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  • Jul 5, 2013, 11:54 PM
    Next choice one dose
    I have recently taken next choice one does ,a week ago. I was wondering how accurate are the rating of a women getting pregnant after taking this pill and a woman not getting pregnant after taking this one dose pill. I know nothing about using such pills because I have never had to. But in this case it was an emergency . I read the instructions and the side effects. Certain things stood out to me in the side effects. Such as period can be up to a week late . Due to that fact that that is usually a normal sign that you might be pregnant for those that done take the pill. Must I wait to be a weak late to take a pregancy test or should I be concerned and see a doctor right away. I've been experiencing sleepiness even though I'm usually always sleepy. I've experience nausea , back pains , stomach pains that I can't describe. I've also experience a lot of bloating . My nerves are high do to the fact of Internet research. I was wondering is any of those symptoms normal. And has there been rare times where a female was pregnant even after using this pill. I was persuaded into buying the generic brand when asked the pharmacist for plan b . Please get back to me my nerves are up the wall. I am 21 and boyfriend supports me all the way and he is more calm then I am . But I rather receive some type of medical advise and answers to calm my nerves to reduce my stress level.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 02:44 AM
    Generic does not make any different, it is not 100 percent effective at all, and there is always a chance of failure. But plan B can and does have all types of side effects missing a period is even one of them.

    You will need to wait two weeks after a missed period to test
  • Jul 6, 2013, 07:26 AM
    Next choice one dose
    Have woman who took next choice one dose end up being pregnant after words? Do I really need to wait a week to know ? Is back pains and weird stomach pains normal?
  • Jul 6, 2013, 07:30 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    generic does not make any different, it is not 100 percent effective at all, and there is always a chance of failure. But plan B can and does have all types of side effects missing a period is even one of them.

    You will need to wait two weeks after a missed period to test

    I'm sorry but this does not answer all my questions is it normal to feel what I am feeling all these stomach pains weird ones, back pains and nausea? Why wait two weeks now? And I did not take plan B I took its generic brand next choice one dose.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 07:50 AM
    So how did Fr_Chuck not answer you?

    Plan B is the general name... so you took a generic... same thing, different name.

    As far as feeling what you're feeling and is it normal... I don't know, do you normally feel this way? If you're thinking these are pregnancy symptoms, you are way off. You wouldn't be having symptoms so soon so my guess is that you are getting sick or your mind is working over time and convincing yourself that you might be pregnant. These also might be some sort of side effect from Plan B... oh, excuse me... Next Choice...

    Why wait 2 weeks... if you're worried about pregnancy, you need to wait 2 weeks after missing a period to get any sort of accurate results on a test. Testing too soon will be a waste.

    I hope I answered everything for you.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 08:07 AM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    So how did Fr_Chuck not answer you?

    Plan B is the general you took a generic...same thing, different name.

    As far as feeling what you're feeling and is it normal....I don't know, do you normally feel this way? If you're thinking these are pregnancy symptoms, you are way off. You wouldn't be having symptoms so soon so my guess is that you are getting sick or your mind is working over time and convincing yourself that you might be pregnant. These also might be some sort of side effect from Plan B...oh, excuse me....Next Choice....

    Why wait 2 weeks....if you're worried
    about pregnancy, you need to wait 2 weeks after missing a period to get any sort of accurate results on a test. Testing too soon will be a waste.

    I hope I answered everything for you.

    Okay one relax . If you never been nevers ten you surely don't know how to calm a woman down . I was looking forward to numbers and the stats of this pill regardless of what the pill is its my first time taking such and I'm not thinking these a pregnant symptoms . I took the pill almost three weeks ago so this isn't early to ask. The two weeks waiting seems effy. I'm never late and my menstral is always normal so waiting two weeks I know ill be pregnant right away. So no it wasn't an accurate answer. And it wasn't in indept. If you was looking at answering me you could have been nicer and actually precessional this is how I know both aren't experts. Ever sit down with a doctor and here the way they speak with you. I'm sorry but not sorry next time think before you try to answer or help someone . Without the sarcasm. Thank but no thanks for the help the first answer was more helpful then this.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 08:19 AM
    Well... I was able to make sense out of some of what you said. Your spelling is pretty bad as well as your sentence structure so I had to guess at some of it. I see you think I was being sarcastic... well, I wasn't, but I will be now.

    Nobody here is going to be able to give you numbers and stats. Ask the doctor or pharmacist for that as I'm sure they have all that information at their fingertips and wouldn't mind taking the time to tell you all about the numbers and stats that you need to know.

    Now you say you took the pill almost 3 weeks ago but in your original post you said "recently, a week ago." One week... 3 weeks... not quite the same. If you keep changing stories, you won't get an accurate answer no matter what you want to hear.

