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  • Sep 26, 2016, 12:39 PM
    Hair test test coming up
    I was a heavy user of marijuanna and found out August 1,2016 that my job is doing a hair test sometime in November 2016. I immediately quit August 2, 2016. August 5, 2016 I did a small amount of cocaine a couple of bumps. That was my first time ever doing coke. Later on that month August 28, 2016 I did one very small bump at a party, it was very minuscule. I work out 5 times a week and run around 9 miles a week. I am 6ft 210lbs very musclar. I have been detoxing and sitting in the sauna consistently . When November 1 comes it will give me 90 days being clean of Marijuanna. Will the two small usages of cocaine show in my hair test? Those 2 times are the only times I ever used it. Will the marijuanna show in my hair test? The hair follicle test is sometime in November don't know the exact date. It could be at the beginning or end. November 6 would also be 90 days from my first usage of cocaine as well. The small minuscule bump at a party was done later in August 28.
  • Sep 26, 2016, 01:26 PM
    A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample, cut at the scalp line will go back 90 days. The small amount of cocaine most likely will not show up. And by the time they do the test the marijuana will be in the farther reaches of the hair so I think you might be OK there also. As far as metabolism and working out etc... those do not enter into the equation.
  • Sep 26, 2016, 01:36 PM

    Originally Posted by mydogfifi View Post
    A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample, cut at the scalp line will go back 90 days. The small amount of cocaine most likely will not show up. And by the time they do the test the marijuana will be in the farther reaches of the hair so I think you might be OK there also. As far as metabolism and working out etc... those do not enter into the equation.

    I have very short hair on top of my head. More than likely they will pull underneath my arm pits. 2 weeks ago I shaved everything and I mean everything. Do you think that will help me as well? My new hair is already showing throughout my body.
  • Sep 26, 2016, 01:56 PM

    Originally Posted by Tonysnow View Post
    I have very short hair on top of my head. More than likely they will pull underneath my arm pits. 2 weeks ago I shaved everything and I mean everything. Do you think that will help me as well? My new hair is already showing throughout my body.

    Will they wonder why you shaved off ALL your hair?
  • Sep 26, 2016, 02:45 PM
    Usually when a tester sees something usual, i.e. shaving of a body for a hair test, they'll report it on the test. It might be inconclusive due to an inadequate sample. That is when the subjective part of the person reading the test comes in. Is it a sign of a guilty conscience? If so, that could count as a fail.

    MY suggestion would be to stop cutting your hair, let it grow. That detox stuff just removes green stuff from your wallet. Don't do drugs. Let the chips fall. At this point you might pass, you might not. Solely because you shaved hair while KNOWING that you had hair drug tests coming up.

    Good luck.
  • Sep 26, 2016, 04:03 PM

    Originally Posted by CravenMorhead View Post
    Usually when a tester sees something usual, i.e. shaving of a body for a hair test, they'll report it on the test. It might be inconclusive due to an inadequate sample. That is when the subjective part of the person reading the test comes in. Is it a sign of a guilty conscience? If so, that could count as a fail.

    MY suggestion would be to stop cutting your hair, let it grow. That detox stuff just removes green stuff from your wallet. Don't do drugs. Let the chips fall. At this point you might pass, you might not. Solely because you shaved hair while KNOWING that you had hair drug tests coming up.

    Good luck.

    My hair is almost grown back all over my body. I still have a month in a half before the test. The test is in November
  • Sep 26, 2016, 04:33 PM
    My question is since you knew you were going to be tested then why did you indulge?
  • Sep 27, 2016, 05:55 AM

    Originally Posted by Tonysnow View Post
    I have very short hair on top of my head. More than likely they will pull underneath my arm pits. 2 weeks ago I shaved everything and I mean everything. Do you think that will help me as well? My new hair is already showing throughout my body.

    If you don't have the hair then they can't do a hair test. Usually the minimum amount the lab requires to do a head hair test is one-half inch on the head. And since you shaved all your body hair they can use that. In some instances if you have shaved everything they look at that as an admission of guilt.
  • Sep 27, 2016, 08:09 AM
    Relax and let your hair grow and avoid looking like you have something to hide. The secret to passing a drug test is avoid doing drugs, so you don't have to look at stupid ways to hide what you have done, and free yourself from the silly mind games your guilt, FEAR, and worry sends you through.

    Drug tests are designed to identify heavy, habitual users and as long as that's not been YOU for the last 90 days, why worry about the small stuff? You could also benefit from knowing more about the drug testing process, and limits of the testing results, and your rights, and obligations under this testing PROCESS. Your company has to give you this information if you ASK, so don't be afraid to ASK for it!

    You may find that unless they have ZERO tolerance for drugs, then they do have an allowable limit for incidental exposure. Educate yourself. Follow the rules, and relax.
  • Oct 30, 2016, 09:20 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Relax and let your hair grow and avoid looking like you have something to hide. The secret to passing a drug test is avoid doing drugs, so you don't have to look at stupid ways to hide what you have done, and free yourself from the silly mind games your guilt, FEAR, and worry sends you through.

    Drug tests are designed to identify heavy, habitual users and as long as that's not been YOU for the last 90 days, why worry about the small stuff? You could also benefit from knowing more about the drug testing process, and limits of the testing results, and your rights, and obligations under this testing PROCESS. Your company has to give you this information if you ASK, so don't be afraid to ASK for it!

