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  • Jul 15, 2006, 11:00 PM
    Fat Kitty!
    I have a cat who is about 4 years old, and is very fat. She was a runt as a baby, and was always very tiny, but she started gaining weight about a year ago and now is literally the size of a basketball. She has the tiniest little head! Its like the size of a tennis ball.

    We recently got a new cat, who sort of terrorizes Mimi (the fat one), and now she stays upstairs 24/7. We think that might be part of the problem, because she doesn't go up and down the stairs anymore. She has trouble jumping on beds, and chairs, and has a bit of trouble breathing. We have cut back her food a ton, but it doesn't seem to be helping. We even changed the type of food she eats. If anyone has any advice on how to get her to lose some weight, it would be much appreciated! Also, if anyone has advice on how to get two cats to get along, that would be helpful as well! Thanks!
  • Jul 16, 2006, 08:32 PM
    It sounds like she is consuming more calories than she is burning.

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