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  • Nov 28, 2016, 07:12 AM
    Trump's Recent Tweet
    Trump tweeted that "millions voted illegally". Then why is Trump against the recount?
  • Nov 28, 2016, 08:21 AM
    He's against the recount because (a) it's a waste of time (no state-wide recount has ever shifted as many votes as would be needed for Clinton to win either WI or PA) and (b) from his point of view nothing good can come from it, as it would likely widen Clinton's lead in the popular vote. His tweets about "millions voted illegally" are are a diversion to keep his base motivated - there's nothing there but he likes to create smoke to deflect the media from focusing on the negative stories about him that would otherwise dominate the news cycle, such as the $25M settlement against Trump U, and the multitudinous conflicts of interest that will dog his administration. Plus I suspect he has a mental weakness in being unable to accept reality if it means he lost at something, even if it doesn't really matter, so he makes up an excuse.
  • Nov 28, 2016, 11:37 AM
    A "mental weakness" is putting it mildly. He's got about a dozen textbook cases of various psychological maladies. I fear for the country governed by this buffoon and his equally buffoon-ish cohorts. One is worse than the other

    Thank you for the reply.
  • Nov 28, 2016, 01:55 PM
    Look at how many states do NOT require someone prove they are who they claim when they vote, and that their legal status is verified. There are states that give illegals a drivers license with no proof of anything to get it. These tend to be states that not surprisingly Democrat.

    Wikileaks has proven it happens, it has proven the DNC leadership and the Hillary Campaign have discussed ways of doing it... and Wikileaks has proven it took place in a large scale during the Democrat primary.

    THe last two election cycles widespread vote fraud has been proven, ACORN was caught red handed, and there were many precincts that not so surprisingly had more votes cast than existed eligible adults. Meaning voter turnout exceeded 100%, A physical impossibility without vote fraud.

    There were also previous massive vote fraud during the Illinois Gov election and the Chicago mayoral election when democrat party officials were showing up with "Forgotten" "uncounted Ballots" in the trunks of their own cars... all of which should have legally been thrown out due to mishandling.

    I find it laughable when a Canadian who has the Buffoon Justin Trudeau as their own Prime minister ( who they apparently think is a great guy) has the balls to Call Trump a Buffoon. Its clear how liberals will accept any amount of Criminal activity as well as outright stupidity as long as its someone willing to further their propaganda and agenda. Hillary would already be in jail without Democrat operatives willing to fall on the sword and riun their own credibility to shield her from paying for her criminal activity.

    This is also why the left has already or soon will be losing elections all over the world. THe thinking person has gotten sick of their lies and their agenda that punishes the hard working person and rewards the lazy.
  • Nov 28, 2016, 02:08 PM
    I find it laughable that a buffon, a caricature of a candidate and a pathological liar was elected president. Yes Trump is a buffoon. He has gotten away with so much because the democrats dropped the ball on several levels. I've said it before, Trump did not win this election, the democrats lost it. Trump managed to appeal to a specific group of people by pandering to their fears. And to another group who disliked Clinton with a pathological hatred. Those two groups carried him.

    There has NEVER been any evidence of widespread election fraud. That is just a smokescreen that Trump has used both before the election and now. Let him produce one valid shred of evidence.
  • Nov 28, 2016, 03:28 PM
    The Dems only partly lost it.
    Trump won because he kept his finger on the pulse of twitter and Facebook. He mirrored the tweeters. He won by a tweet.
    Clinton's use of social media was dismal, off, embarrassing.
    As one guy said after he got a tweet from 'her' saying "I need you tonight more than ever," (a request for money), he joked that he had never gone so swiftly into the friend zone.
    Her 596 page book was mailed to all Republican contenders early on, and the jokes went out from GOP staff, the usual door stop and table prop jokes.
    It was just .... missing on today's level for anyone under 45.

    Yes, you can say that's just part of the Dems dropping it on many levels. But buffoon or not, he won by a tweet.
  • Nov 28, 2016, 05:25 PM
    Everything you said shows that the dems lost the election much more than Trump won it.
  • Nov 28, 2016, 05:29 PM
    Because illegal votes would still be counted, if there was a recount.
    There is no proper ID system in place to control who votes.

    Dead people voting has been very popular.

    When I went to vote, I told them my name, did not show any ID what so ever. There is no record of legal or illegal votes.

    But yes, it is well known, in many states that they allow illegals to vote.
    Not to mention the 1000's given free food (meals) and driven to the voting polls asked to vote for who was providing the food (done in Atlanta all the time)

    Or as in our voting, there is nothing on the computer to show you, how your votes were recorded, your paper ballot just goes into a machine and says accepted.
  • Nov 28, 2016, 08:11 PM
    It's going to be a long four years. Trump will make Dubya look like a genius. Let's hope the Democrats will learn from their mistakes and nominate a good candidate in 2020. It's pretty sad that half of Americans are morons, Idiocracy was supposed to be science-fiction but now it's a documentary.
  • Nov 29, 2016, 08:34 AM
    Hello A:

    His tweet is precursor to system wide voter suppression, the likes of which we haven't seen since Jim Crow..

  • Nov 29, 2016, 12:17 PM
    Ayala gets suspended sentence for election fraud - Connecticut Post

    A case of election fraud near me in CT. Her mother was doing it too but got off. Actually the daughter just got a slap on the wrist. Both were seen laughing together outside the courtroom.
    Now I'm not saying this is remotely rampant.
    Just disgusting. For a long time, the AG said he couldn't touch her. Wouldn't even say why.
  • Nov 29, 2016, 02:07 PM

    Originally Posted by earl237 View Post
    It's going to be a long four years. Trump will make Dubya look like a genius. Let's hope the Democrats will learn from their mistakes and nominate a good candidate in 2020. It's pretty sad that half of Americans are morons, Idiocracy was supposed to be science-fiction but now it's a documentary.

