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  • Aug 11, 2006, 12:56 PM
    Age-Old Question: Is everything meant to be?
    Are the events that occur and the people we meet things that are meant to be, or do they all occur by chance?

    I believe in God, but because of that I have a hard time deciding whether we are all on a destined path or whether the things that happen occur due to coincidence and with no particular reason. It is said that God's gift to humanity was free will, but how can that be when God is all powerful and all knowing. As others have mentioned, how can you be in control of your future when God already knows what will happen?

    Some people have argued that people do have free will because you can choose whether to follow God and you can change things by praying. But if God is all knowing, then he already knows if the path you choose is with him or without him. If I truly had free will then there is no possible way God can ever truly know what I'll do or where I will end up, but this notion goes against the fact that God is all-knowing. It all seems contradictory.

    Yet, when I look back at the events that have occurred in my life it all seems too perfect to be a mere coincidence. "Event B" could never have occurred without "event A," and I would have never met "Person C" without going through "Event B." It's like all the Dominoes are falling in the right places at the right time. Moreover, at the time I was dealing with "event A" it didn't make sense, but now I see that single event has shaped everything that has happened the past couple years and it continues to do so. Because of things like this I sometimes believe that coincidence is just an illusion, and in fact everything that happens has a reason.

    But then I begin to wonder, well maybe it's just my mind that is making me see things like this. Maybe I want the events that occur and the people I meet to have a reason to them, so I create a reason myself. Then I also look at the world around me and see all the sick children, homeless men, and battered women--was this harsh life "meant to be" for them?

    A lot of times I want to believe that everything is meant to be because life would be easier. I just sit back and go with the flow. Happiness, Peace, and Love will happen when God wants it too. With due time I'll meet my soul mate, get married, raise a family, and live a good life. Yet, other times I don't want to believe in "destiny" because what if what actually is meant to be for me is not what I truly want, or what if no such thing exists. Then it's necessary to take life by the horns and make things happen. If everything occurs by chance then there is no such thing as a "soul mate." I have to fight to win the heart of the woman I love, and if I lose then it's my fault. I didn't lose her because it wasn't meant to be, but I lost her because I didn't play the game right. But in the end the fighting was not in vain, because at least I was the one who shaped my future.

    As you can see I'm being pulled both ways and not sure what to think. I see both sides of the dilemna but only one side can be the correct one... right? What's your opinion on this age-old question.

    I know there is already a similar topic but it's a month old and I wanted to start from scratch. I hope no one minds.
  • Aug 11, 2006, 03:00 PM
    Hi Confused25 -

    Let me give the main part of a daily devotional I have from Pastor Bill Keller of

    "There are no coincidences with God. If there is one thing the Bible clearly teaches, it is that there are NO coincidences with God. There are so many outside elements that you have no control over in your life, starting with your birth, ending with your death, and including everything that transpires in between those two events. The reason I want to bring up this today, is to give you the confidence and assurance that everything that is happening in your life today is part of His Divine plan for your life.'
    One of the reasons I stress so much to walk with the Lord daily, be in the Word of God, pray, seek Him each and every day, is so that you will follow His plan for your life. You see, we can bring much unnecessary pain and heartache into our life by exercising our God-given free will to ignore God and rebel. However, that does not stop God from still being in control.'
    When we are in rebellion, when we are not on the path God wants us to be on, that is when we miss the joy, the peace, and the abundance this life can offer. That is when we are missing the blessings of God in our life.'
    I want you to understand clearly today that it is no accident you live where you live, you work or go to school where you do, you recreate where you recreate, or shop where you shop. It is no accident the people that are in your life are there. You see my friend, things don't just "happen" There is a Divine purpose and reason for each and everything that goes on in our life. That includes the good and bad things.'
    The natural question becomes,why? In many cases there simply isn't an answer. Again, holding on to the fact there are no coincidences with God, helps us to build our faith during those times when there are more questions than answers. It also should give us the confidence and boldness to go out each day, knowing that God has a reason for everything we are experiencing in our life. Understanding what we are going through each day is not an accident, but part of His plan gives us incredible freedom to live each day for Him."

    BTW - Since we have no control over another's actions, I would say that if your GF and you do not get together, it's not because you played the game wrong. It could be that it wasn't meant to be, and there will be something better or that is was meant to be! Have a little faith and hope... you're young!

    I hope that helped even a milligram!
  • Aug 11, 2006, 08:28 PM
    Hello Pumpkin--Thanks for your advice. Well first of all, just to make things clear lol, I'm not asking this question because of love. I mean it's definitely a part of it, but this question stems from an even larger issue.

    I like the points your Pastor makes, they kind of help to put you at ease. Yet so many questions remain. He mentions that we go through a lot of pain by using our free will to go against God, but are we really practicing free will? God is perfect, so he knows ahead of time that we are going to go against him... how can this be free will?

    Moreover, the Pastor says that everything happens for a reason. The school we go to, the people we meet, the relationships we are in are all a part of a divine plan. But does this mean that people who end up alone, people who are sick and homeless, people who see horror everyday, are forced to deal with all this pain because it is all a part of a divine plan? Do these people really have no other choice but to deal with what's meant to be?

    Now I am not trying to change anyone's opinion on what they believe, seriously, I don't want to debate. I just simply want to discuss.
  • Aug 11, 2006, 10:21 PM
    I believe that because of the Fall of Man we will always have sickness & disease. That is why people need Christ. And when free will is given, people, especially without Christ, make poor choices that can bring them on a downward path.

    "Do we really have free will if God knows what we will do anyway?" The answer to this I believe is that this life is a test. God will see if you do well to choose the best ways He reveals to you or not. Because He knows the ending, doesn't mean you didn't get to choose what you wanted.

    True. That doesn't help someone born into sickness or disease. My Aunt used to say the answer was for us to show more love for them.
  • Aug 12, 2006, 05:57 AM
    Hello confused, I can't quote scripture, or tell you what book to find answers from, as I don't go that way, but I do believe, God, or Good Orderly Direction, leads us on a certain path, and maybe God knows where I'm going, but I really do not, but do proceed with caution on the path that I've chosen. So whether you know where your going you still must make the journey. The decisions you make along the way, of your own free will, are the ones that tell who you are and what your about, so I choose carefully and I hope wisely. GOD is GOD, I am just on this journey.

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