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  • Apr 12, 2013, 07:41 PM
    Side foot pain
    For about three months now, I've had a small, manageable pain on the top, right said of my foot, about halfway between my toe and the base of my ankle. It hurt to run, and put pressure on it. Not to touch, Until tonight. I was playing volleyba, and stepped wrong I guess, because now I can't even walk on it. It's painful even propping it up. I can't move the outside toes, and shoes are painful. I'm almost to four months of this pain, and it has been getting worse. There is no swelling, or bruising, yet. But, I don't know if I should go to a doctor, or if there is something at home I could do? I went to my sports medicine teacher, and they weren't sure what it was. They told me to try arch supports in my shoes, but my arches don't hurt. But other than that, they had no idea what it was. It has been unbearable the last few days, and I need to get this fixed, fast.
  • Apr 14, 2013, 07:47 AM
    Go to a doctor... there are so many moving parts in a foot, it would be impossible to guess. It could be a stress fracture, a soft tissue injury, etc.

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