    So you're never late... one of the side effects is a delayed period so never can be thrown out the window right now.

    And to clear something up, no, I'm not a "precessional"... I may have the "Expert" tag but that doesn't mean I'm a doctor. There are no doctors here. This is a Q&A site with all volunteers so when someone pulls an attitude, it makes some of us get a little annoyed when we try and help... and we receive nasty answers telling us to not answer or how we should answer.

    So, numbers we won't give you. Go see a precessional in real life and ask them... and then give them attitude when they don't give you the answer that you want to hear.

    Oh, and I can definitely say that I've never been nevers ten.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 08:21 AM
    We are all volunteers here, tasking the time to do this. We can't diagnose on the Internet, no one can. We are not all experts in the medical field, we don't say we have doctors, or obygyns but we do have a lot of people in professional fields and that is why they are called 'experts'. I am sorry you didn't here your 'stats' as you put it, that isn't what we do, so don't get your shirt in a knot because you didn't like the answers.

    If you want hard cold facts go to your doctor and be spoken to the way you want. And as a matter of fact, what is the way doctors speak to someone, I don't get that part.

    Just handle this the way a normal mature woman would and get on with it if you say your boyfriend is so supportive. Why drive yourself crazy looking for answers in the Internet, I know I wouldn't.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 08:24 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    We are all volunteers here, tasking the time to do this. We can't diagnose on the Internet, no one can. We are not all experts in the medical field, we don't say we have doctors, or obygyns but we do have a lot of people in professional fields and that is why they are called 'experts'. I am sorry you didn't here your 'stats' as you put it, that isn't what we do, so don't get your shirt in a knot because you didn't like the answers.

    If you want hard cold facts go to your doctor and be spoken to the way you want. And as a matter of fact, what is the way doctors speak to someone, I don't get that part.

    Just handle this the way a normal mature woman would and get on with it if you say your bf is so supportive. Why drive yourself crazy looking for answers in the Internet, I know I wouldn't.

    Tried to give it but system says I have to spread the rep.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 08:56 AM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    Well...I was able to make sense out of some of what you said. Your spelling is pretty bad as well as your sentence structure so I had to guess at some of it. I see you think I was being sarcastic...well, I wasn't, but I will be now.

    Nobody here is going to be able to give you numbers and stats. Ask the doctor or pharmacist for that as I'm sure they have all that information at their fingertips and wouldn't mind taking the time to tell you all about the numbers and stats that you need to know.

    Now you say you took the pill almost 3 weeks ago but in your original post you said "recently, a week ago." One week....3 weeks...not quite the same. If you keep changing stories, you won't get an accurate answer no matter what you want to hear.

    So you're never of the side effects is a delayed period so never can be thrown out the window right now.

    And to clear something up, no, I'm not a "precessional"...I may have the "Expert" tag but that doesn't mean I'm a doctor. There are no doctors here. This is a Q&A site with all volunteers so when someone pulls an attitude, it makes some of us get a little annoyed when we try and help...and we receive nasty answers telling us to not answer or how we should answer.

    So, numbers we won't give you. Go see a precessional in real life and ask them...and then give them attitude when they don't give you the answer that you want to hear.

    Oh, and I can definitely say that I've never been nevers ten.

    Relax no one giving you an attitude. I say a week ago because a week I or so or more I was on vacation. Lisen if your saying all this your best answer should be don't respond to me. I get that nothing is a 100 % accurate. I do understand that no one is a doctor . But believe that the expert on the side throws a woman with nerves off. I asked for stats because I saw expert and just thought that maybe I can get some answers. And I understand my grammar and word structure is off way off. But this is a woman who is looking for answers. I need to be pacific I'm a visual person so when I see numbers and explanations written down I understand. But you really can go in with your day instead of still responding . Your first response did come off rude. That's why I stated it there is no need for that. See if I saw you were pregnant or think you were. My first reaction is to ask that person questions and concerns. My questions were concerned about the symptoms. I was asking the first responder . If no one is a doctor here or and "expert" this shouldn't be a web site.

    The two week wait threw me off is originally the instructions say wait a week after missed period. That is why I asked why wait two weeks instead of one. I do apologize for my grammar but I'm typing this on my phone just looking for a comfort answer. Not an answer that I'm not pregnant or am . Just statistics and answers maybe to the way I am feeling. Basic concerns . The sarcasm is not needed if you can't not or refuse to answer or at this point this ridiculous responds. Do not answer someone you feel you cannot help. I was looking for that one person who has been there and used this pill. A possible mother, a possible doctor or someone that has experience with this contraception . The first response was helpful but I wanted to also know about the symptoms and why wait another week. My reply was not intended to be rude just simply a concern person that has never been in this position . If you noticed I responded to the person first . Had no idea I would get someone else. I am personally a person who can only talk to one and stick to that one. It's confusing to hear two answer even if they are some what helpful. Not to intend on bashing anyone.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 09:09 AM
    @Tink. You don't get to choose who may answer you. We can't help you with symptoms, you were told to wait another week to take an HPT because that is just how long it takes to register pregnancy, if you are indeed pregnant. Every woman has different symptoms. You can't take an HPT and expect to get a correct reading as soon as you miss your period.

