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  • Mar 24, 2020, 05:14 AM
    Trump's First Kill of an American Citizen
    Trump's words at his TV conference:

    "A drug called chloroquine—and some people would add to it, hydroxychloroquine—so chloroquine or's been around for a long time, so if things don't go as planned it's not going to kill anybody."

    A husband and wife took Trump's advice and ingested the drug on Trump's advice.

    The woman is in the ICU unit in an Arizona hospital.

    The man is dead.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 10:23 AM
    A clear example of the unintended tragic consequences of putting fake information into the public domain. Bad enough the person who put it out there has done this many times before, and even referred to this crisis as a political hoax even, and berated other countries with his labels game, but people actually are listening to him when he does it and believe the crap.

    Sadly one has little hope that he and others will learn a damn thing from this and other similar experiences and change for the better. His last press conference with the conspicuous absence of Dr. Fauci does not bode well for delivering much facts coming from this lying cheating dufus at a time when we need the truth.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 11:33 AM
    Reaching a little bit, aren’t you?

    Chloroquine is an anti-malaria drug, while hydroxychloroquine is a drug used to treat lupus.

    You can’t blame Trump for their stupidity. It isn’t his fault any more than it is yours that they were stupid enough to try this combination.

    This combo is all over the media right right now and is showing some promise in the medical community.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 12:07 PM

  • Mar 24, 2020, 12:13 PM

    Even those in Trump’s inner circle have cautioned against equating early research on drugs with proof that they work.

    I can go with stupid for taking such tragic actions, but that's all some people need are the careless exaggerated words of the highest office in the land.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 01:28 PM
    who told them to take it without a doctor's direction ? What dose did they take ? Trump is not the only person who said that the anti-malerial may be a treatment . Your hatred of Trump clouds your mind. J9 is right on ! Trump was not exaggerating either .NY began trials with 70,000 doses today . If a NYer dies during the clinical trials will il Duce Cuomo be a killer too ? Tell you what . If I'm near death and that is a last hope . Then I would be more than will to try it ….. under a doctors supervision .
  • Mar 24, 2020, 01:41 PM
    if only there was some sort of warning on the package of tablets warning against human consumption ....

    They ingested tablets meant to clean fish tanks
  • Mar 24, 2020, 02:31 PM
    Trump's first kill is more than likely to be followed by many others who took his deadly advice and took the killing drug.

    NY State needs 30,000 ventilators. Trump's government has stockpiled 20,000 ventilators. Trump's FEMA is sending 400 to NY. Where are the other 19,600 ventilators? Why are they not being sent to NY instead of sitting in the stockpile?

    Look for more dead, hundreds maybe thousands, as Trump denies medical pros who are insisting on people staying home and keeping a safe distance, etc., etc., to slow the virus.

    All this is for his "economy" which he sees as critical to his re-election and which he favors far more than the American people. This is the man you Trump supporters voted for and continue to support.

    Pray you don't have elderly parents. Or are elderly yourself.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 03:36 PM
    I am elderly and in a "critical " business which means I show up for work every day and risk exposure . NY state and every state in the union decides the level of supply of health care equipment ,the number of hospital beds ,the number of doctors allowed to set up shop ,and indeed how many new medical licenses they permit .

    As far as the national supply . Well I already addressed that in other threds . Basically Bush's adm created a strategic reserve of critical supplies.....
    …..that were exhausted during H1N1 swine flu in 2009 when 3/4 of the strategic supply was distributed but never replenished . If you look deep buried in this Bloomberg article you find this :


    The national stockpile used to be somewhat more robust. In 2006, Congress provided supplemental funds to add 104 million N95 masks and 52 million surgical masks in an effort to prepare for a flu pandemic. But after the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn't build back the supply

    So it takes a heavy load of TDS to blame Trump for the supply shortages .
  • Mar 24, 2020, 03:45 PM

    So it takes a heavy load of TDS to blame Trump for the supply shortages

    It also takes a heavy load to blame Trump for what ignorant people do, who takes drugs without a doctor's prescription and supervision. Trump maybe a little quick to speak but he has done no more than the media has done, do you hold the media responsible for the people they have killed with misinformation?
  • Mar 24, 2020, 03:50 PM
    Trump was informed of the coming pandemic in January. He did nothing to start replenishing supplies. To this day, he has refused to use the power of his office to organize the private manufacture of needed masks, gowns, and equipment for the ridiculous reason that he doesn't want to "nationalize" private industry.

    He has wasted months doing little in terms of necessary medical supplies. He keeps talking about "millions this and millions that" but the entire medical community continues to say that they're not getting anywhere near what he is claiming. Trump is a known liar and this crisis is no different.

    He claims to be "very smart medically and the doctors agree with me". Today, he said "I want to fill the churches on Easter". The poor doctor behind him was horrified.

    This pandemic is exposing Trump for what he truly is - an incompetent braggart.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 04:12 PM

    It also takes a heavy load to blame Trump for what ignorant people do, who takes drugs without a doctor's prescription and supervision. Trump maybe a little quick to speak but he has done no more than the media has done, do you hold the media responsible for the people they have killed with misinformation?
    Very good summary. How did that couple manage to take those meds without a prescription? I don't think they just "decided" to take the drug. That sounds pretty wild.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 04:14 PM

    This pandemic is exposing Trump for what he truly is - an incompetent braggart.

    we didn't need a pandemic for that, it has been apparent since he first set foot on the political stage, but what does that say of his supporters
  • Mar 24, 2020, 04:24 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Very good summary. How did that couple manage to take those meds without a prescription? I don't think they just "decided" to take the drug. That sounds pretty wild.

