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  • Nov 3, 2017, 08:37 AM
    Hair follicle test ,in frequent user, snorted meth a few times 3 1/2 weeks ago
    Hello I need help I snorted meth like a idiot almost a month ago like 4 very little lines so I did a hair follicle test on my arm and it was only that day I have ever done it. Will I test positive?
  • Nov 3, 2017, 09:40 AM
    Possible maybe, but will it rise to the level of a fail? Depends on the parameters set by the ones ordering the test, and whether they have set an allowable level to pass, and what they are specifically testing for.

    As an example a court will have a ZERO tolerance, and spell the parameters and consequences out very clearly, while a private employer has a different standard they can apply.

    Sorry, 4 "little" lines of meth could be anything from pure product to 99.99% cut. Too late to worry about past stupidity. Chances are though that such small one time amounts don't even show up on tests designed to identify hardcore habitual users.
  • Nov 3, 2017, 10:33 AM
    I really appreciate the feedback I hope I pass if not it’s all over and I assure u it was only 1 day about 3 to for weeks ago and I did t have head hair because I cut it into a bald fade before I knew of any testing so as a black 41 year old male the hairs they got off my arms was like .5 to .7 inches they cut with scissors and it was a very thin cotton ball not like the patch of hair they cut out my hair 5 months ago will I have a better chance of passing and I’m definitely not a hardcore user it was a one time thing that day and never again
  • Nov 3, 2017, 12:04 PM
    I really appreciate the feedback I hope I pass if not it’s all over and I assure u it was only 1 day about 3 to for weeks ago and I did t have head hair because I cut it into a bald fade before I knew of any testing so as a black 41 year old male the hairs they got off my arms was like .5 to .7 inches they cut with scissors and it was a very thin cotton ball not like the patch of hair they cut out my hair 5 months ago will I have a better chance of passing and I’m definitely not a hardcore user it was a one time thing that day and never again
  • Nov 3, 2017, 08:13 PM
    Sadly we can only guess, as can you, but hair follicle tests are designed to test for long term use, they cannot usually predict one time use, so you should be okay. If you pass hopefully the scare of a possible fail will keep you on the straight and narrow from now on.

    Good luck.
  • Nov 4, 2017, 06:51 AM
    Thank you so much I’m praying so hard that everything is OK
  • Nov 6, 2017, 05:44 AM
    "Hello I need help"

    "Thank you so much I’m praying so hard that everything is OK"

    Me thinks you are looking for help in the wrong place for the wrong things. How about worrying less about the drug test and more about the drug problem?
  • Nov 6, 2017, 07:56 AM
    Don’t have a problem tried it a few times in one day never been a user
  • Nov 6, 2017, 09:52 AM
    You do have a drug problem... most people wouldn't EVER go near meth or any other serious dug even once.. certainly not more than once. If you think this is nothing and have no concern.. that PROVES you do have a problem, and the first step towards fixing the problem is admitting it.
  • Nov 6, 2017, 12:46 PM
    I don't think you have a PROBLEM with meth at this time, but you must never forget the stress your decision to TRY it has caused you NOW, and that is the problem. Just because you are not a full blown addict, please do NOT minimize the loss of your own peace of mind. Those that forget are bound to repeat their mistakes, and endure the consequences of those BAD decisions.

    Much luck with your future decisions, take this experience as a warning, and heed it.
  • Nov 6, 2017, 09:50 PM
    Sir all due respect I’m married with children when I tell you that was my first time trust me it was my first time, I made a mistake won’t happen twice I appreciate the feedback though I appreciate it much, I was only wondering if it would show up in a hair test since I did it once and a infrequent first time test dummy

    Appreciate it sir and you know I made a mistake and I’ve never been a drug user I don’t know what made me try but I see you're an expert do u think it will show up in my hair follicle test I just did a couple days ago I did it about a month ago around 4 small lines of it
  • Nov 6, 2017, 10:13 PM
    Whether it will show up is a moot point. You’ve done the deed, you’ve taken the test.

