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  • Jan 7, 2009, 01:19 PM
    Work my reduced hours at work or take the payout

    I'm not sure what to do regarding my job situation with a coworker. We both work 24 hours a week doing the same job. Our boss confronted us and said that the company was downsizing. Thus left with a decision that we either split our 24 hours and both work 12 hours a week or one could take a 3 month severance and the other takes the 24 hours. Now of course I want the 24 hours but it still doesn't guarantee my position as time goes on and the company eventually has more layoffs and its possible that there might not be a severance offered at that time. What would you do?? Now keep in mind my pay for 24 hours is the same pay that I would get elsewhere but I'd have to work 40 hours. I have two children in school (elementary) but would still like to have a part time job. Problem is that there aren't any jobs to pick from because of the economy(not in a professional environment). Do you have any thoughts or suggestions in any of these areas?
  • Jan 7, 2009, 01:21 PM

    I would try looking for a new job and make sure you can get one first before leaving
  • Feb 23, 2009, 11:59 AM

    If you took three months severance, you would have an additional 6 to 12 months of unemployment (a fraction of what you earn now), if as a part-timer, you qualify for unemployment. You are correct that you risk not getting that severance deal if you don't take it now and get laid off later. Then again, if the other person takes the deal and you stay, you may not be laid off, or may be laid off after a few months more of work first. I would talk to the other person and see what way they are inclined to go. Also seriously consider your industry - what do you think is going to happen? Is the company going to go out of business? Is the position expendable? Could you get by on 12 hours a week while you look for another job? Could you find other work in your area? Is your spouse making enough to support the family?

    If you must have work and see no other work available, I would go for the 24 hours or take the 12 for the short term and make cuts in spending in the interim.

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