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  • Jun 1, 2016, 02:38 PM
    I'm purchasing a piece of property with six units. Are the pet deposits transferable
    I'm purchasing a piece of property with six units. The sellers realtor says that the pet deposits are not transferable to the buyer. Is there any statues that I can quote to show him
    The law?
  • Jun 1, 2016, 02:45 PM
    I doubt this... but it would not be the first time that an "odd" State law superceded what is normal.

    Google for your State's landlord tenant laws to find out for sure.

    Don't forget too that everything is negotiable; you can simply make it a part of the deal that all deposits, including pet or other, on record by tenants are transferred to you.
  • Jun 1, 2016, 10:32 PM
    The issue here, is that these deposits, are just that, and are suppose to be keep in a separate bank account, and returned to renter, when they move. Unless they are a pet fee, not deposit.

    Again, require them to prove it is the law, show statue and number.
    I doubt it is,
    Because you will have the liability to pay that deposit to them, when they move out.

    Sounds more like a lie, trying to penny and dime you to death, getting any profit they can.
  • Jun 2, 2016, 05:56 AM
    AK lawyer

    Is there any statues that I can quote to show him The law?

    Originally Posted by RickJ View Post
    Google for your State's landlord tenant laws to find out for sure.

    As RickJ suggests, landlord-tenant laws are for the most part a matter of state statute. And we don't know what state you are in.
  • Jun 3, 2016, 03:15 AM
    You'll be most likely wasting time looking for this in state law, unless you want to claim that law regarding security deposits applies to pet deposits.
    It's possible that the pet deposits aren't even deposits, but fees, and are not refundable. Cleaning 'deposits' aren't always deposits either.
    This is the sort of thing you talk out with the SELLER, and maybe even the tenants, to see what their understanding is.
    YOU are holding all the cards. If you don't like what is going on, you walk away.
    Sometimes that is a bluff, but it works - the agent will compromise on their commission sometimes. But NEVER suggest that.
  • Jun 3, 2016, 03:51 PM

    Originally Posted by cgrahek View Post
    Is there any statues that I can quote to show him. The law?

    Without knowing where you are located how do you expect us to cite statutes? But why not take the offensive. Ask the realtor to show you any statutes that support his position.

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