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  • Jul 15, 2008, 01:30 PM
    The God discussion.
    At my work place there are certain individuals including myself that are discussion God and all aspects of God. The thing is this one person is a non believer, is angry and mad at God. Now he is open to debating and discussing but at what point does a Christian stop explaining or stop debating or stop discussing. The thing is I am at a belief, that you should share with others personal beliefs and show them what God means to you but at what point do you just walk away? See I know many people get turned off by somebody trying to hit them over the head and being forceful in their beliefs. I do know that some people will argue about everything and also divert the conversation into so many different directions and we see that here on the boards as well. I believe that sharing, and discussing is fine but there is a certain point where you need to leave it be and let the person decide for themselves whether God exists to them or not. This person also whether this person realizes it or not insulted the name of God and Jesus. Yet thinking it was funny and laughing about it, but no one ever insulted this persons beliefs or non beliefs.

    What to do? Your advice? Your opinions? Also have anybody ever experienced this yourself whether it be with a neighbour, friend, school, work??

    Thank you in advanced and I hope that this will develop into a positive feedback, with positive results.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 01:38 PM
    I think sharing, discussing, living and answering questions when asked is enough.
    When it gets to debating it is vain and futile.
    The Bible even says something about not to debate over scriptures
  • Jul 15, 2008, 01:50 PM
    Well that is the thing. I am fairly quiet and just jump in to say something that I think is very important. That is all. I do not continue.

    There is this other person that talks and talks and debates and debates. This person thinks they are doing their part in bringing this other person to God, or even believing in God.

    When I say that I am done, does not mean I am giving up just means that it is never ending argument that is not going anywhere for anybody.

    It is not really a debate about scriptures but I guess in a way it is considering the bible comes up a lot.

    That is how I feel too. If something leads me into a question about my belief, or sharing, discussing, living and answering questions as you put it. I feel that is enough. I am not going to force it though.

    Thank you for your post.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 01:54 PM
    Sounds like they do not know where the Bible leaves of and their personality takes over.
    For example, stubborn to make their point even to the point of turning others off/away.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 02:07 PM

    Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    There is this other person that talks and talks and debates and debates. This person thinks they are doing their part in bringing this other person to God, or even believing in God.

    You are exactly right. That Christian is doing everything possible to turn off any unsure person or non-believer.

    I work with Hindus and Muslims and Christians and agnostics. I have found that the "soft answer" works the best, especially if you can turn it around and restate the question or statement and then ask a pertinent question. "I hear you saying there is no God. Is there any particular reason you believe that?" Then he might make comments about how could a loving God allow evil in the world, and you say something like, "Yes, that's certainly hard to believe, that God would allow that. If there is a God, I wonder what his thinking could be." And then get into free will from there. The main thing is to acknowledge what the other person says--not that you agree, but that it's a good point or certainly something to think about.

    Regarding the person who takes over the discussion and rams home his beliefs--that's annoying to everyone, Christian or not. You can't outshout him. Maybe the soft answer will work with him too, and then add, "Let's hear what X is thinking about that." Meanwhile, this is a learning experience for all of you, even the Christians learning what each other and what the non-Christians believe--a broadening experience. The more you know about what the other guy believes, the better you can come up with those soft answers.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 04:35 PM
    You have to recognize these discussions for what they are.. "bull sessions"... not anyplace where anyone is interested in another person's opinion... just a place to quibble and nit-pick and argue.

    There is no reason for you to participate... this is no place to attempt to sway a non-believer.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 04:49 PM
    I had a neighbor that seemed open to talk. It turned into debate. He would bring up questions and I would give Biblical answers, only to have it turn to other questions.

    Jesus encounters this in John 4 with the woman at the well. For every natural point that she brought up, Jesus gave a spiritual answer. She then turned it back to natural questions/ arguments. This is a great example of how He used the natural world to get to the heart and the spiritual. If you just stay in the natural with someone, you cannot get to their heart. Logic will not accept faith. Only the heart in the spiritual can accept faith. Pray for a way to turn to the heart of the person.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 05:05 PM
    Why are there religion discussions in the workplace to begin with? I think that's where the problem begins. A person should be able to go his/her workplace without worring if his/her personal religion is offensive to someone. Where I work discussing religion can get a date with HR.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 05:10 PM
    Yeah if this guy is being a nuisance to others Christian or otherwise I am sure they could post a new policy of no politics or religion talked about in the work place as NK was saying.
    If the non believers really are interested they know who to go to and who not to go to on their time off work. Maybe you could offer that if they ever have any questions you and he could go to lunch together. As wondergirl said guys like that turn off Christians just as much
  • Jul 15, 2008, 05:43 PM
    Sounds like the Christians are ganging up on the non-believer.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 05:45 PM
    ONE is. JH said the non believer is open but one Christian is being a problem
  • Jul 15, 2008, 06:33 PM
    I am not ganging up on the non believer at all. The non believer is open but one christian seems to dominate the discussions. Thank you for making it clearer Nohelp4u.

