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  • Oct 30, 2008, 08:27 AM
    Obama's half hour infomercials
    Does it seem wrong to anyone other than myself, that Obama who preaches to spread the wealth in taxing certain groups of citizens, retired persons, persons with stock funds, small businesses making over $200,000... and giving this money to people who won't or can't work (We already pay welfare from our taxes) but has just spent in excess of $5 million for a half hour infomercial on several channels prime time, as well as continuous campaign ads throughout the day. Even if this money is legitimate as part of his campaign chest, so are my stocks and annuities that he wants me to spread around. What do you think about that incredible spending from a man claiming to be a cost cutter?
  • Oct 30, 2008, 08:45 AM

    You are not alone :(

    It's classic socialism.

    As always, with posts outside of site administrative issues, my posts are mine and mine alone... may or may not be those of the site or it's owner :)
  • Oct 30, 2008, 08:57 AM

    Well the Bush administration just spread 1 trillion dollars of taxpayer money to bail out financial institutions; if that isn't redistribution of wealth to the rich, I don't know what is.

    Obama says that he will provide tax cuts to the middle class; 95% of American's, and restore Reagan era tax rates to those making more than $250,000.

    Warren Buffet arguably one of the richest men in the world says that his taxes are too low.

    The Bush administration has created the largest yearly deficit and our largest national debt in history by spending our money like there is no tomorrow; and all of it is on a credit card that we the middle class and our children and our grand children are on the hook to pay, while those corporations and individuals who are the wealthy 5% have profited like kings on the corporate welfare of the Bush Administration.

    A record number of people, ordinary American's fed up with greed and corruption and getting stuck with the bill have donated under $200 each to Obama's campaign. Do you think they don't want him to use it any way he see's fit to secure the Presidency away from failed trickle down conservative ideology?

    I have to ask, are you blind? The Republican's have had control of the House and Senate for 10 years with a Republican President for 8 years. If the Clinton years were so bad (he left office with balanced budget and a yearly surplus) why haven't they changed things for the better; why will after all this time is the country in it's worst shape ever?

    Obama spreading the wealth... lol... darn right, I want tax cuts for the middle class who will spend their HARD EARNED money in America; not ship jobs and investment overseas in the pursuit of profit like large corporations do.

    The rich don't care about America, they care about their God, and that is money. Well I'm sick and tired of having to pay for them through my taxes while they get breaks, tax cuts, loopholes, etc.

    Tickle down is now trickle down fraud, greed and corruption to the taxpayers and they will keep the profits, the salaries, and yes the extremely low tax rates.

    It's time for trickle up, give tax breaks to the middle class, let the rich pay more (they aren't struggling) and if they want our money, they'll have to become more innovative, competitive, honest, transparent. Let the middle class hold more of the power and money and you will see how fast corporations clean up their acts competing for our attention and hard earned dollars.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:04 AM

    Originally Posted by TexasParent View Post
    Well the Bush administration just spread 1 trillion dollars of taxpayer money to bail out financial institutions; if that isn't redistribution of wealth to the rich, I don't know what is.

    Obama says that he will provide tax cuts to the middle class; 95% of American's, and restore Reagan era tax rates to those making more than $250,000.

    Warren Buffet arguably one of the richest men in the world says that his taxes are too low.

    The Bush administration has created the largest yearly deficit and our largest national debt in history by spending our money like there is no tomorrow; and all of it is on a credit card that we the middle class and our children and our grand children are on the hook to pay, while those corporations and individuals who are the wealthy 5% have profited like kings on the corporate welfare of the Bush Administration.

    A record number of people, ordinary American's fed up with greed and corruption and getting stuck with the bill have donated under $200 each to Obama's campaign. Do you think they don't want him to use it any way he see's fit to secure the Presidency away from failed trickle down conservative ideology?

    I have to ask, are you blind? The Republican's have had control of the House and Senate for 10 years with a Republican President for 8 years. If the Clinton years were so bad (he left office with balanced budget and a yearly surplus) why haven't they changed things for the better; why will after all this time is the country in it's worst shape ever?

    Obama spreading the right, I want tax cuts for the middle class who will spend their HARD EARNED money in America; not ship jobs and investment overseas in the pursuit of profit like large corporations do.

    The rich don't care about America, they care about their God, and that is money. Well I'm sick and tired of having to pay for them through my taxes while they get breaks, tax cuts, loopholes, etc.

    Tis sad, in my opinion, that folk feel this way. No, people who object to Obama's socialist agenda are not "blind".

    Admittedly, I'm not happy with Reps either. Our government is way too big as it is - and too often tells us what is right for us.

    ... I'm not ready for FDR all over again :(
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:06 AM
    You already has 8 years of republican presidency and it didn't work. How did you expect this election to turn out?
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:09 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    You already has 8 years of republican presidency and it didn't work. How did you expect this election to turn out?

    I believe that too many people think like that. A president can do little, if anything, by himself.

    Too many people are fooled into thinking that the past crappy 8 years should be blamed on the Republicans.

    From what I've heard, half the people who will vote for Obama are voting against Bush.

    Sad, quite sad. A reflection on the ignorance of so many on how it all works.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:10 AM
    That the same thought many had when the last election people voted based on gay marriage.


    Originally Posted by Rickj
    I believe that too many people think like that. A president can do little, if anything, by himself.

    It appears that there is a large grassroots movement that supports Obama and his ideas. How is that bad for a country?
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:20 AM

    The infomercial cost less than $4M and there was only one. It was paid for out of campaign contributions (four of which were mine). And I am only one person who contributed who is thrilled at how well the Obama gang has wisely used the money we have given to it.

