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  • Jun 28, 2009, 12:34 AM
    Its Been Over 4 Yrs & No Baby!
    My fiancé and I have been trying to get pregnant for over 4 yrs now. It just hasn't happened... I do not have a regular cycle, never have. I still think I should be able to conceive even though I don't have a monthly period. Everyone else doesn't even have to try and they are all popping out babies all over the place! I don't know how to get pregnant without going to the dr and spending hundreds of dollars for them to tell me to "exercise more" or some crap. If anyone has any suggestions on certain things to do or eat or not to do please let me know. I want a baby in my life before Im too old to be a real mother to him/her. Please help me! :confused:
  • Jun 28, 2009, 01:04 AM

    If your periods are irregular, have you tried tracking exactly what your body is actually doing? Can you tell when you ovulate? If so, you should be able to count days from there and figure out when your best chances are to conceive.

    You said you don't have a monthly period, but do you at least have 'normal' periods, even if the interval is not 28 days? I have a 33-36 day cycle, but my periods are pretty normal - go for 5 days, I can tell when I ovulate etc.

    If you are reluctant to see a doctor, you could try and naturopath, but they may end up costing a bit in treatments and appointments too. I guess it just depends how much you want a baby. I have friends who had great success after seeing herbalists and all sorts of alternatives to the IVF path.

    If you are not ovulating, or can't actually tell, it might be worth investing in a special thermometer. You can track your vaginal temperature and generally tell from that when you have a chance of conceiving, but to be honest, it is a bit tedious and requires patience.

    Good luck!
  • Jun 28, 2009, 02:03 AM

    Please anyone correct me if I'm wrong,but I was always under the impression that it could take up to a year to conceive..
    You may just need a simple D & C..
    I know you said you didn't want to go down the route of doctors etc,but maybe if this is what you really want,its something to consider.
  • Jun 28, 2009, 02:42 AM

    Maybe it is not your problem. Maybe it is his!
  • Jun 28, 2009, 05:04 AM

    The very first step after a year or so, of tryig is for both man and women to have a complete check up to see if there is a medical issue.
  • Jun 30, 2009, 07:25 PM

    My husband and I had the same problem. We tried for 3 years and I also had irregular periods. I pretty much gave up and we just settled with the fact that we might have to raise dogs instead :) Meantime I was trying to eat healthier and lose a bit of weight, no drastic diets just healthier choices. Then my skin started breaking out so my mother suggested going to see if my Dr could help, he put me on Orthotricyclinlo (sp?) birth control pills to help. I've been on the pill before and have always had my period within days of taking the placebo pill, this time I didn't so my sister got me a pregnancy test. I've got so used to getting the dreaded "-" sign that I didn't get my hopes up, but low and behold it came back positive! People have always told me that when you stop trying is when it happens and that's what happened for me. Im not saying it's some higher power playing mean tricks but just trying giving it some time, not worring about it so much and I bet it will happen. I've also head that by having too much sex your body can become immune to your partner's sperm, not sure if that's true, but we had both started work at that time and had less time to do "it" lol. A couple days in between intercouse also could have helped. Either way we got pregnant at a good time in our life, and we're happy it happened when it did. I hope that your baby comes along when the time is right, I'm sure they will and you'll be wonderful parents because you want the baby so much... Good luck!
  • Jun 30, 2009, 09:37 PM

    Originally Posted by angieandjohn View Post
    My husband and I had the same problem. We tried for 3 years and I also had irregular periods. I pretty much gave up and we just settled with the fact that we might have to raise dogs instead :) Meantime I was trying to eat healthier and lose a bit of weight, no drastic diets just healthier choices. Then my skin started breaking out so my mother suggested going to see if my Dr could help, he put me on Orthotricyclinlo (sp?) birth control pills to help. I've been on the pill before and have always had my period within days of taking the placebo pill, this time I didn't so my sister got me a pregnancy test. I've got so used to getting the dreaded "-" sign that I didn't get my hopes up, but low and behold it came back positive! People have always told me that when you stop trying is when it happens and thats what happened for me. Im not saying it's some higher power playing mean tricks but just trying giving it some time, not worring about it so much and I bet it will happen. I've also head that by having too much sex your body can become immune to your partner's sperm, not sure if thats true, but we had both started work at that time and had less time to do "it" lol. A couple days in between intercouse also could have helped. Either way we got pregnant at a good time in our life, and we're happy it happened when it did. I hope that your baby comes along when the time is right, im sure they will and you'll be wonderful parents because you want the baby so much...Good luck!

    I just want to thank you! You brightened a really bad day for me! Thanks ;)
  • Jul 1, 2009, 03:07 AM

    Angie... the news last night stated that men do not have to wait to have sex. The more often men release the healthier and more viable the sperm!

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