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  • Jun 16, 2007, 10:45 PM
    What Does A Girl Want?
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  • Jun 16, 2007, 10:52 PM
    Sorry if you're getting tired of me answering your questions but I want to help you out :)

    I can't speak for all women, but as for me I just love the little things. I love it when my husband notices and appreciates the things I do for him, and return he does the same things for me. I love it when he gets me flowers or some little stuffed animal for no reason, just to say he loves me. Its not about buying gifts, its about being thoughtful on another level besides just buying gifts. Be in tune with her and her needs. Its not just about spending money. Plan a night with her where you spend little to no money, where its just about you two by yourselves. Watch a movie, play some cards. Something where you can spend time alone and just connect with each other. Only golddiggers love men for the money they spend on them, and men are better off without those kind of girls.
  • Jun 16, 2007, 10:54 PM
    Its not about buying EXPENSIVE gifts I should say. Every girl appreciates a cheap boquet of flowers or a little cheap stuffed animal or box of candy. Most girls like getting a little something for no reason every once in a while :)
  • Jun 17, 2007, 06:14 AM
    How old are you, as your other post suggests youth.
  • Jun 17, 2007, 07:20 AM

    They want you to be yourself, if they want Mr. Macho they will find him but she is with you so she must like what she sees. Listen to what they say, a lady will tell you what she likes and doesn't like if you let her. Enjoy spending time with them, its not what you give them as for gifts it's the time you give them from your heart that counts.
  • Jun 17, 2007, 09:04 AM
    Girls need attention and time but in balance... too much or two less drive them away... Strike a balance and don't forget to cuddle them after you've made out. I personally detest guys who simply turn around and sleep or do anything but hug the woman they have just made out with... ugh! How disrespectful...
  • Jun 17, 2007, 09:41 AM
    They want to be shown that they are loved.. not that you phone or visit once a while. Come see her all the time and make her comfortable with you.. when she starts telling you personal thing and secrets that's when you know you've got her trust and don't missuse it as this could consequense in her never tlkin to you again
  • Jun 17, 2007, 10:23 AM
    Be a man not a wuss!
  • Jun 17, 2007, 11:41 AM
    If you are married then cuddle and hold your wife for 15 minutes every night before you go to bed. Give her a kiss goodnight, a kiss good morning, & a kiss when you walk in the door from work. Women want to feel appreciated. When you give her affection like this everyday you are not taking her for granted.

    Women also want a challenge. They want to chase you. They want to respect you but you have to earn it. If you have a steady girlfriend then you should be seeing her 2 to 3 times per week for 4-5 hours on each visit. Pick different days each week to see her though. Don't see her every Friday. Mix it up. Women want mystery.

    Call her twice a week to set up dates. Do not talk about sex and do not initiate sex. Let her be the one to initiate it. If she has high interest level in you then she will initiate sex on every date. Challenge also means always giving her time to miss you. Don't accept every dinner date. Don't jump on every opportunity to spend the night when she invites you to.

    In the early stages of dating the man should keep his hands to himself and let the woman initiate all the touching. If her interest level is 51% or higher then she will tap your arm or leg at least once for 1/2 a second by the end of the 2nd date if not the 1st date. If she doesn't tap your arm or leg at least once after 2 dates then it's a red flag of low interest level.

    Don't kiss her goodnight until you get to the end of the 5th date in with her. You want to go in slowly. This shows her you are a gentlemen. It shows her that you have self control and that you are not attacking her comfort level. If she wants to molest you during the date then let her but you still keep your hands to yourself.

    Women also want you to show class. That means pull out her chair, open the doors for her, send her parents a thank you card after they invite you over to their house for dinner, ask her father's permission to marry her, etc. Date her for 2-4 years and then wait for her to ask you to get engaged. Don't give her an answer until you check with her dad first.

    By the way the telephone is the most dangerous weapon in dating and relationships. Guys should call only to make dates not to chit chat. Save all heavy subjects for face-face contact. Why? Because it is important to see her facial expressions and body language.

    When you are married women also want you to take initiative to complete household projects and chores. Don't wait for her to ask you. Take initiative to cut the grass, take out the trash, wash the cars, clean the toilets, paint the fence, change batteries in the smoke detector, put away dishes, etc. Women want hard working men. That is sexy. Laziness is not.

    Also if you are dating a girl and she has not asked you to go steady yet then have no contact with her on fridays and saturdays. Those are sacred nights that are off limits until she says she wants to go steady. It's the woman's job to ask for exclusivity and commitment.

    Women want men who have busy active lives. They don't want clingy/needy men who make women the reason they exist. That's one of the reasons a guy should wait 7 to 11 days to call a girl after getting her phone number and in the early stages of dating.

    To sum it all up women want these ingredients in a man: 1. Confidence. 2. Self control. 3. Challenge. 4. Humor. 5. manners & class.

    Keep in mind that a confident man is happy with himself and therefore does not seek the approval of women about how to live his life. If a man is truly happy with himself and seeking approval from within himself & from God then he will not care whether a woman accepts or rejects him. He does not get excited if she accepts a date from him and he does not take it personally if she rejects a date. Women are attracted to that. An insecure guy is just too happy when he gets any kind of attention from any woman.

    Confident men know who they are and what they want and they are not afraid to go after it. If she rejects him it's no big deal. If she accepts him it's still no big deal.
  • Jun 17, 2007, 01:20 PM
    You can also go to Doc Love to find out what women really want. Doc Love (thomas hodges) is a dating coach who has interviewed 10,000 women for over 35 years and he knows what they really want.

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