    Nk, as far as work. We work in a pretty close open environment and pretty much able to say what we want with each other. Pretty much everybody works well with each other. I just do not like the approach that some people have as far as religion and God goes.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 06:51 PM
    To answer your original post, I think there is no point discussing with non-believers of God who he have heard about God before.

    The principles of believers and non-believers is comparable to helix. Sometimes, their insights agree with each other; most of the time, not.

    I know how it feels when you heard something bad about God but you have to endure the afflictions. This time, not treat poison with poison. Remember what Jesus said in John 16:33:

    John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    Cheer up; logically speaking (Pascal's wager), it's not your lost after all.
  • Jul 15, 2008, 07:21 PM
    Joe, I'm going to admit, from the get go, that I have not read the entire thread, although I did "review" it. However, I was raised to believe that you never discuss politics or religion with anyone outside of your family.

    I was raised Catholic and I work for Baptist Health Care Systems, and live in the bible belt (very few catholics here). We have different viewpoints. When discussions arise, I just listen and don't have much input. I will say, though, that when they start "preaching" (as it sounds like your co-worker is) what they were raised on and I was raised on something different, I either turn a deaf ear, or, if it's excessive, I get defensive. I don't want someone else's beliefs pushed on me, and that is very common in my locality.

    When these discussions arise, I politely excuse myself and go back to my work. Just because they believe something different than I do doesn't mean they are wrong. And when it comes to religion, there really is no right or wrong.
  • Jul 23, 2008, 12:04 PM
    Hi JH76... no matter what the argument or discussion there is always one person who won't let it drop, they have to have the last word, especially if they think they are losing the argument.
    I would just put my opinion and walk away... it drives them mad, they've no where to go.

    If I were you JH, I would keep away from religious and political arguments in the work place, especially from people who insult your beliefs, unless they can agree and appreciate that we all have our own oppinions that are not necessarily the same but equally valid.
  • Jul 23, 2008, 05:02 PM

    Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    At my work place there are certain individuals including myself that are discussion God and all aspects of God.

    Extremely bad idea to do that... A workplace is there to work. Churches are there to participate in religious communication... You should be fired after one warning for discussing religion at work... Don't you people have anything else to do there?


    Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    The thing is this one person is a non believer, is angry and mad at God

    Why would a NON-believer be angry at a deity that he/she does not even believe in? This makes no sense at all!! What a preposterous topic story...


  • Jul 23, 2008, 05:52 PM

    Originally Posted by Credendovidis
    Extremely bad idea to do that .... A workplace is there to work. Churches are there to participate in religious communication ..... You should be fired after one warning for discussing religion at work ..... Don't you people have anything else to do there?

    Why would a NON-believer be angry at a deity that he/she does not even believe in? This makes no sense at all !!! What a preposterous topic story .....



    It is mostly this other believer and non believer that are always at it with each other, but for me I think that it was not a good idea but I would jump in occasionally if asked. This non believer, is an angry and mad for whatever reason. At the same time, I think they both realize that the discussions are going no where, and these people actually both gave it a rest. I do not think it will come up again.
  • Jul 23, 2008, 06:00 PM

    Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    I do not think it will come up again.

    Than why bring it up here as a new topic, Joe ?


  • Jul 23, 2008, 06:02 PM
    When I have had enough of someone's BS, I just leave, no matter the subject. Having said that, I have been know to argue for the sake of it. Either way, its best not to take someone else's bad behavior (in my view) personally.
  • Jul 23, 2008, 06:57 PM

    Originally Posted by Credendovidis
    Than why bring it up here as a new topic, Joe ?



    Your exactly like the non believer at work. Taking the topic discussions and turning into something completely different. I put this topic under discussions and I got a lot of great answers. Whether it is new or old does not matter. What is important is that it has been resolved, I hope.

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