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  • Sep 5, 2007, 11:16 AM
    Excess/Heavy discharge
    Has anyone ever experienced heavy or excess discharge during their pregnancy? My period's not due until next week but I've been having some cramping and my discharge is extremely heavy. No odor, no itch. It actually feels like I have a light flow the way it kind of gushes out. Im sure every woman knows the feeling when you sit down too long while on your period and when you get up you feel the flow. That's how this feels but it is definitely not blood. It mostly happens in the early afternoon and kind of tapers off toward evening. I have never had anything like this happen to me before. I thought maybe it could possibly be an early sign of pregnancy. I AM sexually active with my husband we were trying for a while but recently decided to just let things happen naturally. I could also swear that my areolas are darker. Im experiencing the usual pre menstrual symptoms (sore breasts, tender nipples, headaches, irritability), but the heavy CM is just not normal for me. Anyone with any advice or ideas please feel free to comment. Also I know its not any kind of infection or STD.
  • Sep 5, 2007, 11:22 AM
    When I first became pregnant I noticed a lot more discharge before my missed period but my pregnancy ended in a m/c. This can be a sign of pregnancy but is definitely not a symptom. I've also read that while excess cervical mucus after ovulation can be a sign of pregnancy it can also be a sign that you didn't ovulate. The reason being because your body didn't use all of the hormones for ovulation it has excess left over which causes you to have more CM. That is just something I read so correct me if it is wrong. Your symptoms sound like pregnancy but just remember that pregnancy symptoms can mirror PMS and other illnesses. Good luck!
  • Sep 5, 2007, 11:30 AM
    I have had heavier discharge since being pregnant. For me it didn't increase until later in the pregnancy, but every woman is different. All you can do now is wait and see what happens. You may very well be pregnant!
  • Sep 5, 2007, 02:12 PM
    I am 14 weeks pregnant and wear a panty liner most days because of my discharge. The discharge didn't start heavy but became heavier at around 8 weeks maybe. Now it is a hassle to deal with, not to mention gross.
  • Sep 5, 2007, 05:34 PM
    I had lots of dischare with my childern so goodluck
  • Sep 7, 2007, 09:35 PM
    Hi there, it's me :-)

    The last time I was pregnant was 21 yrs ago but I do seem to recall a discharge which I thought was very annoying. Is it yellowish in color? Also, do you crave salty foods or citrus fruits? You said your breasts were tender... does that tend to happen every month? Are you getting nauseous at all? Ok, well that's my input. Hopefully this is a sign that you are pregnant this time around. I'll keep my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for you :-) I'll even braid my hair so that it's crossed too. LOL
  • Sep 9, 2007, 02:35 PM
    Thanks tobeamiss: the discharge doesn't really have much of a color its just a lot of it. If I didn't wear a liner the entire crotch of my panties would be wet. There's no distinct odor either. I haven't had any cravings even if I am pregnant I think it's a little too early for that. My period is due in a few days (hoping it doesn't come). No nausea just a little queasiness, headaches, and light headedness. I hope this is it too. I've got everything crossed as well. I have a doctor's appt on Thursday, my period is supposed to come around tues or wed so by Thursday maybe a blood test would show accurately.
  • Sep 9, 2007, 02:37 PM
    Oh yea my nipples are really sore too and I'm getting some sharp pains and throbbing in the boobs. I sometimes get this during pms so I'm wouldn't say its unusual.
  • Sep 9, 2007, 07:28 PM
    I had read that one of the earliest signs were the cravings of salt or citrus. Good luck on Thursday. (thumbs up) ;-)
  • Sep 11, 2007, 01:49 PM
    Bekah how far along were you when you found out?
    My doctor's appt is two days away, I'm so anxious. Technically my period was supposed to start today or I should have at least started spotting but I haven't seen anything except for the excess discharge. My nipples are so sore it hurts to even have my bra on. Im hoping and praying that this is it. I was tempted to take an hpt this morning but I think I'll just wait for the doctor to do a blood test. Keeping my fingers and everything else crossed
  • Sep 11, 2007, 01:59 PM
    Omg, now I'm getting really excited for you! I really hope you are. I'll be thinking of you on Thursday.

