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  • Aug 8, 2012, 08:28 PM
    Black hole in space
    Hey I was wondering what will happen if you get sucked in the black hole out of space. I've been trying to figure it out myself and the only answer in my head was... going back to the past or going in the complete opposite life style.
  • Aug 8, 2012, 08:39 PM
    A "black hole" is believed to be the remains of a massive star that has burnt out and collasped upon itself.

    So there is the remains of a planet there. It is so dense and heavy that the gravity field, is so strong, even light can not bounce back. ** you know that the image we see of anything, si just the light that is reflected off that object, ( i.e. your red shirt is actually every color but red, since the red it reflected so thus you see red)

    But anyway, if you went into the black hole ( and not worry about Oxygen and all of that)
    Your body would be crushed. You would long before reaching the center, be smashed into a object smaller than a grain of sand.
  • Aug 8, 2012, 08:41 PM
    Yes, unless you're in a science fiction film, you're most likely not going to be doing any sort of time travel in a black hole as you will be squashed.
  • Aug 8, 2012, 09:00 PM
    No, you'll be spaghettified.
  • Aug 9, 2012, 09:33 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    So there is the remains of a planet there..

    Actually at the center of a black hole is a singularity of infinite density (and thus zero volume), not a "planet."


    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    No, you'll be spaghettified.

    Right - tidal forces would stretch you out in spaghetti strands before you get to the event horizon. The experience would ruin your whole day!

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