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-   -   My Dog is acting weird she's panting, pacing, restless and looks scared. :-( (

  • Aug 1, 2016, 08:28 PM
    My Dog is acting weird she's panting, pacing, restless and looks scared. :-(
    Panting, fast heart beat, restless and packing back and forth in a small area. She looks scared almost as if she saw a ghost.
  • Aug 1, 2016, 08:47 PM
    How old is she? Have you taken her to a vet?
  • Aug 2, 2016, 04:34 AM
    What do you mean 'pacing in a small area'. Do you have her confined? Animals don't react that way if they 'see something', and I do believe they have that ability. How old is she ?

    Of course, very difficult to give you advice if we cant see what is going on and only go by your description. If you think there is something wrong with her, take her to the vet and have her checked over.
  • Aug 2, 2016, 11:18 AM
    Luna Whitewolf
    Panting, fast heartbeat and pacing are signs of anxiety. Unfortunately there isn't enough information to help... has this been going on for a while? My dog pants and paces when she needs water and a walk... she paces when she needs to use the bathroom but the heart rate only increases at times of excitement or when she went for a big walk... this could be a medical condition and your dog needs to be checked. If she's in a confined space this could be stressing her out... dogs need to stretch and get plenty of water, food, walks and love... if this is happening try those things... breed and age would help answer but if we don't get the information then you need to get her/him checked.
  • Aug 2, 2016, 02:37 PM
    Yes. Luna. Would like the OP to come back and explain a bit further. Sometimes though they just drop the questions, we take our time and knowledge and they come back and read and never respond again. Sad, but true. Especially when an animal is involved.

  • Aug 2, 2016, 02:44 PM
    Luna Whitewolf
    That's unfortunate :(
  • Aug 29, 2016, 01:15 PM
    Great advice Luna, and very well thought out post. Welcome to the site. Sadly Tickle is right, most times we never hear back from the original poster, they just move on to more sites asking the same question and hoping that someone will tell them something other than "go to the vet", which no one can really do.

    Glad to have you on board. :)

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