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  • Feb 26, 2011, 02:57 AM
    Hate my family
    I really do hate my family , they treat me like a dog , they chuck me around and I don't want to do the things I don't want to do , we always argue me and my dad and my mum , so really its me on my own and my mum and dad together , I just want to leave home and go see my friends and my boyfriend , they don't trust me they tould me to delete everything off my laptop like brake up with my boyfriend and say good bye to all of my old mates , I moved school like last year after the summer holidays and it was on a Saturday when I was in town with my friends then when I came back my mum and dad sat me down and said I'm moving schools and I was starting on Monday , I couldn't stop crying , I was at my friends house all day until Monday , I really didn't want to go , because I loved my old school I knew people in every year and I really miss them , but after that when I got to the other school I really didn't like it ! Then on new year I wanted to put things right so I said I want to start again but they didn't take any of that in and they made a massive big fuss about it , I keep arguing with them , me and my mum keep fighting , I just don't want to be here right now , and after a argument they don't leave me alone they follow me and if that's for my own good ! Well that's stupid , can anyone help me?
  • Feb 26, 2011, 03:27 AM
    This should be under Teens, not Parenting.
    I'm sorry, but your entire paragraph gives no clue about what is happening.
    Do you realize how childish 'I don't want to do what I don't want to do' sounds. Children have to do what parents say as long as they pay for the roof over your head and the food in your tummy, from not having boyfriends to deleting things on computers (who paid for the computer?) to going to different schools. If you are being followed after arguments, I suspect you are threatening harm to yourself or running away, and not telling us the whole story.
    Most of us had tough times being teens and not liking what we had to do. You are free to think what you think and hope for what you want out of life, and plan your future quietly without telling your parents it won't be what they want, because THEN you really will be free from them. But you will find that you won't be 'doing what you want to do' even as an adult. You will be struggling to make a living or even just survive and it will be just like having parents again.
  • Feb 26, 2011, 08:38 AM
    Hey your not telling us the full story here! Come on now we can't help unless you tell us exactly what mischief you got up to, parents don't just switch schools so suddenly without a valid reason, you must have got into some sort of trouble. They treat you like a dog? LOL I doubt it!
  • Feb 26, 2011, 08:40 AM

    What did you do to get in to trouble? Us parents don't do things like this unless you did something behind our backs.

    How old are you? 13, 14 or 15?

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