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  • Feb 2, 2008, 05:18 PM
    sexy lee lee
    Skin lightening for dark Afro skin/ max result
    Hey, I've been reading the forums, it is so much info to absorb. Is their anyone who has had dark Afro- Amer or Afro- Carib and are know a fairer and more even complexion from using skin lighteners. If so can you lead me in a direction, I am willing to use any regime just not too expensive. Thanks guys :)
  • Feb 3, 2008, 04:26 AM
    Hello and welcome to the forums. :)

    The products that are hot just now are Bio Claire, Diana Stalder and monobenzone (that completely depigments your skin).

    Bio Claire is the cheapest so try that out first.

    Good luck. :)
  • Feb 15, 2008, 09:24 AM
    Check out the Skinstatus for good products to use
  • Feb 18, 2008, 11:45 AM
    Read this article about how rihanna bleached her skin.. lol its pretty interesting, but u have to sign up to see what product she uses.
  • Feb 19, 2008, 03:13 PM

    Originally Posted by whiterskinnow
    Read this article about how rihanna bleached her its pretty interesting, but u have to sign up to see what product she uses.

    I don't know if I trust this site because the pictures they are using for before and after have different lighting. I have pictures where I look pitch black because of lack of light, then I have pictures where I look very light because of sunlight or flash. So I don't know how acurate this is.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 02:07 PM
    Those before and after picture are ridiculous... if your in bad lighting your going to looki darker if your in good light of course your going to look lighter... what kind phony site is that... give me a break...
  • Feb 24, 2008, 03:24 PM
    sexy lee lee
    Hello everyone, thanks for all the advice. I am currently using fair&white gel cream with clovate, and it is working really well. Start seeing a lot of changes so far. About that website with Rhiana bleaching her skin did not show that much difference between the before and after pics. Regardless, I found a website by the name of World Of Entertainment they claim to have the best skin lightening products and have sold to Lil Kim and other celebraties. They have a wide rage of products and are also expensive. When I have money I am going to try some of the products.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 07:43 AM

    Originally Posted by sexy lee lee
    hello everyone, thanks for all the advice. I am currently using fair&white gel cream with clovate, and it is working really well. Start seeing a lot of changes so far. About that website with Rhiana bleaching her skin did not show that much difference between the before and after pics. Regardless, I found a website by the name of World Of Entertainment they claim to have the best skin lightening products and have sold to Lil Kim and other celebraties. They have a wide rage of products and are also expensive. When I have money I am going to try some of the products.

    Hi sexy lee, what is the active ingredient in fair&white? And how long have you been using it?
  • Feb 26, 2008, 03:02 PM

    Originally Posted by sexy lee lee
    hello everyone, thanks for all the advice. I am currently using fair&white gel cream with clovate, and it is working really well. Start seeing a lot of changes so far. About that website with Rhiana bleaching her skin did not show that much difference between the before and after pics. Regardless, I found a website by the name of World Of Entertainment they claim to have the best skin lightening products and have sold to Lil Kim and other celebraties. They have a wide rage of products and are also expensive. When I have money I am going to try some of the products.

    World of entertainment are a scam! They have ripped off people and their products are dangerous to use.
    Please refer to this link.
  • Feb 27, 2008, 01:15 PM
    sexy lee lee
    Hey SassyT I've been using it for two and a half weeks. The active ingredient is hydroquinone 2%. There's a lot of debates about the active ingredient because it is dagerous, but I've done a little research of my own and found that 2% is not dangerous. I am starting the vitamin C 6000 mgs a day to help stop the melanin production.

    This is for punk chic, do you know any who has tried the products from World Of Entertainment because I would like to try their lightening pills and mega blast cream.
  • Feb 27, 2008, 01:28 PM

    Originally Posted by sexy lee lee
    This is for punk chic, do you know any who has tryed the products from World Of Entertainment because I would like to try their lightening pills and mega blast cream.

    There was a member on here named Officialangeleyes that used a product from world of entertainment. She was not happy with the results. She said it harmed her skin.
    She then said she sent the remaining product to a lab to get it tested and see what it contains. We are currently awaiting for the results.
  • Feb 27, 2008, 08:55 PM
    sexy lee lee

    Originally Posted by PunkChic
    There was a member on here named Officialangeleyes that used a product from world of entertainment. She was not happy with the results. She said it harmed her skin.
    She then said she sent the remaining product to a lab to get it tested and see what it contains. We are currently awaiting for the results.