    Stick around another day or so and you will hear from just about everyone on this site who feels they can help you.

    If you don't like their responses are you again going to tell them don't answer. This is not how it works on this site.

    Like I said, if you want qualified one shot answers go to your doctor or a nurse practitioner, but I am sure you will get more then you bargained for here now.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 09:11 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    @Tink. You dont get to choose who may answer you. We can't help you with symptoms, you were told to wait another week to take an HPT because that is just how long it takes to register pregnancy, if you are indeed pregnant. Every woman has different symptoms. You can't take an HPT and expect to get a correct reading as soon as you miss your period.

    Stick around another day or so and you will hear from just about everyone on this site who feels they can help you.

    If you dont like their responses are you again going to tell them dont answer. This is not how it works on this site.

    Like i said, if you want qualified one shot answers go to your doctor or a nurse practioner, but I am sure you will get more then you bargained for here now.

    Thank you this was helpful about why wait another week. I was confused and you cleared that up for me .
  • Jul 6, 2013, 09:24 AM

    Originally Posted by Tink52 View Post
    If noone is a doctor here or and "expert" this shouldn't be a web site.

    Why not? It's not It's a Q&A site for a range of all kinds of topics, not just ones that you are interested in.


    Originally Posted by Tink52 View Post
    just looking for a comfort answer. Not an answer that I'm not pregnant or am . Just statistics and answers maybe to the way I am feeling. Basic concerns . The sarcasm is not needed if you can't not or refuse to answer or at this point this ridiculous responds. Do not answer someone you feel you cannot help. I

    We do not give comfort answers here. We give facts and truth. You want comfort answers, go ask a friend. As for not answering if I can't help... that's a joke, right? I told you the truth, I told you how it is... but my answer wasn't good enough. I suppose it was hard to read and you didn't understand it and for that, I apologize... I mean, I'm sorry.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 09:39 AM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    Why not? It's's a Q&A site for a range of all kinds of topics, not just ones that you are interested in.

    We do not give comfort answers here. We give facts and truth. You want comfort answers, go ask a friend. As for not answering if I can't help....that's a joke, right? I told you the truth, I told you how it is...but my answer wasn't good enough. I suppose it was hard to read and you didn't understand it and for that, I apologize....I mean, I'm sorry.

    I apologize for the miss understanding of this site. But thank you tinkle for clearing the two weeks part for me. I am sorry for the miss understanding and my errors .
  • Jul 6, 2013, 09:48 AM

    Originally Posted by Tink52 View Post
    I apologize for the miss understanding of this site. But thank you tinkle for clearing the two weeks part for me. I am sorry for the miss understanding and my errors .

    I do hope that everything works out for you the way you want it to.

    Good luck.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 09:51 AM
    Tink I don't know why you have a problem with our website. No one else has trouble grasping how we answer. We don't promise doctors, lawyers. If you care to look up an expert's profile, you will see what they are expert in. I am in healthcare as a certified Personal Support Worker and a registered nurse's asst in Canada, amongst other things. You may hear from our obstetrics nurse J-9.

    If we had a doctor here they could not ethically give random advice to someone they don't know.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 09:55 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Tink I don't know why you have a problem with our website. No one else has trouble grasping how we answer. We don't promise doctors, lawyers. If you care to look up an expert's profile, you will see what they are expert in. I am in healthcare as a certified Personal Support Worker and a registered nurse's asst in Canada, amongst other things. You may hear from our obstetrics nurse J-9.

    If we had a doctor here they could not ethically give random advice to someone they don't know.

    I get that now but since you're a nurse you'd understand the a nervous and scared woman. So I get what your saying and I'm over it. I see the help. Just need some nerves to be calmed. An the explanation helped . With your calm manner .
  • Jul 6, 2013, 10:04 AM

    Originally Posted by Tink52 View Post
    I get that now but since your a nurse you'd understand the a nervous and scared woman. So I get what your saying and I'm over it. I see the help. Just need some nerves to be calmed. An the explanation helped . With your calm manner .

    No not nurse a PSW and an RNA, sorry you misunderstood that.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 10:21 AM
    Okay but still some type of experience it was still helpful.
  • Jul 6, 2013, 02:44 PM

    Originally Posted by Tink52 View Post
    Okay but still some type of experience it was still helpful.

    Are you calmer now?

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