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  • Aug 15, 2013, 09:46 AM
    My dwarf russian hamster: pustule problem
    My dwarf russian hamster, named Pikachu, has what appears to be some kind of pustule on her head. It's about 1 cm in length and pretty hard. Her behaviour does not seem affected by it.

    I am worried, I know it's just a hamster, but I really got fond of that little creature.

    Can anyone help me out?

  • Aug 17, 2013, 01:10 PM
    I think they are common sometimes. Ask at Pet Smart or somewhere, they probably can tell you if it is something to be concerned about or not
  • Aug 17, 2013, 01:20 PM

    I think they are common sometimes. Ask at Pet Smart or somewhere, they probably can tell you if it is something to be concerned about or not
    Pet Smart? No Help, I'm shocked at this advice. Pet Smart hires teens that don't know a hamster from a guinea pig. They're not vets, they're not even experts on pets at all. They're sales people.

    To the OP, can you post a picture of the area you're worried about? The clearer the better.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 01:25 PM
    Pet Smarts where I live has a clinic that has vets. I figured that the clinic could at least say if it was something to be concerned about. I guess not all Pet Smarts have the clinics. The Petco where I go they are extremely knowledgeable.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 01:27 PM
    Actually, most Pet Smarts do not have this feature. Most of them will have a grooming center for your dog and that's about it.

    If this is just a bump, it could be numerous things. Is it leaking any fluid or crusty at all?
  • Aug 17, 2013, 01:28 PM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    Pet Smart where I live has a clinic that has vets. I figured that the clinic could at least say if it was something to be concerned about. I guess not all Pet Smarts have the clinics.

    I've never seen a Pet Smart with a vet clinic, must be a US thing. Also, you didn't mention vet in your post, you told the OP to go to Pet Smart and ask. I wouldn't trust my goldfish's care to a Pet Smart employee.

    If it's a vet clinic, they likely won't give free advice, they'll ask the OP to bring the hamster in for a checkup, like most vets do.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 01:31 PM
    The clinic is right next to the cash registers and the vets and their cashier table is all part of the store.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 01:31 PM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    Actually, most Pet Smarts do not have this feature. Most of them will have a grooming center for your dog and that's about it.

    If this is just a bump, it could be numerous things. Is it leaking any fluid or crusty at all?

    So it's not a US thing? I've never ever seen a Pet Smart with a vet clinic. The grooming center yes, and the dog training center (taught by teen employees). But never a vet clinic in a Pet Smart. I can't imagine any vet wanting to be associated with a pet store of any kind. That would be very bad for business.

    Not that Pet Smart is a bad pet store, I actually respect them a lot, as they don't sell dogs or cats, they have adoption available for rescues. But when it comes to actually gaining info from the staff, that's foolish. Most are teens that are there to man the registers, clean the cages, and box the gerbils, hamsters, or other small pet when it's sold. They aren't pet experts by any means.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 01:32 PM
    The clinic is called Banfield but it is IN Pet Smarts where I live
  • Aug 17, 2013, 01:55 PM
    None of our Pet Smarts have vet clinics in Canada. Apparently odinn has never seen a vet clinic at Pet Smart where he lives either, and he's in the US.

    Having said that, that's really not the issue. I do agree that the OP will likely end up having to take this hamster to a vet. But that's not what you advised NoHelp. You told him to ask someone at PetSmart. You didn't specify that the OP should ask a vet at Pet Smart.

    Also, without knowing where the OP lives, it very well could be that the Pet Smarts in his town do not offer vet service. After all, we have no idea where he lives, and it's very unlikely (this being an international site) that he lives in your town, city, or even in your State, where Pet Smart does have vet service.

    Overall, you advised that he ask at Pet Smart, and none of the staff there are trained to give advice on even basic pet care, much less medical issues. Had you advised that he seek the seek the advice of a vet, I would have had no issue with your post.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 01:59 PM
    K I guess my pet stores are different and I didn't know they are different. If they had asked the staff here they would have pointed them in the direction of the clinic at the front of the store.
    Just like if they said they wanted their dogs nails clipped they would have pointed them to the other side of the front of the store. If they had asked about the dog training they would have pointed them to the center of the store.
    Now I know they are different than most places.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 02:16 PM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    k I guess my pet stores are different and I didn't know they are different. If they had asked the staff here they would have pointed them in the direction of the clinic at the front of the store.
    Just like if they said they wanted their dogs nails clipped they would have pointed them to the other side of the front of the store. If they had asked about the dog training they would have pointed them to the center of the store.
    Now I know they are different than most places.

    And that's something we always have to keep in mind when we post. It's an international site. Many countries don't even have a Pet Smart. There are some countries where vet care is nonexistent.