    As a nurse, I have seen relatively few to none who have tried this powerful drug only once and never again. Take this time you are waiting for the results to review and reflect on your life and what so strongly drew you to this powerful drug. Work on ant issues you may have so that you are there stone cold clean and sober for your children.
  • Nov 7, 2017, 04:14 AM
    "I’m married with children"

    I am married with children and because I put my partner first, because I put my children first, because I put my dogs first, and for so many other reasons, you will never see me type "I snorted meth a few times..." or anything else for that matter. It's concerning on many levels that you don't see this as an issue and would rather defend yourself. Just my opinion...
  • Nov 7, 2017, 06:41 AM

    For many of us that have seen the ravages of drug use, and addiction, and the havoc it plays in the lives of addicts, and the people around them, you can expect tough love. We express it because we CARE. So please take it in the spirit its given. We know you are freaking out waiting for results, that's just the nature of the beast, seeing as how much is at stake. If you are looking for guarantees you will pass, NOBODY can do that, not even EXPERIENCED experts, as there are just too many factors at play.

    You've acknowledged your mistake, I think you've learned from it, and will move forward... eventually, so you may as well relax, and let the PROCESS play out, and please update us to the outcome of your tests. I think (HOPE) you will be okay. Lets just leave it at that for now.

    Waiting is the hard part. It can drive you nuts. Don't let it!
  • Nov 7, 2017, 02:22 PM
    I appreciate the feedback without a doubt and when I tell you folks it was my first time trust and believe it was my first time and never again what happened I was partying and some friends had some and I was like what the heck and did it, I was always cautious of drugs my mother been on them my whole life I admit I made a mistake and the feeling I felt wasn’t something I liked at all so I understand what you all are saying and I don’t have a problem with drugs it didn’t get my attention to where my body want it or crave it, I simply just wanted wanted some advice about snorting 4 lines about a month ago, I’m also married with 7 kids I told my wife about my curiosity trying that stuff trust me I don’t have a problem with that stuff and will never try again

    I appreciate the feedback without a doubt and when I tell you folks it was my first time trust and believe it was my first time and never again what happened I was partying and some friends had some and I was like what the heck and did it, I was always cautious of drugs my mother been on them my whole life I admit I made a mistake and the feeling I felt wasn’t something I liked at all so I understand what you all are saying and I don’t have a problem with drugs it didn’t get my attention to where my body want it or crave it, I simply just wanted wanted some advice about snorting 4 lines about a month ago, I’m also married with 7 kids I told my wife about my curiosity trying that stuff trust me I don’t have a problem with that stuff and will never try again
  • Nov 7, 2017, 03:38 PM
    In my experience they usually don't call and tell you that you have passed, that's why my advice is just be cool.
  • Nov 7, 2017, 05:04 PM
    I have to admit, it's a bit hard to believe that someone chooses metht the first time they ever do drugs. Meth is a hard core drug that is usually only used by hard core users. But I believe when you say you only did it once, and I hope you're being honest when you say you'll never do it again. Meth is highly addictive and extremely dangerous.

    Like I said before, hair follicle testing is done to determine long term use. One time is not likely to show up on this test, so you should be fine. But, I can't say that with 100% certainty, as anything is possible.
  • Nov 7, 2017, 06:04 PM
    One question that has not been asked is... Why are you being tested? Is this court ordered? If so, why?
  • Nov 7, 2017, 07:09 PM
    No not court ordered I started my job through a staffing agency I had to do th same tests now I got hired on unto the company and have to do all tests over

    Alty my first time no bull I have a beautiful family I was drinking and I said It and did it I’m not ashamed as people make mistakes and it is something I truly trgret
  • Nov 7, 2017, 07:46 PM
    No one can say they've never made a mistake. I hope, for your sake and your family's sake, that this is the only time you make this particular mistake. Meth is not family friendly, it's a drug no one should ever try even once. I'm glad you're able to walk away from it, and it seems that you learned from this mistake and won't make it again.

    I wish you the best of luck, hug your kids and maybe next time party at home by watching a Disney marathon while eating popcorn and drinking pop. :)

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