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  • Feb 2, 2006, 08:51 PM
    Weird pustules around dog's mouth
    So, my dog has had an allergy problem for awhile (We finally chose a new vet and she has a appt on Sat.), and I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not. Annie has been developing these pustules on her face around her mouth. We ignored it at first because eventually they went away on their own, but it took a long time. The top of one got scratched off by something or other, and I saw that pus was oozing out of it. So, like the grossie that I am, I squeezed it (I know, big no no). So, watery pus and blood came out, but also a little bunch of hair, maybe three or four strands thick and about quarter of an inch long came out of it. What? Has anyone ever seen or heard of these weird zits with hair in them? So Annie gets tons of them, and the few that I squeezed (I had to see if more of them had hair in them) would shoot this weird hair out. I plan on asking my vet about it on Sat. but does anyone have any ideas?
  • Feb 3, 2006, 05:38 AM
    It is nothing common. I don't quite remember, but Annie should be a big enough girl now, her immune system should be working fine. Younger puppies sometimes come up with stuff before the immune system kicks in. I have mostly seen stuff like that on the belly of younger puppies. It is good you already have a vet appointment tomorrow.

    I hope the new vet helps with the allergies and other things. Sometimes a different vet is the answer. If needed, I have access to the best. Any of the dogs in the dog guide program can always go to their clinic for free treatment. With a 300 mile drive from here, we reserve it for serious problems and things the local vet isn't finding. I only used them when my one puppy needed orthodontic work. It is by appointment, weekdays. My work schedule frequently permits me to help others.
  • Feb 3, 2006, 07:32 AM
    Glad you have an appointment with another Vet. We have a Vet only 8 miles from us, but the best is about 80 miles away. I choose the one 80 miles away, due to having two different Vets at the facility, on call, as opposed to the one closer, with no equipment for testing.
    I do wish you the best, and hope the new Vet can pinpoint the issue and solve it.
  • Feb 3, 2006, 08:50 AM
    I am not sure how old your dog is, a trip to the vet sounds like a good idea, when you are there ask the vet about Canine acne, which is a inflammation of the hair follicle, this is found on the chin and neck it can be treated with Benzoyl peroxide; if in the event it is severe it can be treated with antibiotics other possibilities are Pyoderma, or Juvenile Pustular Dermatitis. This sometimes occurs when the dog has Staphylococcus infection or impetigo. Keep in mind I am not a vet, so asking him would be your best bet. If you would like to research father on this subject try Pet Key search terms to help you are papules, nodules, abscess, and acne. I hope this was in some way helpful to you. (O:
  • Feb 3, 2006, 01:23 PM
    Thanks, Lilfyre, that'll be helpful in trying to figure out what this is. She's about 9 and a half months. I hope my vet will be able to identify what her problems are. I'll let you guys know if my vet can figure anything out. Thanks for your help.

  • Feb 4, 2006, 12:42 PM
    I really like our new vet. Unlike my old vet, he actually took the time to thoroughly examine her, and he actually acted like he liked our dog. Our other vet didn't even put her on up on the table. The new vet says it's unlikely that it's a food allergy, given her prior treatments and the fact that we've cut all other treats and whatnot out of her diet. But it still could be. He did skin scrapings, and the pustules on her face were caused by a Staph infection. He thinks that it could be from her plastic food bowl. We're treating the rest of her skin with medicated shampoo, a hydrating conditioner, and a fatty acid additive to her food. She was also given a steroid shot. And we have to go back in a month to see how she's progressing. If this doesn't help, we may have to do allergy testing, which will be expensive, but at least we'll find out what is bothering her so much.

  • Feb 4, 2006, 12:50 PM
    Thank you for the update.:p
  • Feb 4, 2006, 01:01 PM
    If you haven't already bought new food dishes look at these,À. I have found them at Big Lots too.

    I used plastic dishes for years and mostly gave up on them due the dog carrying them off and chewing them up. Peggy never ate out of anything except an old Cool Whip tub the whole 6 months we had her. Funny how we have more good stories about her than most of the dogs we had twice that long. Each dog is different. Those metal dishes are great. We have 4, a food dish for Aster and Nita each, a water dish, and one in the car for travel. Trouble is, they have a big hole in the top that lets the water out.
  • Feb 5, 2006, 09:29 PM
    We already bought the new food dish, but we're waiting to find a water dish that big enough. She drinks (and spills) a lot of water, and we already have to fill her water dish two or three times a day, so we want to upgrade on size since we're buying her a new one anyway. I just feel so relieved with our new vet. I actually feel like we'll be able to find out what this mess is, and accommodate her so it doesn't bother her any more. Her pustules are already starting to heal from her antibiotics. By the time she finishes her antibiotics, her face should be looking normal again, for sure. Thanks for all your advice and support. I'm sure you guys will hear about it again when we go back to the vet in a month.

  • Feb 6, 2006, 05:02 AM
    My comment of the big hole in the top made sense to you? It was so different a few years ago when we were raising a Shepherd. The bathroom floor stayed dry from one visiting Lab to the next. I keep thinking of trying the bubbler style ones. Of course, they are made of plastic, and might be chewed up.

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