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  • Jan 26, 2007, 12:33 PM
    Weight gain
    Ok, I just had my 6 month prenatal visit two days ago. I was a little surprised to hear my weight gain. Up until the 5th month I had only gained about 5-7 pounds. (started out at 120-125lbs)my fifth month I gained 6 pounds. And apparently this time I gained 9 pounds. I was shocked to have gained 15 pounds in only two months. My doctor said that it was OK this month, as around this time you usually see a 8-10 pound weight gain, but if I kept gaining that much each month, it wouldn't be good. I left feeling a little dumb-struck. I am not over weight(infact, you can't even tell I am preggy until I turn around, and most people say I am still smaller then they think I should be this far along) I don't pig out. I eat about 5-6 small meals through out the day. (basically whenever I get hungry, and until I am satisfied full, not over stuffing.) To me it sounds like this baby is going to be a big baby. (his brother was 8 lbs 21 1/2 inches, and their daddy was 10.13, but his mom had gestational diabeties with him) I am basically just asking for everyone opinion on this.
  • Jan 26, 2007, 12:36 PM
    As you know dear every pregnancy is different. I gained 32 pounds with my youngest and he was only 5 pounds 12 ounces. All baby fat was gone within 3 days!!

    Is it possible you have gestational diabetes again? When is your glucose tolerance test due to be done?
  • Jan 26, 2007, 01:03 PM
    Oh no, sorry, I wasn't very clear on that whole bit. My hubbys mom had gestational diabeties with him, and that is why he was 10 lbs 13 ozs. I haven't had gestational diabeties. My glueclose test this time is in feb. Ashton was 8 lbs, and I gained most of my weight my last three months, but again, it was just mainly all tummy, and the weight was gone within days (just like you) But I never gained it so fast and not until my 7th month. I don't know. Just gives me something to think about haha. (altho hearing your doctor call you fat when you aren't isn't the most exciting thing to hear haha)
  • Jan 26, 2007, 01:32 PM
    I had a friend that was pregnant with twins, she gained 90 pounds. She did not have GD, and her doctor called her fat too. Now she is 5'5" and weighs around 130.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much until you take your glucose test. He may be concerned that you may be in the beginning of GD, but as long as you are eating healthy and taking care of yourself, that is the best you can do.
  • Jan 26, 2007, 04:26 PM
    OK, thanks! Yeah,he isn't my usual doctor either. There are several doctors that work there, and they make you see all of them, in case your doctor isn't there when you deliver. So I'll be seeing my ususal doctor next month, and hopefully they will have my results back by then, so I can talk to him about it. Thanks again j9
  • Jan 26, 2007, 05:11 PM
    If the doctor was okay with it and your blood pressure was okay, I'd relax. Normally the baby has a growth spurt in the six month of prenancy. It can cause weight gain and even morning sickness can reoccurr briefly. I wouldn't stress out about it right now. To allay your fears, talk with your doctor. He knows you best and can help ease your mind. I gained 40 pounds with my first and 30 with my second. Everyone is different.
  • Jan 27, 2007, 10:26 AM
    Yeah, like I said this was the first time I had seen this particular doctor, and I have heard that he seems to be pretty uptight about the weight issue, and women often walk away feeling he has called them fat. Haha. I haven't had trouble with my blood preasure. I had slight trouble, only when I was towards the end of my first pregnancy, and I went a week overdue. I'm not real worried about how much weight I have gained, I am just curious as to if I am going to have another big baby, as I don't know where else the weight is coming from. But I guess like I tell everyone else, only time will tell. Thanks again all.

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