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  • Jan 5, 2008, 06:59 AM
    visitation rights to see my granddaughter
    I am a grandmother of a 3 year old granddaughter who we dearly love I have had her nearly every weekend since she was born she is my sons daughter he has been having problems with his partner when they are not getting on he goes out and gets drunk and because she does not want to know him anymore now she says because he has smashed her window we are not allowed to see my granddaughter now as we should have not let him go out drinking again he does not even live at my house he is 27 except it is my fault {his mum}
  • Jan 5, 2008, 07:11 AM
    1. What formal court ordered visitation does he have. If he is suppose to have the child, he will need to go back to court to inforce his visitation rights.

    But his breaking her windows, esp if she filed apolice report and also if she got a restraining order on him, this may hurt it.

    There are a few states that do allow formal grandparents rights, if you live in one of those, you can get an attorney and file for visitation.
  • Feb 18, 2008, 08:48 PM
    I have a 6 year old granddaughter who I have had every weekend since she was born her mother is going to take her out of state her father is in prison I want to know is there anything I can do about this? Her father has court order visitation

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