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  • Oct 12, 2007, 11:20 AM
    Creditor seeking judgement through attorney
    I have many credit cards (big mistake!) & they are all up to date except 1. It is a Discover Card. The thing is, I had a baby a year ago & I lost my job when I was pregnant with her. I have since gotten married & I do not work, except for taking care of my little girl because it would be much more expensive if I worked & we had to pay for daycare. All of my other creditors worked with me to reduce my interest rates & things like that, but Discover card showed no mercy. I have not made a payment on the card in about 5 months. An attorney contacted me today demanding the payment in full. I originally owed around $1500, but it has accumulated to about $2200 in the 5 months. I told him there is no way I can pay that. He said that they will file a judgement against me & put a lien on my assets. We do own 2 vehicles that are paid for. However, my husbands name is on both along with mine. Can they legally do that since his name is on the titles & we weren't married when I acquired this debt? Also, they wanted to know the name of my bank & I did not provide that to them. Can they take money out of my account? My husband's name is the primary name on the bank account as well. I need to know what action they can legally take against me & I also need some advice & recommendations as to what I should do. He said my other option would be to pay $600 down & $185 a month, but we really can't afford $185 a month considering we have to children & many other bills. What would be a good settlement for me to ask for? Any advice will be appreciated. The attorney told me to call him back no later than Tuesday Oct.16 to avoid further action on his end so please hurry with your responses. Thanks so much.
  • Oct 13, 2007, 10:11 PM
    Yes, they can put a lien on anything you own--but that doesn't mean they can collect anything. They can tie up the property however, and trash your credit so you and your husband can't get loans on any future vehicles or homes or other credit cards.

    What to do-- well, the first thing I would do would be to get a job. It is one thing to want to be a SAHM, but for some reason a lot of people use the excuse that "its too expensive because of child care." So get a job when your husband is home. Or just on weekends. Yes, you might spend a year or two where you only see each other in passing or when asleep-- but it will give you the opportunity to pay off some of those credit card bills and get a start on a savings account

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