Work my reduced hours at work or take the payout
I'm not sure what to do regarding my job situation with a coworker. We both work 24 hours a week doing the same job. Our boss confronted us and said that the company was downsizing. Thus left with a decision that we either split our 24 hours and both work 12 hours a week or one could take a 3 month severance and the other takes the 24 hours. Now of course I want the 24 hours but it still doesn't guarantee my position as time goes on and the company eventually has more layoffs and its possible that there might not be a severance offered at that time. What would you do?? Now keep in mind my pay for 24 hours is the same pay that I would get elsewhere but I'd have to work 40 hours. I have two children in school (elementary) but would still like to have a part time job. Problem is that there aren't any jobs to pick from because of the economy(not in a professional environment). Do you have any thoughts or suggestions in any of these areas?