    Please read up on socialism and what that really means for us in this country. For decades, socialism has been a major part of the way our country works, N.B.: our efforts to create an egalitarian society.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:27 AM
    This is their last ditch McCain campaign talking point: Obama is a socialist! All the other talking points have failed; let's see how they do with this one. That's one of the reasons I could never be a republican/conservative: I don't like spending all my time looking for ways to bring the downfall of the 'opposition', I'd rather find solutions - that's why I'm perceived as valuable in my workplace.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:34 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    The infomercial cost less than $4M and there was only one. It was paid for out of campaign contributions (four of which were mine). And I am only one person who contributed who is thrilled at how well the Obama gang has wisely used the money we have given to it.

    Please read up on socialism and what that really means for us in this country. For decades, socialism has been a major part of the way our country works, N.B.: our efforts to create an egalitarian society.

    There was only one commercial but it was shown on 4 channels here in Michigan. 3 local channels and one cable at the same time. I heard on our morning news that it cost in excess of $5 million or I wouldn't have said that figure.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:37 AM

    Cost a heck of a lot more than the RNC Palin clothing allowance.

    My other observations about both the infomercial and Obama's financing can be found here :
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:40 AM

    You can't always believe the news. I work at a newspaper. Sometimes people make a mistake... I know, crazy isn't? Humans making mistakes.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:41 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    cost a heck of alot more than the RNC Palin clothing allowance.

    You're comparing TV ads to clothing? LOL!
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:45 AM

    Your right . I should compare infomercials to infomercials. You know why George Foreman's grill commercials work so well ? Because they are credible.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:48 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    your right . I should compare infomercials to infomercials. You know why George Foreman's grill commercials work so well ? Because they are credible.

    "commercials work so well" = sales
    Same thing will happen with this infomercial, it's just business. Get your guy to counter with his.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:48 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    This is their last ditch McCain campaign talking point: Obama is a socialist! All the other talking points have failed; let's see how they do with this one. That's one of the reasons I could never be a republican/conservative: I don't like spending all my time looking for ways to bring the downfall of the 'opposition', I'd rather find solutions - that's why I'm perceived as valuable in my workplace.

    You're right, and very well said; they don't have a solution. Palin/McCain are tied to the same ideology that has failed us in a catastrophic way. I believe Obama is a centrist who is not tied to a radical ideology (even a left one) but will show fiscal responsibility and intellectual and idealogical flexibility in dealing with the financial crisis.

    Just a note to those who are against raising any sort of tax, even on those who can afford to pay Reagan era tax rates. Isn't it financially responsible for individuals to pay of their credit card when their in debt up to the eyeballs? Well Bush has left the next President with the largest debt and deficit in US history. Do I like paying more taxes no, but a responsible President, either Obama or McCain is going to have to work towards balancing the budget and paying down this debt. You know that we borrow from the Chinese to service the debt, if that isn't a concern for National Security I don't know what is. Both candidates talk about energy independence, what about the lack of financial independence that the Bush Administration has put us in and that McCain would continue by forgetting that the enormous bill the Bush/Republican administration needs to be paid. Will it be painful, yes, but not irresponsible like it's been for the last 8 years.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:52 AM

    Originally Posted by TexasParent View Post
    You're right, and very well said; they don't have a solution. Palin/McCain are tied to the same ideology that has failed us in a catastrophic way. I believe Obama is a centrist who is not tied to a radical ideology (even a left one) but will show fiscal responsibility and intellectual and idealogical flexibility in dealing with the financial crisis.

    Just a note to those who are against raising any sort of tax, even on those who can afford to pay Reagan era tax rates. Isn't it financially responsible for individuals to pay of their credit card when their in debt up to the eyeballs? Well Bush has left the next President with the largest debt and deficit in US history. Do I like paying more taxes no, but a responsible President, either Obama or McCain is going to have to work towards balancing the budget and paying down this debt. You know that we borrow from the Chinese to service the debt, if that isn't a concern for National Security I don't know what is. Both candidates talk about energy independence, what about the lack of financial independence that the Bush Administration has put us in and that McCain would continue by forgetting that the enormous bill the Bush/Republican administration needs to be paid. Will it be painful, yes, but not irresponsible like it's been for the last 8 years.

    VERY GOOD points! It's reasons like these that we need Obama.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:54 AM

    Originally Posted by purplewings View Post
    There was only one commercial but it was shown on 4 channels here in Michigan. 3 local channels and one cable at the same time. I heard on our morning news that it cost in excess of $5 million or I wouldn't have said that figure.

    Your figure is not incorrect, I read that it's costing about $1 million of air time for the large 3 networks. NBC, CBS and Fox (ABC wouldn't take it because they didn't want to replace a show they are currently promoting). The other $2 million when to MSNBC and other smaller cable networks, etc.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:55 AM

    Originally Posted by TexasParent View Post
    Your figure is not incorrect, I read that it's costing about $1 million of air time for the large 3 networks. NBC, CBS and Fox (ABC wouldn't take it because they didn't want to replace a show they are currently promoting). The other $2 million when to MSNBC and other smaller cable networks, etc.

    Like I said, you can't ALWAYS trust everything you hear on the news.
  • Oct 30, 2008, 09:59 AM
    Personally, I see the hypocrisy of the Obama campaign raising some $600 billion off the backs of those (supposedly) same working class folks he's fighting for and spending so lavishly on things like his Greek theater, but that's nothing new. I also have to laugh every time I hear Democrats condemn all those greedy Americans since the 6 richest senators are Democrats as well as the richest House member.

    But anyway, I hope all of you who have emphatically supported Obama on his pledge not to raise taxes for anyone making over a quarter million a year have noticed it keeps fluctuating. Yesterday Obama said $200,000, today it's once again $250,000, and Biden put it at $150,000. Another way to put it is his tax plan is "just words."

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