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  • Dec 29, 2010, 04:34 PM
    My children's eye color and features. Please leave your input.
    I am tan skinned with dark brown eyes and brown hair , my wife has light skin with light brown eyes and brown hair, my father has dark features like me and my mother has lighter features and brown hair with green eyes. My grandparents on my father side are both dark complected, eyes, hair and skin. My grandpop on my mother side has dark features and my grandmother on that side has blue eyes, light features. Now my wife's side. Her mother has dark eyes, hair and skin. Her father has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her grandparents on her mothers side, both tan features and brown eyes. On her father side both grandparents have light features and blue eyes. Our first child is tan with brown eyes and our second child is light skined with blonde hair and blue eyes. I take it for our son to be light skinned and blue eyes, he needed to get it from both sides mother and I the father, Is this correct? And is my grandmoms genetics (with blue eyes) enough to dominate my dark genetics? If you could help I would be gratefull. Thanks In Advance
  • Dec 29, 2010, 04:38 PM

    Originally Posted by johnsbros215 View Post
    And is my grandmoms genetics (with blue eyes) enough to dominate my dark genetics? If you could help I would be gratefull. Thanks In Advance

  • Dec 29, 2010, 05:25 PM

    Yes, all that is needed is for the gene to be there, it can come from 4 or 5 generations past, from hair, to skin color to eye color can come from traits that neither parents show but come from hidden gene traits.
  • Dec 29, 2010, 05:40 PM

    Here is a neat little app based around eye color, from what you have told us, there seems to be about 75% chance for brown eyes.

    What Color Eyes Would Your Children Have?

    Skin and Hair color are a bit more complex to unravel, but as others have said, the possibility of fair features is definitely there.
  • Dec 29, 2010, 06:42 PM

    Yes, there was even a story once of a woman and man where were both white, but because of an african ansestor on the fathers side, the baby was born with dark skin.
  • Jan 7, 2011, 03:17 PM
    Don't worry.. the child is yours!!

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