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  • Oct 1, 2013, 05:57 PM
    The climate war?
    we are at war

    I received this email this morning and I now know the lunatic fringe is loose again


    For the attention of the Australian Media.

    I have been doing quite a lot of research into the manipulation of weather for military purposes and I would like to invite people to read the articles provided. I have reason to believe that Hurricane Sandy and Cyclone Evan may have been manufactured (Weather Warfare). I also have reason to believe that Cyclone Oswald (2013 East Australia Floods) was also manufactured, but unfortunately I can't prove this. Cyclone Oswald occurred around the same period as Hurricane Sandy and Cyclone Evan. Take some time to read what I have written about Sandy and Evan. Hopefully what I have written will persuade people to turn their attention to this cause.

    Article #1: Hurricane Sandy, Weather Warfare?
    Hurricane Sandy, Weather Warfare?

    Article #2: Weather modification, why we should be concerned
    Weather modification, why we should be concerned

    I also have reason to believe that the use of weather modification is severely effecting our climate. NASA states that:

    “Even small changes in the abundance or location of clouds could change the climate more than the anticipated changes caused by greenhouse gases, human-produced aerosols, or other factors associated with global change.“

    This statement suggests that weather modification has a great deal more of an effect on climate then greenhouse gases and human-produced aerosols. Why isn't this effect discussed publicly? Why isn't the effect of weather modification on climate part of the climate change debate?

    Article #3: Cyclone Evan, a direct attack on Samoa and Fiji?
    Cyclone Evan, a direct attack on Samoa and Fiji?

    Article #4: The Environmental Modification Convention, ENMOD
    The Environmental Modification Convention, ENMOD

    Richard Dunn

    The Resistance
    I can understand an attack on the US and even Australia but Samoa and Fiji, it's a long bow, what is to be gained?
  • Oct 1, 2013, 05:59 PM
    I think Richard Dunn needs to go back on whatever medications he went off.
  • Oct 1, 2013, 06:01 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    I think whomever wrote that originally needs to go back on whatever medications they went off of.

    Yes they certainly seem fixated on finding a new cause (not climate change) for unusual weather, I need to change the sensitivity of my spam filter
  • Oct 1, 2013, 06:32 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    yes they certainly seem fixated on finding a new cause (not climate change) for unusual weather, I need to change the sensitivity of my spam filter

    Actually you just need to pay attention a little closer to what is going on. They do talk about forcing the weather to change and ways of doing so. Also it has already been proven by scientific study how clouds and contrails affect the tempratures at ground level. They are facts that can be repeated. Im not saying anyone attacked anybody but we do need to keep a leash on science and make sure it is used properly as we move into the future.
  • Oct 1, 2013, 07:21 PM

    Originally Posted by cdad View Post
    Actually you just need to pay attention alittle closer to what is going on. They do talk about forcing the weather to change and ways of doing so. Also it has already been proven by scientific study how clouds and contrails affect the tempratures at ground level. They are facts that can be repeated. Im not saying anyone attacked anybody but we do need to keep a leash on science and make sure it is used properly as we move into the future.

    Without being a wet blanket, man has been trying to change weather with activities like cloud seeding, but to suggest we have the power to control the track of hurricanes and cyclones requires a leap of faith that is not suggested by the competence of any of our sciences
  • Oct 2, 2013, 02:25 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    without being a wet blanket, man has been trying to change weather with activities like cloud seeding, but to suggest we have the power to control the track of hurricanes and cyclones requires a leap of faith that is not suggested by the competence of any of our sciences

    The way I see it is that your statement is true for today's times. But they do have technology to increase the size (rating) of a hurricane already. And when they figure out how to influence the upper atmosphere enough to change winds direction then you could in theory steer one. That is why I said what I did. We need to keep an eye on things and be openminded when it comes to science and its progression.

    What would you have said if I told you 5 years ago that we (USA) would be monitoring and saving all of the communications for our citizens on a daily basis? Im sure you would have had a good laugh. But look where we are today and just think of what tomorrow brings.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 03:57 AM

    Originally Posted by cdad View Post
    The way I see it is that your statement is true for todays times. But they do have technology to increase the size (rating) of a hurricane already. And when they figure out how to influence the upper atmosphere enough to change winds direction then you could in theory steer one. That is why I said what I did. We need to keep an eye on things and be openminded when it comes to science and its progression.

