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  • Jun 30, 2007, 09:03 PM
    My Boyfriend says he loves me BUT.
    I still am waiting to see if he is serious about us!
    We just got back together from a 1 month break and he told me he is ready to commit and take it to another level and he really loves me. It made me feel so happy and good because I love him too, but he really hurt me when we broke up last time. So I am just waiting and letting time and us grow and be a couple again..

    He has changed and stepped it up as far as being attentive to me. But he left for the asia for 2 1/2 weeks for vacation saying he made a reservatins while we were a part and he will take me to mexico in August if that would make me feel better? It did for the moment. He has been gone for 2 weekd now and I'm getting lonely and angry at him! Am I being irrtational?? He is in the Philippines and I know how some of thise areas in asia are so easy to find women.

    Should I trust him? Do I sound insecure or intuned with my feelings?
    Curious on what you guys think:::)

  • Jun 30, 2007, 09:44 PM
    From what you said I do understand that you may have some cause to not trust him with your feelings, especially since you were hurt when you initially took a break. Yet, it does sound like you really want this to work and taking it slow and allowing time to do it's magic on the course of your relationship is wise. Now on your concerns about the philippines and the ease of finding women.. . I actually grew up in the philippines. I am an attractive guy and yes I had a few wonderful relationships there. Right now I am in china but not looking for any contact with women. But, one thing that is important to remember about the philippines is that it is a catholic country and most people are rather reserved when it comes to relationships and sex. Yes, there are those that are completely liberated sexually but one can find that in any country. So, I would say do not fret about your boyfriend being in the philippines. I hope it all works out for you.

  • Jun 30, 2007, 09:55 PM

    You took him back so give him 110% unless he does something that takes away that trust. Relationship are not easy at times but every hill we climb in them makes the relationship that much stronger.

    Plan how you are going to rock his world when he gets back, that will keep your mind in the right place.

    Good Luck

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