    Yeah, wild. "What the heck -- the name of the fish tank cleaner is close enough."

    "A [Phoenix] couple in their 60s tried to fend off the coronavirus with an additive used in fish tank cleaners, according to a health care company.

    The Arizona-based company reported the pair had to be hospitalized within 30 minutes of ingesting chloroquine phosphate — which is commonly used to clean fish tanks in aquariums, according to a news release on Monday."

    ***There are still things we don’t know about [Hydroxychloroquine],” Caudle told Fox News' Trace Gallagher early Tuesday.

    Caudle went on to say, “Just because we’ve used it for other conditions doesn’t mean that we would know if in the context of this disease state, if it’s safe, if it’s effective, at what dosing.”***
  • Mar 24, 2020, 04:49 PM

    Trump was informed of the coming pandemic in January. He did nothing to start replenishing supplies

    yup and he quickly acted by restricting travel from China(for which he was call xenophobic) ;and set up the task force that Pence leads all while Pelosi was handing out impeachment pens and delaying bringing articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial .

    To this day, he has refused to use the power of his office to organize the private manufacture of needed masks, gowns, and equipment for the ridiculous reason that he doesn't want to "nationalize" private industry.

    It happens to be a very good reason because we do not live in a fascist society where a dictator tells industry what they can or cant make .

    He has wasted months doing little in terms of necessary medical supplies.

    and where is the finger pointing at the states who actually have the mandate and authority to decide the level of preparedness in the State . You are familiar with certificate of need (CON) state laws right . These are the very laws that let state governments decide everything in their state re medical including hospitals ,beds ,staffing ,ventilators ,masks ..... in short all the stuff il Duce is crying that NY doesn't have enough of . Well why NOT ? I live in NY and I am sad and angry at what is about to happen here . I ask myself as one of the highest taxed persons on the planet ;where did the money that I pay in taxes go ? The one and only thing I have ever asked government, national, state ,and local is to protect us.
    New York state has NOT used it's mandate to create capacity Instead it has used it to INTENTIONALLY restrict capacity . Cuomo has been sounding the alarm for weeks . But he has been governor since 2011 . In other words he had a decade to prepare . NY as many states was critically short of hospital beds long before the outbreak. The country has 3.2 beds per thousand . Compare that to South Korea that has 12 per thousand. So they keep their inventory low counting on the Federal Government to bail them out just like they do for all types of disaster relief . WE ARE A FEDERAL REPUBLIC and states are supposed to do their part . Clearly NY state has been negligent . Cuomo had the chance in 2015 to purchase 16,000 ventilators knowing that by state assessments they were short of what was needed for a pandemic. Did he buy them ? NO .Now he says there are none to be found a week or so before it becomes critical here . Now companies are VOLUNTARILY gearing up to build them . But anyone who understands manufacturing knows you can't retool over night to build products you have never made before . Nationalizing them would not change that reality . What was NY's plan ? To ration and have death panels. That is the grim reality that is about to befall the state I love . Any hope is coming as rapidly as it can from the President you love to hate . Go ahead and throw spitballs from the cheap seats . Just imagine in Trump has invoked emergency powers in the middle of a Senate trial . What would you have said ? The nice thing would've been wag the dog. But in fact the unhinged left would've seen that as further grounds for impeachment you bunch of hypocrites !
  • Mar 24, 2020, 05:37 PM

    "A [Phoenix] couple in their 60s tried to fend off the coronavirus with an additive used in fish tank cleaners, according to a health care company.

    The Arizona-based company reported the pair had to be hospitalized within 30 minutes of ingesting chloroquine phosphate — which is commonly used to clean fish tanks in aquariums, according to a news release on Monday."

    ***There are still things we don’t know about [Hydroxychloroquine],” Caudle told Fox News' Trace Gallagher early Tuesday.

    Caudle went on to say, “Just because we’ve used it for other conditions doesn’t mean that we would know if in the context of this disease state, if it’s safe, if it’s effective, at what dosing.”***

    So they took a chemical meant to clean fish tanks? I don't recall Trump suggesting that. In order to take what Trump was plainly referring to, you would have to see a doctor and get a prescription. Not real complicated.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 05:41 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    we didn't need a pandemic for that, it has been apparent since he first set foot on the political stage, but what does that say of his supporters

    His supporters, sadly, are as ill-informed and ignorant as Trump himself. For the most part, they follow him blindly leading, in this instance, to death.


    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    It happens to be a very good reason because we do not live in a fascist society where a dictator tells industry what they can or cant make .

    RIDICULOUS COMMENT! This is an emergency-, exactly what the act was designed for. You types would sacrifice countless lives to preserve your pathetic little philosophy that helps no one.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 05:44 PM
    If you can find where Trump suggested that people take the fish tank cleaner called chloroquine phosphate, then you might have a point. Otherwise it's yet another example of TDS.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 05:51 PM
    I would like to see it cited where Trump actually said “Mr & Mrs Jones, if you want to be cured you need to eat fish tank cleaner.” Without that, you against him, and this argument, don’t have a leg to stand on. Just shut up and sit down about it. You can’t blame Trump for people being idiots. If this happened during the Obama administration, you would be saying the same thing I am.

    Idiots abound. It’s not your fault. It’s not my fault. It’s not Trump’s fault. He is doing so much better than Obama did during the H1N1 scare.
  • Mar 24, 2020, 05:53 PM

    You can’t blame Trump for people being idiots.

    He is doing so much better than Obama did during the H1N1 scare.
    True and true.

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