    Thanks for looking out, when I was on their website they did say be careful because the product is strong. They even advice you on how often you should use the cream, I by no means am saying they are safe to use. However I hope that girl recover from whatever it is the cream did to her skin. What is the best lightening pills on the market? That I could use for my skin. Also do you have any info about what Lil Kim or rhiana is using to bleach their skin.
  • Feb 28, 2008, 08:50 AM

    Originally Posted by sexy lee lee
    hey SassyT I've been using it for two and a half weeks. The the active ingredient is hydroquinone 2%. There's alot of debates about the active ingredient because it is dagerous, but I've done a little research of my own and found that 2% is not dangerous. I am starting the vitamin C 6000 mgs a day to help stop the melanin production.

    This is for punk chic, do you know any who has tryed the products from World Of Entertainment because I would like to try their lightening pills and mega blast cream.

    Sexy, be care full of that substance it is going to make your skin look worse!
    Please read this article

    The long term effects of using skin lightening products

    Hydroquinone or Mercury applied to the skin will react with ultra violet
    Rays and re-oxidise, leading to more pigmentation and premature ageing.
    More product is then applied in an attempt to correct the darker blotchy

    These are the beginnings of a vicious cycle. By altering the skins
    Natural structure and inhibiting the production of Melanin, it’s natural
    Protection, the skin is more susceptible to skin cancer.

    Prolonged use of Hydroquinone will thicken collegen fibres damaging the
    connective tissues.
    The result is rough blotchy skin leaving it with a
    spotty cavier appearance.

    Mercury will slowly accumulate within the skin cells striping the skin
    Of it’s natural pigment leaving behind the tell tale signs of gray/ blue
    Pigmentation in the folds of the skin. In the long term the chemical
    will damage vital organs and lead to liver and kidney failure and
    mercury poisoning.

    The WOE products are also dangerous!
  • Mar 3, 2008, 06:39 PM
    I also suggest Clovate Fast Rapid Action. Working within two weeks. Sivoclair carrot cream is also good. I prefer the cream over the lotion. :)
  • Mar 3, 2008, 08:36 PM
    @ silentnight... what your before and after color like? Do you know any website I can buy it from? PLease give details :)
  • Mar 4, 2008, 07:00 PM

    Originally Posted by sassyT
    Sexy, be care full of that substance it is going to make your skin look worse!
    plse read this article

    The long term effects of using skin lightening products

    Hydroquinone or Mercury applied to the skin will react with ultra violet
    rays and re-oxidise, leading to more pigmentation and premature ageing.
    More product is then applied in an attempt to correct the darker blotchy

    These are the beginnings of a vicious cycle. By altering the skins
    natural structure and inhibiting the production of Melanin, it’s natural
    protection, the skin is more susceptible to skin cancer.

    Prolonged use of Hydroquinone will thicken collegen fibres damaging the
    connective tissues.
    The result is rough blotchy skin leaving it with a
    spotty cavier appearance.

    Mercury will slowly accumulate within the skin cells striping the skin
    of it’s natural pigment leaving behind the tell tale signs of gray/ blue
    pigmentation in the folds of the skin. In the long term the chemical
    will damage vital organs and lead to liver and kidney failure and
    mercury poisoning.

    the WOE products are also dangerous!

    I have been using hQ for years and its nothing like u described.. dont write stuff about a product unless u have had that effect
    Believe its not as bad as people make it seem to be
    And 2% is not harmful.
  • Mar 4, 2008, 07:02 PM

    Originally Posted by sexy lee lee
    Thanks for looking out, when I was on their website they did say be careful because the product is strong. They even advice you on how often you should use the cream, I by no means am saying they are safe to use. However I hope that girl recover from whatever it is the cream did to her skin. What is the best lightening pills on the market? That I could use for my skin. Also do you have any info about what Lil Kim or rhiana is using to bleach their skin.

    Hey can you tell us more about your experience with fair and white.. I would really like to know if the gel cream thing works on acne scars.

  • Mar 5, 2008, 08:49 AM

    Originally Posted by chandani
    i have been using hQ for years and its nothing like u described..dont write stuff about a product unless u have had that effect
    believe its not as bad as people make it seem to be
    and 2% is not harmful.

    That's fine you can continue to use it if you want to but will never use a toxic chemical to lighten my skin. I am not willing to take the health risks. I know it has been banned in Europe and Asian countries. There is a reason for that.
  • Mar 9, 2008, 03:55 PM
    sexy lee lee

    Originally Posted by chandani
    hey can u tell us more about ur experience with fair and white..i would really like to know if the gel cream thing works on acne scars.


    How yes... It works really well.
  • Mar 10, 2008, 11:58 AM
    sexy lee lee
    Where can I get the Monobenzone benoquin cream to purchase? I've see the powder for$$$ on but I'm not sure how to mix that powder, I think I would rather the cream being its mixed already for you. Please give me info on both, if push comes to shuve then I will try the powder. Thanks Guys.

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