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  • Mar 19, 2005, 01:36 PM
    Can Someone Explain The Actual Meaning Of This Email ?
    Hi. I got this email from my girlfriend. We hv been into an online relationship from past 1yr 9 months ! We hv never met each other. Things were going fine until, last week she went to this trip with her family and when she came back, she was acting as if I meant nothing to her :( . 2 days later I got the following mail

    i need to tell u something ... i really think i need to take lil break from u coz i hv lots of stuff going on and i can't concentrate on other stuff and i really need to concentrate on tht and just need some time to myself ... i donno how long ... i'm really sorry abt it

    After reading the email I was totally broken and now I really need to know whts going on in her mind. For a while I thought that she is doing it because my exams are going on and this way I'll be away from her and study. But today she didn't even email me or message me :( can anyone please help me ? One more thing ! She always says "i love you and i'll miss you" which she didn't from that day onwards. I really love her a lot and I just can't live without her :( and I can't even study for my finals because I just keep thinking about her :( :( :(
  • Mar 19, 2005, 02:50 PM
    The Obvious:
    She doesn't want to date you for a length of time because she's busy with another 'project' or whatever. Looks as though she needs time to think about her relationship with you. Hope things work out!

    HANK :cool:
  • Mar 19, 2005, 03:49 PM
    Yeah maybe :( . But do u think I should mail her ?
  • Mar 19, 2005, 07:30 PM
    No... don't e-mail her. In fact, date someone else for the time being and see what happens. Leave her alone. (I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just telling you what I would do) Good luck!

    HANK :)
  • Mar 19, 2005, 09:02 PM
    You said you only communicated on-line? Did you ever speak on the phone w/this person? If not then how can you be in love with just words on a page which is exactly what e-mails are and are one of the most impersonal forms of communication when you do think about it. You probably need to find a live human being to talk with and get to know-not something inside of a computer which can't love you back.
  • Mar 19, 2005, 10:23 PM
    Lets get serious here. Never met? That's NOT a relationship. WAKE UP.

    This whole on-line relationship thing is creepy. Go out and actually meet someone - A REAL LIVE PERSON! Ok?

    Seriously. That is NOT a Gril Friend.

    You ca nfake an on line rerlationship.
  • Mar 20, 2005, 06:38 AM
    Hey, she obviously met someone and wants to break it off with you. She is trying to be as nice as she can. Appreciate that and move on!
  • Mar 20, 2005, 12:51 PM
    well we do spk on the phone but thts like once in a month for like an hr or so . After reading this email I told her that if she won't contact me till Monday and tell me the stuffs that r bothering her. I might just hv to move on. Then she calls me up and we spoke for like 3-4 minutes. She sounded as if she'z crying. I know online relationships sound very stupid. I didn't even believe in them unless I met this girl . I mean once I was chatting in this room and both of us met and then I was so damn attracted towards her ! It just feels so real... but anyway I hv told her that if she wants to breakup with me, I'll be all right with it because maybe she isn't happy with me and I really would be happy for her if she'z happy with any damn person :p but right now I feel like in the middle of nowhere =S . And about seeing someone else, I just can't stop thinking about her ! Whenever I see some cute girls, I freakin start thinking about her ! Can anyone please tell me if u guys think it will be over or it will be fine ? I also think that maybe she'z doing this because my final exams r going on and we'd spk for real long time over the internet and she'll take much of my time ! So does anyone think like me ? :p... and about faking a relationship online , can a person fake a relationship for almost 2 yrs ? Don't u think thts too long to fake ?
  • Mar 20, 2005, 01:14 PM
    I read imax'z thread (the one with quick question) . Really bad thing happened with him . But some points that I thought would help you guys give me a better opinion are:-

    I hv her home phone number,
    Her home address,
    Some of her personal details.
    I hv also verified the details from sources :o which turned out to be true

    I donno.. I just donno what the heck should I do. I'm so damn crazy about her. Right now I just feel like mailing her and asking her if she wants to continue the relationship or break it up ! Man this "lil-break" thing is frustrating ! Anyway... anyone saw the movie hitch ?
  • Mar 21, 2005, 12:21 AM
    Like the rest said this is not a relationship you have never meet this girl in person.I can tell people all kinds of things in an email and a phone call once a month hey when I was in college my buddies and me would tell girls that I was pre-med cause it was better then I was a computer major(it was funny to see me try to pull that one off cause I told a girl that was pre-med once she did not buy it) and that was in person. Give it up she wants to call it off move on hook up with some other girl. But as said before that is just what I would do
  • Mar 21, 2005, 08:45 AM
    Amun Ra
    A couple of things:

    1) a 2 yr online relationship, with talking on the phone once a month, is not considered a relationship to most people. Maybe when she went away she met someone 'real' and realized that this is what a relationship is suppose to be, physical contact.

    2) u said she called you and talked for about 3-4 minutes and sounded like she was crying. What you didn't mention was 'what did she have to say?'.

    3) u mentioned that:

    I hv her home phone number,
    Her home address,
    Some of her personal details.
    I hv also verified the details from sources which turned out to be true

    First couple of thing are expected, since you talked on the phone you should have her number. Address in case you want to write or send presents (like roses) but the 'some of her personal details.I hv also verified the details from sources which turned out to be true' part is kind of eyebrow raising. Is this feeling you have obsessive? If it is, maybe its time for you to take a break from cyber space and go out for a walk.
  • Mar 21, 2005, 12:42 PM
    I'm a very straight forward person, so here it goes.
    You do not have a "relationship" with this girl, let alone have a romantic relationship. You can't be in love with some one that you have never even meet. Just because you "talked" with her on your computer online for almost two years means nothing! People lie "ALL" the time online because you get away with it. For all you know she could be a he. My suggestion to you is move on and find a real live in the flesh girl friend.
  • Mar 24, 2005, 12:54 PM
    All chicks are like that for one reason!
    Dude, all chicks say that, to get you to either like her more... or she found someone else! You know how when you break up with someone you say something like, "it's not you, it's me" kind of thing, when you know that it was really her, well that's what she's doing... Move on! She doesn't want u, I suggest someone that is in your general area, but if you want someone over the internet, I know plenty of people who would love to "talk" to u! I am only here to help!
  • Mar 28, 2005, 01:30 PM
    1 Attachment(s)
    I Finally Agree With You Guys ! She Broke Up With Me A Week Back ! Didn't even care to email me. I guess internet relations are fake ! Anyway... sorry for wasting your time. Thanks for all the help ;) . But can anyone help me in trying to get over things asap ? Also I'm kind of scared to just walk up to any girl and say hi ! I always feel like doing such stuffs but then... I just freakin chicken out ! I know its fear of rejection but I want to get over it too... and I feel pretty nervous when I talk to girls in person... I mean I think too much like what should I say next and stuffs like that :p
  • Mar 28, 2005, 03:58 PM
    You're Not Stupid... She Is!
    * Great picture, Ash.

    Get your head on straight and get a date for the weekend. Everyone on Earth has been rejected by the opposite sex at one time or the other. God gave you free-will. Use it... and GOOD LUCK! You ARE what you THINK you are... a WINNER or a LOSER! I'll let you differentiate.

    HANK :cool:
  • Mar 28, 2005, 04:05 PM
    Lol'z Hank !
    lol'z hank... thanks for the compliment ;)... I know I isn't stupid... but I also know that I'm as cute as the donkey =).. One More Thing... I believe in try and try until u succeed :p... I might get over things asap... gain my confidence back and then I'll try not to get into a long term relation ;)... thanks man !

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