    You may find that unless they have ZERO tolerance for drugs, then they do have an allowable limit for incidental exposure. Educate yourself. Follow the rules, and relax.

    Thanks a lot for answering my post. October 31,2016 will be 90 days of me being Marijuanna free. I still have around 2 weeks which will give me 105 days clean. What do you think my odds are of passing?


    Originally Posted by mydogfifi View Post
    A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample, cut at the scalp line will go back 90 days. The small amount of cocaine most likely will not show up. And by the time they do the test the marijuana will be in the farther reaches of the hair so I think you might be OK there also. As far as metabolism and working out etc... those do not enter into the equation.

    Thanks a lot for answering my post October 31,2016 will be 90 days of me being Marijuanna free. I still have around 2 weeks which will give me 105 days clean. What do you think my odds are of passing? All of my body hair has grew back as well. I have around a inch or less under my arms and about half inch on my beard and chest.
  • Oct 30, 2016, 03:05 PM

    Thanks a lot for answering my post October 31,2016 will be 90 days of me being Marijuanna free. I still have around 2 weeks which will give me 105 days clean. What do you think my odds are of passing? All of my body hair has grew back as well. I have around a inch or less under my arms and about half inch on my beard and chest.
    They need around 1.5 inches to test. Doesn't sound like you have enough for them to adequately test, which will lead to them questioning if you shaved, which would be considered a fail.
  • Nov 4, 2016, 09:16 AM
    Hair test results
    I have been clean from marijuanna for 90 days and I went and paid for a hair follicle test on the 90 day. My results came back 0.2pg/mg positive. Quest diagnostic performed the test. They said their screen cut off was .00 and their GC cut off was .01. My job is hair testing me November 15, 2016 which leaves me 10 more days. In total I would be clean for a 104 days. I was a heavy user of marijuanna and was happy to see how much my levels have dropped in 90 days. Adding 14 more days to that will my levels be below .00 for the screen or .01 for the GC cut off? I thought being .02 pg/mg was good enough to negative. Do you thing I will be below the cut off levels?
  • Nov 4, 2016, 10:40 AM

    Originally Posted by Tonysnow View Post
    I have been clean from marijuanna for 90 days and I went and paid for a hair follicle test on the 90 day. My results came back 0.2pg/mg positive. Quest diagnostic performed the test. They said their screen cut off was .00 and their GC cut off was .01. My job is hair testing me November 15, 2016 which leaves me 10 more days. In total I would be clean for a 104 days. I was a heavy user of marijuanna and was happy to see how much my levels have dropped in 90 days. Adding 14 more days to that will my levels be below .00 for the screen or .01 for the GC cut off? I thought being .02 pg/mg was good enough to negative. Do you thing I will be below the cut off levels?

    I am use to seeing the screening level of 1.0 pg/mg and the GC/MS confirmation level of .10 pg/mg so I doubt if Quest's screening level is .00 which in effect would be zero tolerance. In regards to you being negative in the next test, it is hard to say but if I had to give you a percentage I would say you have a 60% chance of being negative (my best guess).
  • Nov 4, 2016, 10:51 AM

    Originally Posted by mydogfifi View Post
    I am use to seeing the screening level of 1.0 pg/mg and the GC/MS confirmation level of .10 pg/mg so I doubt if Quest's screening level is .00 which in effect would be zero tolerance. In regards to you being negative in the next test, it is hard to say but if I had to give you a percentage I would say you have a 60% chance of being negative (my best guess).

    I called Quest and they said my levels was .2 pg/mg and that I needed them to .1 pg/mg or lower. Do you think I have a chance of getting uder the .1pg/mg cut off. I still have 10 days left. Thc metabolites is leaving my hair fast due to the high levels they were 90 days ago.
  • Nov 4, 2016, 01:02 PM

    Originally Posted by Tonysnow View Post
    I called Quest and they said my levels was .2 pg/mg and that I needed them to .1 pg/mg or lower. Do you think I have a chance of getting uder the .1pg/mg cut off. I still have 10 days left. Thc metabolites is leaving my hair fast due to the high levels they were 90 days ago.

    It's possible you will be negative but it hard to say because each individual is a little bit different. At this point there isn't much you can do so I would just "go with the flow" and not worry about it.
  • Nov 4, 2016, 06:19 PM

    Originally Posted by mydogfifi View Post
    It's possible you will be negative but it hard to say because each individual is a little bit different. At this point there isn't much you can do so I would just "go with the flow" and not worry about it.

    Thank you a lot
  • Nov 15, 2016, 10:20 AM
    I did another test with quest diagnostic 10 days from the first time I took it. At day 90 my results where .2pg/mg. Ten days later on day 100 I tested and my results came back .1pg/mg. My test date is Friday which will put me at 108 days clean. Do you think I will be below .1pg/mg to pass the test?
  • Nov 15, 2016, 10:21 AM
    Hair test test coming up
    I did another test with quest diagnostic 10 days from the first time I took it. At day 90 my results where .2pg/mg. Ten days later on day 100 I tested and my results came back .1pg/mg. My test date is Friday which will put me at 108 days clean. Do you think I will be below .1pg/mg to pass the test?
  • Nov 16, 2016, 08:22 AM
    I don't know. Only time will tell.

    IT will depend on the sample honestly.

    Good luck.
  • Nov 24, 2016, 08:04 AM
    I failed after being clean for a 108 days. They took the hair from my chin and I didn't pass. I have lost the best job I ever had.

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