    So advising someone to ask about a medical issue at Pet Smart, when you don't know that they're like the stores in your town and have vet care, is not good advice. That's why I was shocked, because all the Pet Smart's where I live (there are 4 within a 10 minute drive) don't have vet service. I've never heard of any Pet Smart that does.

    Bottom line, you weren't clear in your first post. You didn't advise the OP to seek the advice of a vet, you told the OP to go to Pet Smart and ask their opinion. You assumed that the OP lived in a place that has a Pet Smart, and you assumed that his Pet Smart would have a vet clinic, and then you assumed that the staff at Pet Smart would point him to the vet clinic in their store, when you had no idea that he even had a Pet Smart, or one of the few that has a vet clinic. You assumed a lot, and didn't make it clear that the OP needs the advice of a vet.

    Do you understand why your first post was not okay?

    Can we get back to the OP now?

    I'd like to see a picture. But even with a picture, it's unlikely I'll be able to tell you exactly what it is. It could be a cyst, it could be a tumor, it could be many things. A vet will have to run tests. Frankly, if it were me, and it's not bothering your hamster, I'd let it be. Even if you go to a vet, it's unlikely they'll be able to do much to help. Most vets don't specialize in small rodent care. If it's a tumor, you could end up spending hundreds to find out, and then be told there's nothing more they can do. Basically it's the same with a cyst.

    A vet is the only one that can diagnose this. It's up to you if this is the course you want to take.

    That's really the only advice we can give.

    Good luck.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 02:21 PM
    I am wondering if it might be a cut that just needs some attention and that is why I wanted to know if it was leaking at all. I had a mouse that had gotten a cut from one of those running wheels and it turned into a bump but we were able to clean it a little and it did get better.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 02:25 PM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    I am wondering if it might be a cut that just needs some attention and that is why I wanted to know if it was leaking at all. I had a mouse that had gotten a cut from one of those running wheels and it turned into a bump but we were able to clean it a little and it did get better.

    Very possible. If it's not bothering him, and not oozing, it will likely heal on its own. I wonder how long the hamster has had this bump. Also, how old is the hamster?

    If it's not a cut, if it's a cyst or a tumor, there's really nothing a vet will be able to do other than tell the OP what's causing the bump, and handing him a very hefty bill. .
  • Aug 17, 2013, 03:22 PM
    I've never seen a vet at a PetSmart either.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 03:38 PM
    I didn't advise the OP to take it to a vet because as you replied to Odinn that can be a costly vet bill to find out they can't do anything for it any way. I figured that if they found someone that could tell them if it was serious like a tumor or not serious like a pimple, cyst or a scab then it would save them a bit of money before they ran off to a vet.
  • Aug 17, 2013, 03:49 PM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    I didn't advise the OP to take it to a vet because as you replied to Odinn that can be a costly vet bill to find out they can't do anything for it any way. I figured that if they found someone that could tell them if it was serious like a tumor or not serious like a pimple, cyst or a scab then it would save them a bit of money before they ran off to a vet.

    So you didn't want the OP to see the vet at Pet Smart? That was all a ruse to cover for the fact that you advised he ask a Pet Smart employee that would know nothing about vet care? But you said that you meant he should ask the vet clinic at selected Pet Smarts.

    Now I'm confused. Why is the OP going to Pet Smart as per your suggestion?
  • Aug 17, 2013, 03:54 PM
    I suggested they ask there because as I said they would have sent them over to the Banfield section where the vet could have said that it was something or nothing to worry about. I know I have asked questions where they didn't charge me to tell me it wasn't something I needed to worry about. But being they are far and few between in the USA only, I was mistaken.
    Sorry for not realizing they are not as common as Targets or K Mart
  • Aug 17, 2013, 04:09 PM
    Okay, let's break it down.


    I suggested they ask there because as I said they would have sent them over to the Banfield section where the vet could have said that it was something or nothing to worry about

    You suggested that they ask someone at Pet Smart, you never suggested they see a vet. You assumed that all Pet Smarts have vets. So no, you didn't suggest that they go to Pet Smart because an employee would have sent them to the vet section, because most Pet Smarts don't have a vet section! Do you see the difference?


    I know I have asked questions where they didn't charge me to tell me it wasn't something I needed to worry about.
    You were never clear that you meant they should ask a vet. You told them to go to Pet Smart and ask if this was a concern. Vet wasn't mentioned until I pointed out that Pet Smart employees would not be able to help with medical issues. Then suddenly Pet Smarts supposedly have a vet section. Most don't.


    But being they are far and few between in the USA only, I was mistaken.
    Sorry for not realizing they are not as common as Targets or K Mart
    Yes, and many countries don't even have a Pet Smart. Did you read the OP's question? How many people in the US do you know that sign off with "Cheers"? Think about it.

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