    Look at everyone who voted for Hillary.. and ignored her numerous crimes over the years, and who most recently ignored her part in the fraud orchestrated by the DNC to steal the primary from Bernie Saunders... who actually won it. All Proven by emails from the guilty parties themselves. As Lenin and Stalin once called them "Useful Idiots" who will do whatever they are told to do blindly in the interest of "the Party" though who actually coined that phrase remains a matter of dispute.

    The completely biased, slanderous and libelous Pro-Hildebeast media proved they are part of it...and completely put off anyone who could think for themselves...and destroyed whatever little respect they might have had previously. Because anyone such a biased group wants so bad they will create fake news and ignore the real NOT who the country wants or needs as proven bu Obama previously.

    There should be a requirement NATIONALLY for all voter registrations to be PROVEN to be eligible to vote and in fact a legal US citizen as well, or ALL votes cast in that state should be nullified in all national elections. The individual state can do what they want...they just won't be allowed to vote in ANY national election if they don't take vote fraud seriously.
  • Nov 29, 2016, 02:16 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    There should be a requirement NATIONALLY for all voter registrations to be PROVEN to be eligible to vote

    So why isn't there voter ID?
  • Nov 29, 2016, 02:21 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    So why isn't there voter ID?

    Because the Democrats WANT and have openly said so... for Illegals and other ineligible people to vote. Illegals, certain felons, Dead people and those incapability of voting for themselves, and people registered to vote under more than on name or address, all of which are well documented to be used to pad Democrat votes in elections.

    The so called poor have ID to get handouts from the government... they have ways to get out to buy stuff or collect more handouts... they can get out to vote too. WITH a proper ID.

    Until 100% id requirements are met... as they do already in nearly every country on earth... then the system will be gamed by those who will lie cheat and break laws to sway elections in their favor. Wikileaks has proven the DNC is not above doing it and actively participate in vote fraud.
  • Nov 29, 2016, 02:28 PM
    Geez Smoothy your boy King Donald is the scoundrel in office along with the corrupt repubs in the house and senate, yet not a peep from you about any of that!

    Get over it already!
  • Nov 29, 2016, 02:34 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Because the Democrats WANT and have openly said so... for Illegals and other ineligible people to vote. Illegals, certain felons, Dead people and those incapability of voting for themselves, and people registered to vote under more than on name or address, all of which are well documented to be used to pad Democrat votes in elections.

    The so called poor have ID to get handouts from the government... they have ways to get out to buy stuff or collect more handouts... they can get out to vote too. WITH a proper ID.

    Until 100% id requirements are met... as they do already in nearly every country on earth... then the system will be gamed by those who will lie cheat and break laws to sway elections in their favor. Wikileaks has proven the DNC is not above doing it and actively participate in vote fraud.

    That doesn't answer my question. Why isn't there voter ID? A picture ID would be good enough? In Libraryland, for a new patron to get a library card, we ask for a picture ID and a utility bill or lease or mail addressed to the patron.
  • Nov 29, 2016, 02:49 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Look at everyone who voted for Hillary

    This thread is mostly about Trump. Why do you keep bringing Hillary into it? But since you did I can say the same thing. Look at all those who voted for Trump and ignored the multitudes of lies he kept spewing forth during the campaign. Ignored the violence, bigotry and hatred his campaign promoted. Ignored the fact that he barely explained any plans that he was going to implement and those that he did talk about were proven failures during previous administrations.

    And what about the evidence that the Russians were interfering with the election and were pro Trump. Because anything such a biased groups wants so bad they will create fake news and ignore the real facts.

    This what has bugged me most about many Trump supporters. They spout all this negativity about Clinton and totally ignore the even greater negatives about Trump. And I will remind you that Hillary has never been indicted for anything. So your talk about "numerous crimes" has never been proven.

    And I will add there has never been any evidence of widespread voter fraud, especially not affecting a national election. Sure there are pockets of problems here and there. But nothing on the scale that Trump has lied about.
  • Nov 29, 2016, 02:56 PM
    The REAL reason the democrats have been against a voter ID law is because it disenfranchises the poor, the uneducated, the indigent. Not everyone has, can get or wants a government ID. I'm not against voter IDs. But to require me means the government must require AND provide FREE OF CHARGE such IDs for all citizens. So the Republicans want voter ID so they can disenfranchise people they perceive as a democratic strength, but they are unwilling to pay the cost.
  • Nov 29, 2016, 03:49 PM
    I have no problem with a photo ID requirement for voting, it should be common sense and it doesn't have to disenfranchise the poor. Prices vary by state and province but where I live, a gov't photo ID only costs $48 and it's good for four years. If the poor can afford beer and cigarettes, they can afford to get a photo ID. Voter fraud is relatively rare but it does happen. When I was in college, I heard kids bragging about how they voted in both the district where their school was and again in the district where their parents lived.
  • Nov 29, 2016, 04:12 PM
    ScottGem, I voted for Clinton. In some strange way, I guess, I am more critical of her on the surface because I am so disappointed in her, in the party, in the committee. I even had a sinking feeling on my way to the polls late in the day. It's not because I think Trump is hunky dory for being so chummy with the populace on twitter and Facebook.

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