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  • Jul 15, 2023, 06:29 AM
    White privilege strikes again?
    The Secret Service has decided to close the case of cocaine being found in the WH. The Babylon Bee does its usual great job.


    D.C. Residents Concerned Crack House On Pennsylvania Avenue Will Drag Down Housing Market.
  • Jul 15, 2023, 09:54 AM
    Shirley you mean white HOUSE privilege, they're gonna need a new rug and possibly a broom as well..
    Either way it can't be sniffed at ;)
  • Jul 15, 2023, 10:50 AM
    White privilege. It's what liberal dems, most of the media, and BLM would call it if the White House was occupied by a white repub.
  • Jul 16, 2023, 02:07 AM
    As Clueless Joe likes to say 'Come on man! '
    The White House is the most secure building in the country . The coke was found prior to a Holiday weekend where most of the swamp takes the week off. It was found Sunday July 2 after a thorough routine check that occurs daily Presumably there was not a huge WH presence on a Sunday of a Holiday weekend .

    Yet the Secret Service says there were no finger prints and a search of video cameras did not reveal the source . Who are they trying to kid ? It is as believable as the story about the video of Jeffrey Epstein's prison cell.

    Now, the feds say that due to a record-keeping error, MCC staff preserved footage from outside the wrong cell.
    Surveillance video of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell during suicide attempt was destroyed, prosecutors say (

    So what happened to the finger prints? Did the person entering the WH with the bag wear OJ Simpson's gloves ? Did that person have the wherewithal to wipe clean the evidence before placing it in a storage cube ?

    The WH has a zillion cameras . A fly entering it can be tracked . Yet the Service says the coke somehow was placed in a blind spot ?

    First on CNN: Secret Service concludes cocaine investigation, no suspect identified | CNN Politics

    First rate reporting by the compliant press </sarc>

    The claim is that there were 500 possible suspects . Were they interviewed ? Were they given drug tests ?


    "You can't tell me in the White House with 24/7 surveillance and a cubbyhole by a situation room you don't know who left it there," McCarthy told reporters. "The American people think that's a farce."

    Secret Service ends White House cocaine investigation with no suspects (

    Suppose the powder had been anthrax or risen in close proximity to the President and other key members of the government ? Would there be such a cavalier attitude ?

    “Every time there’s something strange going on with President Biden or his family, or anything regarding his administration or the White House, no one can ever seem to find an answer,” Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) also said. “This is one of the most secure locations in the world, some of the best law enforcement officers in the world — and they don’t have any answers.”
  • Jul 17, 2023, 12:50 PM
  • Jul 18, 2023, 05:12 AM
    Had the laugh at this one.

    Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Gugliemi said the agency determined that interviewing all 500 people could be a strain on resources, might infringe upon civil liberties and would likely be fruitless without corresponding physical evidence tying any person to the drugs.

    Why the Secret Service closed its investigation of cocaine found at the White House | Daily Mail Online

    They were concerned about the civil rights of suspects ? Since when ? Tell that to the jailed but not charged Capitol riot protesters ....some of whom never entered the building .

    “We have no evidence to approach them,”

    His other laughable line was in saying that the amount of coke found only makes it a misdemeanor in DC . So it wasn't worth the effort . He can't be serious . This was a security breach in the WH ;a national security issue . Heads should be rolling just for that fact .

    When it comes to the Biden Crime Family ;the secret service has been foot soldiers in the organization . They have provided cover for
    1.Hunter's debauchery
    2.Hunter's business dealings
    3.Hunter's possesion of an illegal gun
    4. and now his cocaine in the WH (educated guess)
  • Jul 18, 2023, 06:01 AM
    So the answer is to have another bull dog agency lead the investigation .An agency like the Drug Enforcement Agency. If it was you or I they would assume the home owner or renter were the ones responsible . They would do a no knock raid and seize all your assets . Then they would squeeze you until you gave up your dealer . Then they would agree to a plea deal if you cooperated But not before they took all the cash in the house and made it disappear. Then perhaps they would scour over your personal finances to see if your bank records disclose more crimes.

    If this had been the Trump WH the entire staff would've frog marched to interrogations with CNN cameras recording the event .
  • Jul 25, 2023, 01:04 PM
    Clueless Joe in 1989 wanted a tough response to cocaine

    Sen. Joe Biden: 1989 response to Bush drug speech (

    He wanted more prison cells to 'put them away for a long time " That was prison time for all except Hunter .
  • Jul 25, 2023, 06:03 PM
    The wind started blowing in a different direction, so the U.S.S. Biden was forced to change course.

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