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  • Feb 28, 2007, 09:58 PM
    Bad grades
    I am a sophomore I use to get reall bad grades in 8-9 my grades were great not in 10th grade my grades kind of sux like its all easy I just don't want to do the work anymore that and I don't take notes because its so easy ayn reason why grades slippin?
  • Feb 28, 2007, 10:00 PM
    Suck it up and do the work, take notes, study, and pass HS with flying colors.
    After that then you can slack if you choose, but at least get your HS diploma out of the way.
  • Feb 28, 2007, 10:48 PM
    You've answered your own question about why your grades are slipping.

    So what are your plans after HS?
  • Mar 1, 2007, 01:09 PM
    I am hoping to become a teacher but if it fails I got 2 years of JROTC I can go into the army or something (thats back up)
  • Mar 1, 2007, 01:24 PM
    You need to step it up to become a teacher.
    Be the type of student you would want to teach IF you were a teacher.
    If the work was really easy for you then your grades would not be slipping.
    You need to take notes, put in the effort, and try harder.

    It takes hard work and dedication to be a teacher, it is best that you practice those traits now.
  • Mar 1, 2007, 01:33 PM
    Take advantage of all the education you can get and learn from it, because in life today to make a decent living the more schooling and education you get the easier it will be to land the job you want in life. Grades do matter when it comes down to it many times people get passed over in promotion for someone who has a higher grade and education level. Don't throw this gift of education away learn as much as possible.
  • Mar 1, 2007, 01:36 PM
    You can start by actually paying attention in class. Sometimes you can take notes to help you renember for future test or quizzes.
  • Mar 1, 2007, 02:00 PM
    Well, if you want to teach... as in that is what you really want to do... you need to do the work.

    I've taught at a university and I can tell you it takes time, discipline, and commitment, if you want to be good at what you do. Right now, sounds like you are lacking in two of the three.

    You need to challenge yourself to be better. You need to expect more from yourself and RESPECT yourself better. Anybody can screw around and fail.

    You decide everyday what your life is going to be. You can't change the past. But you decide today how you are living your life.

    Your job right now is school. Do your job.
  • Mar 1, 2007, 03:02 PM
    I don't take notes because I can recall on, on my test and quizzes its math I can recall and I do take months tof the notes and wow maybe my teachers are right that I need to buckel down and od the work I just don't believe in the OGT Ohio graduet test mainly because if I don't pass that I don't get out of high school its not right so grades do madder just as much but like yeah you guys seem to no what your talking about
  • Mar 1, 2007, 03:17 PM
    The work you're assigned in any class is the only way the teacher knows that you can do the work. It's easy to say you understand something, but teachers at every level are going to require proof of that. Not everything is covered on the tests, and as subject matter gets harder, you'll need more and more practice to even pass the tests (and believe me, finding that out later is a very rude awakening).

    The thing about life is that most of us will be following directions to some extent for the rest of our lives. Best to learn that early, and recognize that the result you want can only be achieved by playing by somebody else's rules.
  • Mar 1, 2007, 03:29 PM
    Really, for most people there are mundane tasks that we have to do that aren't fun or interesting. It's a part of life.

    You can recall stuff now? Great. You are still going to need organizational skills if you have any chance in college. You don't think you need to be on top of your game if you decide to go army?

    I don't think you need to live every minute looking for validation from others, but you are likely going to need, as mentioned, to sometimes try to meet or beat the standards that are set for you.

    And as far as it not being fair to not graduate if you can't pass the test... thats whining. School isn't a prison sentence that you do and get over with. The state has a vested interest that you are an educated adult. We can debate all we want about whether standardized tests really reflect knowledge... that's not my point. My point is there ARE standards out there, you know it, and you need to do something about it.

    The good news is you cared enough to post a question here. The bad news is the way you have been won't carry you very far, most likely.

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