the virus " .
  • Jan 16, 2022, 03:47 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    ummm breakthrough cases have been well documented . The best you can say is that there is less chance of severe infection with the vaccine . I'm not even sure that is true with Omicron.

    The hospitalization comment is a dodge that Peppermint Patty Psaki used when called out about the vaxed still getting covid (Psaki was triple vaxed and still got it )
    It comes down to the demonization of the unVaxed that Clueless Joe ('pandemic of the unvaccinated )' and this posting suggests . Joe needs a scapegoat for his failure to "kill the virus " .

    You still haven't explained how the almost 100% of severe illness is among the unvaccinated. Try as you may, you can't escape that basic fact. One wonders why you try. Imo, hatred of all things government is the key to understanding the anti-vaxxers.

    The question then becomes WHY is the government so hated?
  • Jan 17, 2022, 07:14 AM

    Although no remaining unimmunized individual can be said to be free of risk from the infectious disease, the herd effect generated from high immunization rates significantly reduces the risk for disease for those individuals. Additional benefit is conferred on the unimmunized person because avoidance of the vaccine avoids the risk for any adverse reactions associated with the vaccine. As disease rates drop, the risks associated with the vaccine come even more to the fore, providing further incentive to avoid immunization. Thus, when an individual in this common chooses to go unimmunized, it only minimally increases the risk of illness for that individual, while conferring on that person the benefit of avoiding the risk of vaccine induced side effects.
    Chapter 13 - Vaccination Mandates: The Public Health Imperative and Individual Rights - (

    Where was the link ? On the CDC website,
    State Vaccination Requirements Selected References | CDC

    And we know that the two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection, if any. The three doses, with the booster, they offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and deaths

    Those are the words of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla . He recognizes that covid is like the flu in that there is not one shot for all . The effectiveness of the vax is in getting the strain of the virus right and the repeated ad nauseum booster shot . That is the future with the virus strains with more and more people developing immunity .
  • Jan 17, 2022, 07:27 AM

    Although no remaining unimmunized individual can be said to be free of risk from the infectious disease, the herd effect generated from high immunization rates significantly reduces the risk for disease for those individuals.
    Isn't he basically saying that the unvaxed owe their increased protection from Covid to those who chose to be vaxxed?

    Early returns seem to show that the Omicron outbreak produces large numbers of cases without increasing the death rate, so the chance of survival is enormously increased.
  • Jan 17, 2022, 07:50 AM
    Whether they do or not is not a public concern but a private one .

    CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said the vaccine did the job with Delta as far as reducing severe cases . But it did not prevent transmission ;which would be the public concern.

    CDC Director: Vaccines No Longer Prevent You From Spreading COVID | Video | RealClearPolitics

    So when does it become a public concern that requires a public mandate ? When someone is over weight or smokes ? That taxes the system too.

    I also don't understand the difference between UK numbers and those claimed here .

    Nearly 75% of UK Covid Deaths Were Vaxxed, Govt Data Shows - [your]NEWS (

    Are the books being cooked to support a narrative? Oh yeah that's right .If I question the narrative I and either anti-science or hate the government .
  • Jan 17, 2022, 08:36 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    If I question the narrative I and either anti-science or hate the government .

    Yes, correct! You are definitely either anti-science or hate the government.

    There's also the possibility you have an interest in the companies producing vaccines so you claim the vaccines will be needed ad infinitum. But I doubt that.

    What you need to do is explain why the UNvaccinated are being hospitalized and dying almost without exception compared to those vaccinated. It's a simple fact you seem unwilling to accept. Hence, guessing at your reasons why - science and/or government.
  • Jan 17, 2022, 08:47 AM
    you see the UK numbers I posted ? How can theirs be so different from ours ?
  • Jan 17, 2022, 09:06 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    you see the UK numbers I posted ? How can theirs be so different from ours ?

    That is NOT an explanation of the US numbers.
  • Jan 17, 2022, 09:23 AM

    you see the UK numbers I posted ? How can theirs be so different from ours ?

    Sure would appear to be a logical question.

    It sure seems that if you are suspicious of the BIDEN government, then you are a hater and anti-science. If, however, you are a constant questioner of everything Trump, then you are a patriot and an asset to the country. So if you question COVID data or the validity of the last election, you are a hater, but if you suspect Trump was directly involved in the 1/6 riots, then you love your country and are committed to honest debate.
  • Jan 17, 2022, 09:41 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    if you question COVID data or the validity of the last election, you are a hater,

    There are people who, for all the evidence presented to them, are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.
  • Jan 17, 2022, 09:46 AM

    There are people who, for all the evidence presented to them, are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.
    You do realize you are describing yourself?
  • Jan 17, 2022, 06:00 PM
    Hey Tom, did you vet your sources?
  • Jan 17, 2022, 10:19 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Hey Tom, did you vet your sources?


    Tomder's source isn't understanding the stats. Here's an explanation from the BBC.

    Another way of looking at it is this: say all the people are vaccinated and 5 (elderly 60+) get Covid and die. The death rate among the vaccinated is 100%.
  • Jan 18, 2022, 05:22 AM
    Data from 8 to 12 months ago would not include the omicron variant. The news from that front is not nearly so rosy.


    4. What about the omicron variant? The preliminary data about omicron and vaccines is coming in quickly and is revealing lower vaccine effectiveness. Best estimates suggest vaccines are around 30%-40% effective at preventing infections and 70% effective at preventing severe disease.

    A preprint study – one not formally reviewed by other scientists yet – that was conducted in Germany found that antibodies in blood collected from people fully vaccinated with Moderna and Pfizer showed reduced efficacy in neutralizing the omicron variant. Other small preprint studies in South Africa and England showed a significant decrease in how well antibodies target the omicron variant. More breakthough infections are expected, with decreased immune system ability to recognize omicron compared with other variants.

    5. Do boosters boost immunity against omicron?
    Initial data reinforces that a third dose would help boost immune response and protection against omicron, with estimates of 70%-75% effectiveness.
    Pfizer has reported that people who have received two doses of its vaccine are susceptible to infection from omicron, but that a third shot improves antibody activity against the virus. This was based on lab experiments using the blood of people who have received the vaccine.
    One way or the other, it still remains true that a person who declines to take the vaccine only puts him/herself at risk, assuming those they come in contact with have been vaxed and the vax is effective. I've taken the vaccine and would recommend others do so as well, but to mandate it? Can't go that far.
  • Jan 18, 2022, 02:10 PM
    Blacks and vaccine hesitancy:

    "While Black people have experienced much higher burdens from Covid-19 despite contracting the disease at a similar rate to whites, they have been disproportionately vaccinated at lower rates than white people. 'Access matters and it matters a lot,' Gary Bennett (Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience, Global Health, and Medicine at Duke, as well as director of Duke Digital Health and Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education) said. One clear example of decreased access for Black Americans is that fewer vaccination sites are located in areas with high concentrations of Black people.

    However, Bennett said that access does not simply equal place. 'How much friction are you creating in this process?' he prompted, pointing to examples of complicated registration systems, inadequate public transportation to vaccine sites, or overall distance from a location. All of these factors already limit who is able to access vaccinations without the added influences of reduced vaccine uptake due to vaccine hesitancy."

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