    <keeping my fingers crossed>
  • Sep 11, 2007, 05:39 PM
    I took a hpt the day after my missed period. I was suppose to start on a Sunday and took the hpt on a Monday. It showed a faint line, but it was a line. Actually, all 8 of the hpt's I took showed a faint line. I think typically most people can't tell that soon, but it can't hurt to take one and see. My only symptom was sore breasts. They hurt so bad I had to wear a sports bra to bed every night. Now my breasts are not sore anymore... I was thankful to get rid of that symptom.
    I say take a hpt. If it is negative just remember that it could be a false reading because you don't have enough hcg built up yet. But if it shows up positive you will know and all will be well. Best of luck!
  • Sep 12, 2007, 10:41 AM
    I am 8 months pregnant and I have this problem now but with the iching. Go to the doc and see if they can give you something to clear it up. But I do think it's a sigh of pregnancy as your body gos through a lot of changes. Try dinking cranberry juice its meant to help clear up discharge, thrush etc.. I was told this by my midwife:rolleyes:
  • Sep 12, 2007, 12:14 PM
    Today is now Wednesday, I'm getting kind of excited too because I still have not seen any signs of my period coming. I've had some cramping and my nipples have been sore for more than a week but usually pms doesn't last that long for me. I don't want to get too excited though, there was a time last year when my period was almost a whole month late and I was not pregnant so this could possibly be just AF messing with my head. I'll see what the doctor says, hopefully he's willing to do a blood test although I haven't taken a positive hpt. Thanks for the hopeful wishes tobeamiss I'll definitely keep you guys posted
  • Sep 12, 2007, 01:27 PM
    You haven't taken a hpt yet? Or you have taken one and haven't gotten a positive result?
  • Sep 12, 2007, 01:49 PM
    I haven't taken one yet I'm too afraid of it being negative
  • Sep 13, 2007, 01:46 PM
    Okay, to all of you who have been keeping up and wishing me luck, here's an update. I went to the doctor today and he did a urine pregnancy test and it was NEGATIVE. Am I upset? Yes! Am I distraught? Yes! I just don't know what to think now. My period should have come and it hasn't but the pregnancy test said negative. He told me to come back in two weeks if my period didn't show and take another test. Do any of you guys think there's still hope for me? Like maybe, just maybe, the test wasn't sensitive enough? Or if I wait a week it'll come up positive? Or am I just holding on to false hopes here?
  • Sep 14, 2007, 06:21 AM
    baby broody

    Originally Posted by MrsHec4
    okay, to all of you who have been keeping up and wishing me luck, here's an update. I went to the doctor today and he did a urine pregnancy test and it was NEGATIVE. Am i upset? yes! am i distraught? yes! I just dont know what to think now. My period should have come and it hasn't but the pregnancy test said negative. He told me to come back in two weeks if my period didn't show and take another test. Do any of you guys think there's still hope for me? Like maybe, just maybe, the test wasn't sensitive enough? Or if i wait a week it'll come up positive? Or am i just holding on to false hopes here??

    Oh I'm sorry you neva got the result you wer looking for:( , I know how frustraing it can be, with me the slightest day of being overdue on my period and I go 2 buy a test, only to find it's a negative and il prob start my period a day or l8r, its so uhhhh, can't describe what it feels like. Anyway I'm crossing everything I have that's there is a no show of my period this month, just hopefully this'l be the month.

    And bless, don't worry when the time is right, it'l happen and you won't even know it:)
  • Sep 14, 2007, 09:24 AM
    I'm keeping everything crossed for the both of us(baby broody), my doc gave me a little bit of hope, he told me the "symptoms" I've been having (heavy discharge, sore nipples, food aversion) could still mean pregnancy but if I ovulated later than I thought then the test was too early, he suspects that I ovulated last week right before the symptoms started so technically my period isn't late. I'm going to wait the two weeks and see what happens but now I'm losing hope because my nipples aren't as sore as they were before and it makes me think AF is about to rear her ugly head yet again. Best of luck to all of us who are trying.
  • Sep 14, 2007, 09:53 AM
    You may not be pregnant, but here's a glimmer of hope for you. I ovulated right before my af was due and didn't get a positive on a hpt until I was 10 days late. Went to the doc same day, they took a test and after about 10 minutes they finally got a very very faint positive. My faint line was on a first response, so there is still a chance. The only symptoms I had was some cramping, so I was afraid to take a test thinking my af was going to come any day. I didn't get any real pregnancy symptoms until I was about 7 weeks along. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. How late are you? If you are pregnant you may not show a positive until 10-14 days late. Until then try not to stress over it. Easier said than done, I know!

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