    What would you have said if I told you 5 years ago that we (USA) would be monitoring and saving all of the communications for our citizens on a daily basis? Im sure you would have had a good laugh. But look where we are today and just think of what tomorrow brings.

    HAARP and other sundry nightmares, you have sure lost the plot if you think this is a good thing
  • Oct 2, 2013, 07:37 AM
    I'll put on my tin foil hat... The National Hurricane center accurately predicted Sandy's path... ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh!! This flies in the face of their traditionally inaccurate predictions of heavy hurricane seasons like they predicted for this year. (I'd show you the actual forecast ,but the web site has been deemed non-essential )
    NOAA Status Alert

    Then again ;given their prediction ,perhaps some of their activities are non-essential .
    2013 hurricane season quiet, but not over, experts warn |

    It isn't over yet... they can save themselves by firing up ole - HAARPy
  • Oct 2, 2013, 08:39 AM
    Better get used to it, in spite of the science that says we aren't warming the IPCC says our only hope is geo-engineering the climate. What could go wrong?
  • Oct 2, 2013, 09:30 AM
    Evidently the working group report that came out this week differed from the political summary that was trumpetted last week.It says they have no data from which to express strong confidence in anything. The climate stopped warming 15 years ago; stalled; now cooler in some places. None of the IPCC models successfully predicted that. In fact, plug the models in to 1900 and they still don't predict what we already know occurred.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 12:05 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    HAARP and other sundry nightmares, you have sure lost the plot if you think this is a good thing

    What I had said was that we need to keep an eye on things so nobody gets the idea of going there. Science is moving at a much faster pace then we can understand. That's not a bad thing but bad things can come from it. That is why we need to be diligent and keep our eyes open. It may not be happening now but 20 or 30 years from know and who knows. Strech back to the 80's and look where we are now. Technology is booming around us.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 02:24 PM
    No more Manhattan projects, well I don't see how we can stop it, like the Sorcerer's Apprentice we always mess with things we don't understand and then say OOPS!
  • Oct 2, 2013, 05:22 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    no more Manhattan projects, well I don't see how we can stop it, like the Sorcerer's Apprentice we alwyas mess with things we don't understand and then say OOPS!

    I know and imagine how the Swiss feel.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 06:16 PM
    Sorry, I must have missed something. What do the Swiss have to do with it?
  • Oct 2, 2013, 06:30 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    sorry, I must have missed something. What do the Swiss have to do with it?

    Ring any bells for you now ?

    The Large Hadron Collider | CERN

  • Oct 2, 2013, 06:40 PM

    Originally Posted by cdad View Post
    Ring any bells for you now ?

    The Large Hadron Collider | CERN


    Still not on the same page are you suggesting the collider is used to manipulate weather?
  • Oct 2, 2013, 06:41 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    still not on the same page are you suggesting the collider is used to manipulate weather?

    No, Im saying that its one of those places where science can have an Opps. And the world will know. Like you were saying earlier.

    Originally Posted by paraclete
    no more Manhattan projects, well I don't see how we can stop it, like the Sorcerer's Apprentice we alwyas mess with things we don't understand and then say OOPS!
  • Oct 3, 2013, 12:05 AM

    Originally Posted by cdad View Post
    No, Im saying that its one of those places where science can have an Opps. And the world will know. Like you were saying earlier.

    Originally Posted by paraclete
    no more Manhattan projects, well I don't see how we can stop it, like the Sorcerer's Apprentice we alwyas mess with things we don't understand and then say OOPS!

    Yes I get it now, it could start a chain reaction, create a mini sun or some such
  • Oct 3, 2013, 03:07 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Yes I get it now, it could start a chain reaction, create a mini sun or some such

    Oh man ! The chances that smashing a single atom will cause a mini-sun is nil to zero
  • Oct 3, 2013, 06:22 AM
    There was a time Tom when smashing an atom was a dream but it became a reality and out of that came 50 years of fear and suspicition, You cannot tell where this reseach will take you but they are trying to create fission. We are always dealing with forces we don't understand, as I said before the sorcerer's apprentice

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