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  • Sep 4, 2015, 04:06 AM
    I'm scared of losing my job? And I have no back-up plan if I do
    I've made quite a few yet relatively major mistakes since working in my first ever job. As an example, I left something that could pose as a health and safety hazard in a room without thinking about it, but the truth is my mind was very frazzled from working under pressure and within a limited time frame that I honestly just forgot to remove it. That's not the only mistake I've made but I won t go into much detail about the others. My manager and I talked over my mistakes and luckily she wasn't fuming at me but she did express concern over my performance which had been witnessed and recorded and so she said would get back to me as soon as possible with an outcome after some investigation into the situation. I'm currently on a probationary period of 3 months and I'm worried the outcome will be that she will want to dismiss me before my 3 month trial is over. I'm extremely worried, been losing hours of sleep over, it my heart has been racing every night since then, I've felt sick and been crying my eyes out. I'm such a well-meaning person and my actions have never happened out of spite or intention. And heaven forbid if I came home one day and told my family I had been fired. A person who seemed to have a bright future ahead of her, who had a graduated with a high degree and someone who people put all their faith in, only for that trust to be destroyed by my falling work standards. I've always been a hard worker but it just never seems good enough for my work colleagues and senior members.
  • Sep 4, 2015, 04:15 AM
    You will have to suffer through this set back and wait for the outcome in three months with good grace, and except the decision they have made for you. If you lose this job you will just have to pull up your socks, do some serious thinking about getting something else you CAN handle. This was obviously way beyond your capabilities. Why did you take the this position in the first place ?
  • Sep 4, 2015, 04:24 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    You will have to suffer through this set back and wait for the outcome in three months with good grace, and except the decision they have made for you. If you lose this job you will just have to pull up your socks, do some serious thinking about getting something else you CAN handle. This was obviously way beyond your capabilities. Why did you take the this position in the first place ?

    It was something I first thought I'd be good at and I WAS good at it for a while but for some reason one day, my performance just began to slide. While my interpersonal skills are up to par, maybe it was my time management and organisational skills that were lacking.
  • Sep 4, 2015, 06:01 AM

    Originally Posted by AngelsInHerEyes View Post
    It was something I first thought I'd be good at and I WAS good at it for a while but for some reason one day, my performance just began to slide. While my interpersonal skills are up to par, maybe it was my time management and organisational skills that were lacking.

    Angel, replace what you think you lack and take a course in time management and organizing. We tend to forget to concentrate on these little things.
  • Sep 4, 2015, 06:36 AM
    You sound like you might be depressed.
    I did bookkeeping for a few sole proprietors for some years OK, then got depressed to the point that I made one mistake after another, worked on my own time to correct them, and finally quit when all books were settled.
    That was over 30 years ago and I am glad I haven't done much bookkeeping since!

    Regardless of what you call it, depression or something else, it sounds like your own and your family expectations were always very high, too high. Most first jobs are bewildering and full of pressure from all sides. Some are also the fault of the employer, because they don't know how to train in steps. They think your advanced degree means you jump in feet first, knowing everything. They don't have anything in writing about how things are done, to hand down to each new employee.

    What you should be good at is sorting out what is you and what is them, writing it down, and presenting it to your employer. It's being proactive. Unless you don't really want the job.

    ALL SORTS of super educated and experienced people quit their high level jobs to do something more pleasant.
  • Sep 4, 2015, 04:11 PM
    Start today and look around for a back up plan. You don't have to tell anyone you were dismissed, just have decided to explore other job possibilities. Just working on a plan B should ease your mind somewhat and is better than waiting helplessly for the worst case scenario for this job.

    You should always have a Plan B anyway. Get one NOW.
  • Sep 4, 2015, 07:27 PM
    First you need to work on your current job. IF you are making mistakes, simple ones, you have to understand, all jobs are rushed, and all jobs have pressure. That is why they are called work.

    So you have to be very careful not to make serious mistakes.

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